Wisconsin has become a right to work state. It joins Michigan which

orlando eer

Aug 26, 2002
which passed it last year. No one even 5 years ago would have dreamed that was possible. Good things happening on the state level.
WV is working to revamp the Wage Scale laws here.

An attempt to completely drop Wage Scale has failed, but a redesign of the system may still pass.
mtneer. the WV dems mostly with the GOP on concealed carry and, abortion

Are the WV dems that spooked, that conservative or just voting for it because they can not stop it anyway and it is thus not worth getting hammered on next election.
I think the concealed carry passes and is signed.

I think the abortion law passes and is veto'd .

Wage scale law will probably pass as well.
mtneer, Is Earl Ray popular enough to retain the Senate if Manchin runs for

Gov? Or is any den not named Joe Manchin going to have a tough race.
not mtneer, but I would say this....

Natalie would beat Earl Ray. Tennant had the misfortune of going up against a very well liked and popular canidate. If Joe decides to stay in his current job, Tennant will be the next Gov in WV.
One state is led by a Republican governor and is a right-to-work state, the other is led by a Democrat and is not a right-to-work state.

Pesky facts.

Minn vs Wisc
Do you want to correct your post or should I do it? Hint: MICHIGAN**

It all depends on Joe and who the Dem nominee is.

If it's Hillary, don't be shocked to see Joe's name dropped for the VP spot. If he would do that, then the Gov seat is up for grabs. Otherwise, he's running for Gov again.
Re: Countryroads89, Are you a Union member?**

Nope, have family that were. Have friends that are.
How many times does she have to lose

to withdraw her name? She simply does not offer the state much.
I figured you were not, I was and Unions are NOT what they were....

and thats really to bad. There was a time long ago when Unions stood for good. Now they are nothing more than a corrupt money and vote generating arm of a political party., that's sad but it is a pesky truth. They failed when they decided to trade workers well being for politics. If they were what they were, every employee would be beating down the doors to join them.
While Unions leaders are wineing and dining at this White House...

West Virginia coal miners are losing jobs at a record pace.
No, she sure doesn't offer much, but she has name.....

recognition and the backing of the machine to be able to win the Govs race. Name another Dem other then Joe who could beat her. I also see no Repub who could beat her. If Joe wants it, it's his. Capito like Joe, is well liked and if she ran for gov she would easily win, but she is not interested.
Re: While Unions leaders are wineing and dining at this White House...

I hate the fact that miners are losing their jobs as much as anyone. It's due to several factors though, it's a political attack to say it's Obama's fault. The price of natural gas is down, people are using natural gas to produce electricity more economically than coal. The regulations are making coal produced electricity more expensive. The demand for electricity is down, primarily from commercial demand. Sources of electricity are also more diverse. More hydro plants, more wind farms and more solar networks are coming on line. And the coal seams are getting thinner and it's getting more expensive to strip down to a thinner seam.

I'm not saying this to be mean or for political reasons, but I believe coal's days are numbered.
Coal's days have always been numbered

Obama and his government agencies have accelerated that demise exponentially . Expecting thousands in Charleston today for a labor rally against right-to-work state. Thousands being bussed in President AFL_CIO and UMWA will be in attendance to push unionization. Show-time - thousands of UMWA coal jobs being displaced by Obama/EPA and didn't find it worthy to organize a march for coal.

UMWA became non-entity within a generation after John L. Lewis. The only thing that grew was the salary of the officers and union dues.

Right-to-work will allow more jobs to be created. There may be a loss of wages and or fringes, but people will have employment where they can feed their families.
Re: No, she sure doesn't offer much, but she has name.....

Not sure the machine is what it once was in the state. Machine backed a losing woman several years back - name only. She wanted to unionize the capital and all government offices. She was backed as a Democrat in WV. There was no enthusiasm for her candidacy. Did not get the normal support. The next time the machine attempted to rally the state, it again got no support.

Not sure backing of machine gets more support than a good candidate in modern politics.
Re: While Unions leaders are wineing and dining at this White House...

It is laughable to suggest obama isnt anti coal. His folks at the epa have been caught on video discussing it. I have seen it first hand. They will do everything they can to make it difficult to impossible to permit and mine coal.

There are other reasons that makes it hard on coal companies butwithout government interference they would be mining much more.
I have a cousin that works in a non-union mine he makes

more money than 95% or more of anyone that posts on here.