Why the GOP Congress will be the most unproductive in 164 years


Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Fayetteville, WV
So proud.

Just six months ago, it looked like the Republican Party was about to go on a legislative blitzkrieg, shredding law after law passed by the Obama administration. ObamaCare would be vaporized and replaced with a nickel rattling inside an empty Mountain Dew can. Dodd-Frank was sure to be tossed aside for a transparent giveaway to Wall Street. And Republicans would pass their regressive tax reform, their perplexing border-adjustment tax, and so much more. The GOP hadn't held total power in American politics since 2006, and the party had become much more conservative in the interim. And instead of George W. Bush, a man who recognized at least some theoretical limits on free market fundamentalism, the new Congress would work with a sub-literate tabula rasa named Donald Trump, a man who could probably be persuaded to inject himself with experimental medication if an important-seeming person whispered "do it" in his ear.

But a funny thing happened on the way to libertarian utopia. Indeed, it turns out that the GOP-controlled Congress can't seem to pass any meaningful laws at all. Either they have forgotten how, or the divisions in their own increasingly radicalized caucus are proving too difficult to surmount. Whatever the explanation, thus far these GOP legislators are on track to be the least productive group since at least the Civil War.
So proud.

Just six months ago, it looked like the Republican Party was about to go on a legislative blitzkrieg, shredding law after law passed by the Obama administration. ObamaCare would be vaporized and replaced with a nickel rattling inside an empty Mountain Dew can. Dodd-Frank was sure to be tossed aside for a transparent giveaway to Wall Street. And Republicans would pass their regressive tax reform, their perplexing border-adjustment tax, and so much more. The GOP hadn't held total power in American politics since 2006, and the party had become much more conservative in the interim. And instead of George W. Bush, a man who recognized at least some theoretical limits on free market fundamentalism, the new Congress would work with a sub-literate tabula rasa named Donald Trump, a man who could probably be persuaded to inject himself with experimental medication if an important-seeming person whispered "do it" in his ear.

But a funny thing happened on the way to libertarian utopia. Indeed, it turns out that the GOP-controlled Congress can't seem to pass any meaningful laws at all. Either they have forgotten how, or the divisions in their own increasingly radicalized caucus are proving too difficult to surmount. Whatever the explanation, thus far these GOP legislators are on track to be the least productive group since at least the Civil War.
Yeah, but it's cuz the Clinton's killt all their production.
You two are why it's time for the left and right to divorce and divide up the country.
It might be because all of our government workers are spending all day goofing off on the internet stealing taxpayer dollars.
If the right actually agreed on anything, I might agree. But they don't.
Why would a reasonable person such as yourself consider a moron 's unpatriotic and anti-American discussion point? The country needs to come together with leaders willing to lead the country there instead of this divisive crap. That is why this country is having the problems it is having. Working together with give and take attempting to make a stronger union is the answer.
Why would a reasonable person such as yourself consider a moron 's unpatriotic and anti-American discussion point? The country needs to come together with leaders willing to lead the country there instead of this divisive crap. That is why this country is having the problems it is having. Working together with give and take attempting to make a stronger union is the answer.

NEVER going to happen. How TF do you get 300 million+, largely multicultural citizens to agree on one path to a successful nation?
So proud.

Just six months ago, it looked like the Republican Party was about to go on a legislative blitzkrieg, shredding law after law passed by the Obama administration. ObamaCare would be vaporized and replaced with a nickel rattling inside an empty Mountain Dew can. Dodd-Frank was sure to be tossed aside for a transparent giveaway to Wall Street. And Republicans would pass their regressive tax reform, their perplexing border-adjustment tax, and so much more. The GOP hadn't held total power in American politics since 2006, and the party had become much more conservative in the interim. And instead of George W. Bush, a man who recognized at least some theoretical limits on free market fundamentalism, the new Congress would work with a sub-literate tabula rasa named Donald Trump, a man who could probably be persuaded to inject himself with experimental medication if an important-seeming person whispered "do it" in his ear.

But a funny thing happened on the way to libertarian utopia. Indeed, it turns out that the GOP-controlled Congress can't seem to pass any meaningful laws at all. Either they have forgotten how, or the divisions in their own increasingly radicalized caucus are proving too difficult to surmount. Whatever the explanation, thus far these GOP legislators are on track to be the least productive group since at least the Civil War.
Most would think that nothing is safe as long as Congress is in session!, Actually, I think that Jefferson said that. Too bad that the Dems lied about ACA to get other dems to vote for it, we would have been better off if that law had never seen the light of day.
Why would a reasonable person such as yourself consider a moron 's unpatriotic and anti-American discussion point? The country needs to come together with leaders willing to lead the country there instead of this divisive crap. That is why this country is having the problems it is having. Working together with give and take attempting to make a stronger union is the answer.
Provide a single example of Democratic giving in the last 8 years.
Provide a single example of Democratic giving in the last 8 years.

I found a few...

Democrats lost over 1,000 seats under Obama | Fox News
Dec 27, 2016 - The grand total: a net loss of 1,042 state and federalDemocratic posts, ... The Obama years, which saw the rise of the Tea Party as well as a new .... There is no "State of Palestine" and every time Israelgives up land it ...

Obama Hands Out Medals of Freedom to Democratic Donors ...
Nov 21, 2016 - Eleven of the honorees have made contributions toDemocratic ... in 2012 and $2,500 to Obama's general election campaign the same year.

Top Contributors to Barack Obama, 2008 Cycle | OpenSecrets
Because of contribution limits, organizations that bundle together many individual contributions are often among the top donors to presidential candidates.
Just six months ago, it looked like the Republican Party was about to go on a legislative blitzkrieg, shredding law after law passed by the Obama administration.
Stopped reading because the first sentence is a lie. Law after law PASSED by the Obama ADMIN? It should say penned by Obama.