Why not call timeout?


Apr 16, 2014
2.8 seconds is ALOT of time. Certainly enough time to get something setup instead of doing what Williams did. This is the only true critical error WVU made today. I know they shot free throws like I would have but that's just how it goes sometimes I guess but in basketball 2.8 seconds is plenty of time to get at least an attempt. Plus crazy things happen in those situations as we all know and not to mention possible foul. I picked WVU to win. I think WVU will end up winning the Big12. I also believe WVU makes it to the Elite Eight at the very least. I'm very proud of the way WVU played today and think big things are on the horizon. I'm very disappointed that last 2.8 seconds was handled as poorly as it was.
A timeout gives the defense a chance to setup.

It was poor execution, but you have a better chance at getting a bucket without the timeout. Many of their players were celebrating the make.