Why is this even a story?

EERs 3:16

Heisman Winner
Oct 17, 2001
PITTSBURGH (AP) - N.C. State's Cat Barber used an unexpected Sweet 16 berth to take a cutting remark at President Barack Obama.

Barber, who scored 13 points, was caught by TV cameras saying "What … (is) wrong with Barack Obama" to his teammates in the locker room.

Obama had picked Villanova to reach the NCAA Tournament championship game. But the Wolfpack busted the president's bracket with a 71-68 win over the Wildcats on Saturday night.

Obama correctly guessed that Villanova and N.C. State would each win its first tournament game. He picked Kentucky to win it all.

Barber later tweeted: "Good team win tonight and Yall know I loveeee Obama HONEST!!"
From his twitter response he probably got blown up for calling out the president for his pick.

I don't know why it is a story. Anyone who makes their picks public is picking half the field to lose on a given day so it is only expected that someone may use that as motivation. The bigger your personality the more people will use your pick for motivation.

I mean, this is only simple logic right?