Who does Trump blame for shutdown? Let's use his quotes....


Sep 18, 2007

TRUMP: Well, very simply, you have to get everybody in a room. You have to be a leader. The president has to lead. He's got to get [the Speaker of the House] and everybody else in a room, and they have to make a deal. You have to be nice, and be angry, and be wild, and cajole, and do all sorts of things. But you have to get a deal.

Unfortunately, [the president] has never been a dealmaker. That wasn't his expertise before he went into politics. And it's obviously not his expertise now. But you have to get the people in the room, and you have to get a deal that's good for everybody and good for the country.
I guess you missed where he tried to do that. When your opponents are Marxists though, compromise isn't an option, know what I mean.
But, he said you must be a "dealmaker"......right?
There are no deals to be made when the other side wants to protect illegals at the expense of our duly constituted American citizens. It will get resolved soon.
So....what you are saying is that with Clinton and Obama is was their fault, but Trump it isn't because the other side "didn't want to deal"? Ok......
What I'm saying is, you think this is good for your team but you will be proven wrong...yet again.

TRUMP: Well, very simply, you have to get everybody in a room. You have to be a leader. The president has to lead. He's got to get [the Speaker of the House] and everybody else in a room, and they have to make a deal. You have to be nice, and be angry, and be wild, and cajole, and do all sorts of things. But you have to get a deal.

Unfortunately, [the president] has never been a dealmaker. That wasn't his expertise before he went into politics. And it's obviously not his expertise now. But you have to get the people in the room, and you have to get a deal that's good for everybody and good for the country.
So you honestly blame Republicans for this shutdown?

TRUMP: Well, very simply, you have to get everybody in a room. You have to be a leader. The president has to lead. He's got to get [the Speaker of the House] and everybody else in a room, and they have to make a deal. You have to be nice, and be angry, and be wild, and cajole, and do all sorts of things. But you have to get a deal.

Unfortunately, [the president] has never been a dealmaker. That wasn't his expertise before he went into politics. And it's obviously not his expertise now. But you have to get the people in the room, and you have to get a deal that's good for everybody and good for the country.
your buffoonery and haplessness is matched only by your buddy country...what a miserable existence you must lead[pfftt]
You used to make much better arguments, before Trump broke you that is.

For using Trump's own words, you mean? Just like how people shouldn't use "confidential" sources for their information? (like he did with the birther movement) Or about Obama's golf schedule?

TRUMP: Well, very simply, you have to get everybody in a room. You have to be a leader. The president has to lead. He's got to get [the Speaker of the House] and everybody else in a room, and they have to make a deal. You have to be nice, and be angry, and be wild, and cajole, and do all sorts of things. But you have to get a deal.

Our old pal, dave, threw the L word around a lot when the government was shutdown while Obama was in the WH. I notice he isn't quite as willing to do so when it's his guy supposedly carrying that responsibility. But hey, this whole Board redefines living it's life using the mantra "it doesn't matter what my guy does/doesn't, it only matters what your guy does/doesn't"

Of course, there's no real indication that Trump himself gives two shits about being a leader......all he cares about is individuals like atl and Bill and Sled and Resistable and 82 and 2007 (and, of course, dave) to keep telling him he's right, and he's good to go.
Our old pal, dave, threw the L word around a lot when the government was shutdown while Obama was in the WH. I notice he isn't quite as willing to do so when it's his guy supposedly carrying that responsibility. But hey, this whole Board redefines living it's life using the mantra "it doesn't matter what my guy does/doesn't, it only matters what your guy does/doesn't"

Of course, there's no real indication that Trump himself gives two shits about being a leader......all he cares about is individuals like atl and Bill and Sled and Resistable and 82 and 2007 (and, of course, dave) to keep telling him he's right, and he's good to go.

And you were saying the opposite then because your guy was in. So what makes you any different than what you are claiming Dave to be?
Our old pal, dave, threw the L word around a lot when the government was shutdown while Obama was in the WH. I notice he isn't quite as willing to do so when it's his guy supposedly carrying that responsibility. But hey, this whole Board redefines living it's life using the mantra "it doesn't matter what my guy does/doesn't, it only matters what your guy does/doesn't"

Of course, there's no real indication that Trump himself gives two shits about being a leader......all he cares about is individuals like atl and Bill and Sled and Resistable and 82 and 2007 (and, of course, dave) to keep telling him he's right, and he's good to go.
Ok, tell me what the compromise to be reached here is.
And you were saying the opposite then because your guy was in. So what makes you any different than what you are claiming Dave to be?

What makes me different than dave and pretty much everyone else on this Board is that I reserve my occasional post to simply make fun of jackboots like you....which is pretty easy. Arguing (or attempting to argue) issues here makes about as much sense as trying to fly without a plane ticket.
What makes me different than dave and pretty much everyone else on this Board is that I reserve my occasional post to simply make fun of jackboots like you....which is pretty easy. Arguing (or attempting to argue) issues here makes about as much sense as trying to fly without a plane ticket.

None of that even makes sense lol
For using Trump's own words, you mean? Just like how people shouldn't use "confidential" sources for their information? (like he did with the birther movement) Or about Obama's golf schedule?
I love how you all make these wack ass arguments as if 95 compared to 13, and 13 compares to now or 95 compares to now. It’s fodder for the rubes, and since you ate it up, guess you’re the rube.

Just another fantastic bit of your insane logic. Thanks, I actually thought you might have broken your pattern. Jokes on me.
Ok, tell me what the compromise to be reached here is.

C'mon Dvl, you're smarter than that.....there's no compromise (and never has been) on this silly board. You don't want it, and none of the dozen or so others who absolutely live on this board want it either. But man, there's just no better way I know to get a guaranteed good belly laugh (and unfortunately, my belly has been growing) every day..
What makes me different than dave and pretty much everyone else on this Board is that I reserve my occasional post to simply make fun of jackboots like you....which is pretty easy. Arguing (or attempting to argue) issues here makes about as much sense as trying to fly without a plane ticket.
I fly all of the time without plane tickets.
C'mon Dvl, you're smarter than that.....there's no compromise (and never has been) on this silly board. You don't want it, and none of the dozen or so others who absolutely live on this board want it either. But man, there's just no better way I know to get a guaranteed good belly laugh (and unfortunately, my belly has been growing) every day..
I don’t mean on the board. I’m serious, what’s the compromise to be had to resume the Govt operations and funding of the military?

Schumer tipped his hand last night in his tweets. He is not only using the Govt, he’s using the economy as hostage because of his weak negotiation position with immigration reform. This isn’t about DACA, everyone wants DACA to pass.
I love how you all make these wack ass arguments as if 95 compared to 13, and 13 compares to now or 95 compares to now. It’s fodder for the rubes, and since you ate it up, guess you’re the rube.

Just another fantastic bit of your insane logic. Thanks, I actually thought you might have broken your pattern. Jokes on me.

It's all the side wants one thing, the other refuses to budge......thus shutdown.
It's all the side wants one thing, the other refuses to budge......thus shutdown.
Both sides want the same thing in this case, as does the President as it relates to DACA. This isn’t about DACA, this is about the Dems not having DACA be used as leverage against immigration reform. Hence them holding DACA against the budget.

Remove DACA from that discussion and the Dems position on immigration reform gets substantially stronger. If DACA is still on the table during immigration reform, not only is the GOP going to get credit for immigration reform, they’re going to get chain migration killed, lottery gone, and the wall.

Do you really not see this? This shutdown was completely unnecessary.
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So....what you are saying is that with Clinton and Obama is was their fault, but Trump it isn't because the other side "didn't want to deal"? Ok......

MWV The Democrats had all hey asked for:

Immigration reform? Y

Republicans wanted a wall did Democrats agree to that? N

Republicans wanted an end to "chain migration" Did Democrats agree to that? N

Republicans wanted end end to the Lottery system did Democrats agree to that? N

Now tell us what did the Democrats offer in their "deal" with the Republicans?

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