Who are the "real" racists?


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jul 9, 2004
the Left has cleverly used revisionist history to portray the party of Lincoln as the party of racism in America. Lincoln and the Republicans ended Slavery, while Democrats in the antebellum South fought to continue it as a way of life. Just finished reading this outstanding book by Nelson Dawson which describes the true history of the original racists in America....the Democrat party.

Highly recommended!


Contrary to its image as a heroic “party of the people,” the Democrats have simply evolved from a racist party sustaining slavery and oppressing African-Americans in the Jim Crow South to a party which has abandoned them in today’s inner-city ghettos to ongoing social and economic deprivation.

The book traces the history of the party from its origins in the political philosophy of Thomas Jefferson to the end of Reconstruction, revealing a record quite different from common belief.

A concluding chapter extends the narrative to LBJ's Great Society in the 1960s, showing that the manifold failings of the party are not merely relics of a distant past but also illuminate much of our politically contested present.

Get it here:
Democracy Betrayed: A history of the Democrat party from cotton plantation to urban plantation

This is also an outstanding synopsis of what the book goes into specific detail about
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Malcolm X had it all figured out 60 years ago:

"The white Liberal differs from the white Conservative only in one way; the Liberal is more deceitful, more hypocritical, than the Conservative.

Both want power, but the White Liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor and by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the White Liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or a weapon in this political football game, that is constantly raging, between the White Liberals and the White Conservatives. The American Negro is nothing, but a political football."

- Malcom X (1963)

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the Left has cleverly used revisionist history to portray the party of Lincoln as the party of racism in America. Lincoln and the Republicans ended Slavery, while Democrats in the antebellum South fought to continue it as a way of life. Just finished reading this outstanding book by Nelson Dawson which describes the true history of the original racists in America....the Democrat party.

Highly recommended!


Contrary to its image as a heroic “party of the people,” the Democrats have simply evolved from a racist party sustaining slavery and oppressing African-Americans in the Jim Crow South to a party which has abandoned them in today’s inner-city ghettos to ongoing social and economic deprivation.

The book traces the history of the party from its origins in the political philosophy of Thomas Jefferson to the end of Reconstruction, revealing a record quite different from common belief.

A concluding chapter extends the narrative to LBJ's Great Society in the 1960s, showing that the manifold failings of the party are not merely relics of a distant past but also illuminate much of our politically contested present.

Get it here:
Democracy Betrayed: A history of the Democrat party from cotton plantation to urban plantation

This is also an outstanding synopsis of what the book goes into specific detail about
Exactly. The inner city ghettos are run by Democrats and could be viewed as modern day plantations minus the work. All public assistance housing. Completely owned and controlled by the government.
Exactly. The inner city ghettos are run by Democrats and could be viewed as modern day plantations minus the work. All public assistance housing. Completely owned and controlled by the government.
A lot of black folks are waking up to the shell game Dems have been running. It won't happen overnight, but eventually more blacks will be weaned off the Dem's government handout tit.

Trump's making great progress and Dems are scared now over how he's waking plenty of black folks up, but it's hard to compete against "freebies" and Dems are pouring it on & dishing 'em out desperate to hang onto their dwindling black support.

Hopefully the trend continues because once more blacks stop allowing themselves to get sold out by Democrat "poverty pimps" they (Dems) won't win another election for decades.
Malcolm X had it all figured out 60 years ago:

"The white Liberal differs from the white Conservative only in one way; the Liberal is more deceitful, more hypocritical, than the Conservative.

Both want power, but the White Liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor and by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the White Liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or a weapon in this political football game, that is constantly raging, between the White Liberals and the White Conservatives. The American Negro is nothing, but a political football."

- Malcom X (1963)

A lot of what Malcom said is true! It doesn't get reported much, but there is a large contingency of older black folks who are NOT Liberal and can't stand the entire so called "Progressive" agenda! They are God fearing, higher income, middle class, College educated, married, own homes, and many are Grandparents. (such as myself)

They fear for the future of not only America but our race because of the devastation caused by years of failed Democrat policies. They are making a difference and will not vote for another Democrat with the same old lies & tired rhetoric.

They're listening to Trump's message and many of us are in support of it! Come on in black folks...the water is fine!
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A lot of what Malcom said is true! It doesn't get reported much, but there is a large contingency of older black folks who are NOT Liberal and can't stand the entire so called "Progressive" agenda! They are God fearing, middle class, College educated, married, own homes, and many are Grandparents. (such as myself)

They fear for the future of not only America but our race because of the devastation caused by years of failed Democrat policies. They are making a difference and will not vote for another Democrat with the same old lies & tired rhetoric.

They're listening to Trump's message and many of us are in support of it! Come on in black folks...the water is fine!
I was screaming 7 years ago that Trump wasn't getting out and meeting black people face-to-face like he should be.

I truly believe that cost him the 2020 election and I predicted that.

At least he has finally realized it and is making the right moves now.
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I was screaming 7 years ago that Trump wasn't getting out and meeting black people face-to-face like he should be.

I truly believe that cost him the 2020 election and I predicted that.

At least he has finally realized it and is making the right moves now.
Black folks also have something to compare how they fared under the Trump years to now. It's really not even close. That's helping Trump's message in the black community too.
If you examine Democrat vs Republican positions on issues most directly effecting black families & voters, you will find Democrats standing in direct opposition to virtually all of them.

For example Democrats oppose:

Strict border enforcement & cutting off illegal immigration-controlling the mass influx of illegal aliens into this country which is displacing many blacks in America's larger urban areas.

School choice vouchers--overwhelmingly supported by blacks who see their kids trapped in failing government run schools

Tax reform--to remove all lower income earners from the tax roles altogether

Community banking--allowing more minority owned capital to pool and open up smaller regional banks directly closest to their own neighborhoods

relaxing energy mandates making it increasingly difficult for lower income earners to afford basic transportation and power for their homes

elimination of Section 8 housing subsidies which are destroying property values in many predominantly black neighborhoods

ending our unfair global trade agreements which displace lower skilled workers making it harder for American companies to hire Americans

expanding health savings accounts which promotes market based competition, even across State lines so health consumers can shop around and choose the health care they both need and can afford

ending taxpayer subsidies of abortions where predominantly 70% of abortion mills are located in black neighborhoods and unborn innocent black children are being slaughtered in genocidal numbers

ending affirmative action race based hiring which lowers standards for black candidates while it stigmatizes if not eliminates merit hiring based on standards of excellence

ending gender neutral or transgender education which emasculates black men as role models for young kids and teaches them to be irresponsible as males not wanting to raise strong families

expanding tax free Faith based non profits who can be more effective weaning families off government dependence and handouts

strict enforcement of voter registration and integrity laws which mocks or demeans black folk's ability to secure their own government issued proper I.D. and protects one person one vote

ending racial gerrymandering or drawing district lines based on race which only protects weak or incompetent Democrats making it nearly impossible to remove them from office

ending minority set asides and kickbacks in government contracts which only helps crooked Democrat pols keep their donors well funded and blocks out other willing or able black entrepreneurs from bidding on those contracts

tax free enterprise zones to make it easier for black small businesses to open up and operate in their own communities.

ending rent controls and race based fair housing rules that drive up the costs of low income rental units and restricts market based availability of affordable housing in inner cities

stronger funding for local or community policing, as well as full funding for local police departments which keeps officers off the streets and makes neighborhoods less safe

ending cashless bail, or no arrests for everyday crimes like burglary, larceny, shoplifting and assaults

supporting strong marriages and the concept of Marriage being between one Man and One woman...not multiple partners or three men and a baby!

All of these issues which Democrats oppose would emancipate or liberate a majority blacks in this country, providing them access to capital, better educations, better quality homes, more affordable health care and better paying jobs and stronger families! At the same time Republicans promoting these policies diminishes Democrat political power and ultimately the numbers of blacks voting for handouts from Democrat policy makers.

That's why Leftist Democrats oppose each and every one of these! :rolleyes:
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I was screaming 7 years ago that Trump wasn't getting out and meeting black people face-to-face like he should be.

I truly believe that cost him the 2020 election and I predicted that.

At least he has finally realized it and is making the right moves now.
Democrat cheating cost Trump the 2020 election, but blacks were cheated too because things were much better for us under Trump than they are now with Biden. I strongly believe this is primarily what's behind the surge of Black support we are seeing now with Trump. Some blacks still don't like him, but they like Biden even less! A lot of them won't even be voting, but many others will be voting for Trump and that spells trouble for the creepy corpse who claims a lot of those folks ain't even black no more! :rolleyes:

I mean just damn...what an absolutely racist thing to say! How the Hell does he answer this question for most black folks?

Are you better off now than you were under Trump?

Well how about it creepy Joe, are we?

Let me tell 'ya something, there isn't a black person out there who thinks they're better off now with me than they were with Trump!

I think most blacks already know that creepy Joe! :rolleyes:

Oh damn...I forgot

black folks haven't "forgotten" how good they had it with me...they've lost a lot!!!

They know DJT...that's why they're lining up to vote for 'ya Broski!








Now you know what you all have to lose!
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we're going to make America great again, and black Americans will be a part of what makes us so great!

Work it DJT!
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Democrat cheating cost Trump the 2020 election, but blacks were cheated too because things were much better for us under Trump than they are now with Biden. I strongly believe this is primarily what's behind the surge of Black support we are seeing now with Trump. Some blacks still don't like him, but they like Biden even less! A lot of them won't even be voting, but many others will be voting for Trump and that spells trouble for the creepy corpse who claims a lot of those folks ain't even black no more! :rolleyes:

All you can do is vote. That should be the message. Go and vote
we're going to make America great again, and black Americans will be a part of what makes us so great!

Work it DJT!
Democrats disguise racism in compassion. The projects is a perfect example. They say free or cheap housing because they care , the truth is they want to give free housing for many reasons 1 they feel blacks/ minorities can't fend for themselves, 2 they know if they are providing the basic needs blacks/ minorities will never be able to walk on their own 3 it was a way to keep all or most blacks in one area. Now white people have benefited from this as well just look at the generations of whites living on welfare. They also with offerings of free goods people will vote for anything they slide in under the radar
Democrats disguise racism in compassion. The projects is a perfect example. They say free or cheap housing because they care , the truth is they want to give free housing for many reasons 1 they feel blacks/ minorities can't fend for themselves, 2 they know if they are providing the basic needs blacks/ minorities will never be able to walk on their own 3 it was a way to keep all or most blacks in one area. Now white people have benefited from this as well just look at the generations of whites living on welfare. They also with offerings of free goods people will vote for anything they slide in under the radar
The whole concept of Government providing anything besides our for our common defense & care for our veterans, our currency and the courts/police tells you how far gone we are. Housing, education, food, even retirement & health insurance?

Where's any of that proscribed as legitimate Constitutional functions of the Federal government?

We've allowed the Left instead to let government tell us what we can't do instead of us telling the Left what the Government can't do!

I seriously doubt we'll ever rebalance that equation. Sad. 😒
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The whole concept of Government providing anything besides our for our common defense & care for our veterans, our currency and the courts/police tells you how far gone we are. Housing, education, food, even retirement & health insurance?

Where's any of that proscribed as legitimate Constitutional functions of the Federal government?

We've allowed the Left instead to let government tell us what we can't do instead of us telling the Left what the Government can't do!

I seriously doubt we'll ever rebalance that equation. Sad. 😒
The right is just as guilty.
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