Which Republican runs against Trump in 20?

I don't know what is going to happen but i said back in November I don't expect him to last four years in the office. I still feel that way and if I am wrong, I don't expect him to run for a second term.
I would actually be surprised if he ran for a 2nd term. I like Trump, but I have no idea why he wanted to be President. With all that dough, and the ability to do whatever the fvck you wanted to do, why put yourself through four years of bullshit? Only thing I can think of, is that his larger than life ego wanted the title of being the King.
Challenging a sitting President in a primary? Wasn't Reagan the last one to do it? Ted Kennedy? Not good for the GOP, though they always find a way to spin everything
I would actually be surprised if he ran for a 2nd term. I like Trump, but I have no idea why he wanted to be President. With all that dough, and the ability to do whatever the fvck you wanted to do, why put yourself through four years of bullshit? Only thing I can think of, is that his larger than life ego wanted the title of being the King.
I think his ego got wrapped up in"Why not, all publicity is good." But the idea of a business man running the government won out. Too bad he has not learned squat about being a politician. There has to be some balance there. Romney was a good choice earlier but horrible candidate. I always referred to him as "wooden as a mannequin. Same as Gore.
I'm betting the establishment challenges him.
Extremely doubtful that he will change and join the DC party politics. He has been in charge of things too long. If he accomplishes what he ran on and the economy is at 4% growth or better, he will be a lock to continue for two terms.