Where is michigan turd? Where is tatoo u boy?

Snow Sled Baby

Gold Member
Jan 4, 2003
Staunton Va
methinks there are no more green shirts in their wardrobe........maize and blue for one and gray for the other.......isn't it convenient to have a fall back option in case your supposed main team sucks?.......all of that pre season bragging tastes a little bitter going down, doesn't it boys?.....
I have a friend who is a professed Tattoo U fan......HOWEVER......if they lay an egg, he also claims to have been a life long Alabama fan. Isn't that convenient? Water cooler to have something to talk about or their social life returns the the doldrums of Herdzakistan.
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My God, Slow Head: Your obsession with me is creepy. I own a couple of green shirts, but they are Ohio University Bobcats shirts, you fvcking idiot. I have no connection to Marshall, just like you have no connection to reality, you delusional old turd.

My God, Slow Head: Your obsession with me is creepy. I own a couple of green shirts, but they are Ohio University Bobcats shirts, you fvcking idiot. I have no connection to Marshall, just like you have no connection to reality, you delusional old turd.

t...h...e...n....w...h...y...a....r....e...y....o....u....h....e....r....e....?......?........go chase an ambulance
My God, Slow Head: Your obsession with me is creepy. I own a couple of green shirts, but they are Ohio University Bobcats shirts, you fvcking idiot. I have no connection to Marshall, just like you have no connection to reality, you delusional old turd.

and your band sucks takes four years of training to teach a tuba player to find the " I " in ahia and put a dot on it....stupid
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and your band sucks takes four years of training to teach a tuba player to find the " I " in ahia and put a dot on it....stupid

Just be thankful they only spell Ahia...........imagine how long it would take them to figure out how to cross a "T" if they spelled out Ahia State.
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Just be thankful they only spell Ahia...........imagine how long it would take them to figure out how to cross a "T" if they spelled out Ahia State.
it must be a miserable existense....trying to make people believe you're something that you aren't (kind of like marshal,huh?).......and having to live with the fact that two old men absolutely own you every time you open your mouth........this is fun
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it must be a miserable existense....trying to make people believe you're something that you aren't (kind of like marshal,huh?).......and having to live with the fact that two old men absolutely own you every time you open your mouth........this is fun

The "lawyer" has been quieter than normal the past few days. Maybe he has rested his "case", maybe he's seeking a mis-trial........LOL
What a pathetic bunch of delusional WVU homer fans you clowns are, especially ancient bird sh!t. Bird sh!t screams through his dentures when I'm on here often, now cries like the little frail biotch that he is when I don't post every day.

I laugh at your utter ignorance.
it must be a miserable existense....trying to make people believe you're something that you aren't (kind of like marshal,huh?).......and having to live with the fact that two old men absolutely own you every time you open your mouth........this is fun
Your "existense" will end soon because you're approaching a century, and the Mountainqueers will break your heart again this season when they have to play a school with a pulse.
Yeah sure, an Ahia State fan disappears after three Marshall losses. Strange.
I haven't disappeared, Marshall alumnus. I have no reason to root for Marshall, but you do, as a Marshall alumnus. No bigger fraud on the Internet than you, little fella.
What a pathetic bunch of delusional WVU homer fans you clowns are, especially ancient bird sh!t. Bird sh!t screams through his dentures when I'm on here often, now cries like the little frail biotch that he is when I don't post every day.

I laugh at your utter ignorance.

I laugh at your make believe life Mr. Matlock.
I laugh at your dentures, protruding belly, and entire life, which consists of posting on a message board all day, every day.

I laugh at your dentures, protruding belly, and entire life, which consists of posting on a message board all day, every day.


Tell us more about the "law firm" you own and how impressed the law firm up the street is with your "contract" work you do for them that they let you siphon your internet service from theirs. It's been a while since I had a good laugh.
Tell us more about your incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and cataracts, bird sh!t. On a second thought, don't.
Tell us more about your incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and cataracts, bird sh!t. On a second thought, don't.

So I guess you instructed the jury to disregard that request and had the court recorder strike it from the record ?
So I guess you instructed the jury to disregard that request and had the court recorder strike it from the record ?
Hey, Perry Mason: West Virginia lawyers refer to this person as a court "reporter," you simpleton! Perhaps, you should stop practicing law on a message board without a license, dipsh!t!
Hey, Perry Mason: West Virginia lawyers refer to this person as a court "reporter," you simpleton! Perhaps, you should stop practicing law on a message board without a license, dipsh!t!

I'm not a lawyer, and unlike you I don't pretend to be one. Too bad you're too stupid to notice that I was making fun of you.
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I don't pretend to be a lawyer, either, you stupid fvck. You should pretend to be a human being for once in your pathetic old life. I'm still laughing at you, court "recorder!" What an imbecile.

You're still lying your fat old a$$ off, I see. I certainly never posted that I have to "siphon" my internet service off anybody, liar. Now, go steer your wheelchair into afternoon traffic, Geezer Gomer from Gilmer.

You're still lying your fat old a$$ off, I see. I certainly never posted that I have to "siphon" my internet service off anybody, liar. Now, go steer your wheelchair into afternoon traffic, Geezer Gomer from Gilmer.


I suppose I could dig up the post where you said that the law firm up the street was gracious enough to let you use their ISP, but you aren't worth the time or effort. You posted it , several people here got a good laugh from it, and now you're denying having said it......... . Tell the Wizard of Oz hi for us the next time you see him in your make believe world.