If I had to name a few based on Tackles, Big Plays, etc, they'd be:
Talley - went on to be Bills all time tackle leader after leaving WVU as all time tackle leader (still is if we count bowl stats). He knew how to hit and was nicknamed 'the assassin'. How he's not in the HOF I don't know, but then again Jerry Kramer isn't so I guess it makes perfect sense.
Orlando - played 11 season in the league with Oilers, Steelers, and another franchise I can't seem to remember, His reported strength was off the charts 25+ years ago. He was just a great athlete in the 2ndary. I think he was out of Burwick High School.
Wiley (Grant not Derrick) - WVU's all time tackle leader (thanks to bowl games stats) had shoulder issues and numbness after going pro, so retired. Btw he made a play at Lane Stadium stopping Lee Suggs on the goal line that still brings a smile to my face.
There are others but these are off the top of my head.
From back in the day, you have to go with:
Huff - never saw him play but my Grand dad said he was the dirtiest player ever. He's jn the HOF and has his # retired so I guess it worked out well. Even had a tv special called "the violent world of Sam Huff"
Howley - never saw him play either but MVP of the Super Bowl (oh he played for the Cowboys and they lost that game vs the Colts)
My personal favorite player on D was a guy named Jahmille Addae. He would be put in jail for the hits he made if he made them today. Never lead with the crown of his helmet but shoulders can put someone to sleep too. Also would hit RBs head on and could cause a fumble. He had a heart condition discovered when he was with the colts and had to quit.
Btw his younger bro Jahlille plays for the Chargers but WVU was stupid and pulled his scholly before he got on campus. Dumb f'ing Doc Holliday.