When Notre Dame beats SFA by 30 today...

Here's something I always try to remember, 99% of posts on this board are " for entertainment purposes only ", nothing more and nothing less. Have a great day.
Indeed. I doubt ND will shoot 30% while turning it over 22 times. They'll (SFA) have to be better offensively & not rely on Walkup scoring 19 at the foul line. I just doubt that'll happen again.

I was thinking though, if it played out, just if, would it have been worse to get upset by Michigan? Imagine if their guys went off for a bunch of 3s while we couldn't hit a thing. People would be going nuts over Beilein & I'm glad that didn't materialize.
What if SFA wins ?

Suddenly all the people who disappeared will be back excusing our loss to a Sweet 16 team.

....and I've really been enjoying that they've went into hiding.
After all of his great play Walkup kind of crapped the bed on that last drive to the basket.
After all of his great play Walkup kind of crapped the bed on that last drive to the basket.
I've never been a big fan of running clock in a tight game, takes too many options away when you need a score and have a good defense.
i am just glad we dont have to heat about sfa anymore. big thanks to that shitty notre dame squad.
I'd say starting threads about a team isn't the best was to 'quit hearing about them'.

i was talking about the tournament coverage. for the 2nd day in a row, you're struggling. please get checked out.. maybe double up the fish oil supplements.
Oh... ...I didn't realize you started threads about SFA when they weren't in the tournament.