It's my favorite time slot. I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn to get there and I don't have to stay overnight because it's too late to drive home.
It is a 13-hour day for me for every Mountaineer Field game, from the time I leave Tallmadge, Ohio till I return home. But I love being in Mountaineer Field! Greatest sports bargain in the world for me. Particularly if I get to sing "Country Roads" because my alma mater won.
M anhandled Missouri, 26-11
O rdinary against Youngstown, 38-21
U nnerve BYU
N euter Kansas State
T rample Texas Tech
A nnihilate TCU
I mpale Oklahoma State
N ail Kansas
E radicate Texas
E rectile dysfunction Oklahoma
R oll over Iowa State
S uffocate Baylor