When all this obama administration crap is behind us

Snow Sled Baby

Gold Member
Jan 4, 2003
Staunton Va
and history exposes it for the irreparable damage it has done to the future of this country how many of you liberals will actually man up and admit that he never should have been president ?.....and how many of you will continue to blame anyone with the name Bush? know when they all die you'll have to find another excuse
What makes you think this crap is going to ever be behind us?

It's just starting.

Who exactly do you think is behind the unrest in the Ukraine? Clever collaboration I must say.

Additionally ..... Iran ..... Obama (and another outfit) most assuredly wants war there as well.

It took WWII to fetch us out of economic depression. It took the Gulf of Tonkin to land us in a war. Strings are being pulled for the next major conflict. It's why the Ukraine is not going to "go away" like so many people thought it would. Yet people here, nervously may I add, think it's all a hoax.

They are the ones who want to close their eyes and wish themselves into some happy place while stating the history books are "hoaxical".

If people actually pulled their heads out of the ass of partisanship they would see that a lot is going to change just between now and September ........... to hell with 1.5 years from now. We'll be well on our way by then.
LOL!!!!.... I love it.

Honestly, I do get a kick out of it because you are reliable and the cherry on my sundae.
Re: What makes you think this crap is going to ever be behind us?

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
It's just starting.

Who exactly do you think is behind the unrest in the Ukraine? Clever collaboration I must say.

Additionally ..... Iran ..... Obama (and another outfit) most assuredly wants war there as well.

It took WWII to fetch us out of economic depression. It took the Gulf of Tonkin to land us in a war. Strings are being pulled for the next major conflict. It's why the Ukraine is not going to "go away" like so many people thought it would. Yet people here, nervously may I add, think it's all a hoax.

They are the ones who want to close their eyes and wish themselves into some happy place while stating the history books are "hoaxical".

If people actually pulled their heads out of the ass of partisanship they would see that a lot is going to change just between now and September ........... to hell with 1.5 years from now. We'll be well on our way by then.
I find it funny how people think things will be sooo different

Liberals think things will be sooooo much better if democrats are in control
Conservatives think things will be soooo much better if republicans are in control.

Both parties are essentially the same. They are equal in their dishonesty and corruption. They just have a different set of billionaires and corporations for whom they protect interests.
This White House is beyond radical.

However I agree 100% and we have discussed this before.

The 2 major parties are wings off the same bird and for all the people criticizing the Democrats for wanting to return Israel to 1968 borders, the Republicans desire it every bit as badly. I use that one example to represent many that the two parties agree on ..... especially since that is the hopt topic over the past 48 hours.

The thing that always amuses me is how much "faith" this nation's citizens have in their officials. "They have our back, they love us, yes, some corruption exists (it's politics and all) but they would not murder us, spy on us, steal from us, or harm us in any meaningful way."

Sadly, 90% of this forum seems to feel that way.
Re: I find it funny how people think things will be sooo different

One slight modification I would make

First, agree with your sentiment on this White House.

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
The thing that always amuses me is how much "faith" this nation's citizens have in their officials. "They have our back, they love us, yes, some corruption exists (it's politics and all) but they would not murder us, spy on us, steal from us, or harm us in any meaningful way."

Sadly, 90% of this forum seems to feel that way.
Maybe you mean the same thing (not sure if by "their officials" you mean their parties officials or the collective group of officials), but I would say that 90% on this forum think "my party" has my back, etc. etc. but the "other party" is trying to spy on us, steal from us, etc.

In which case they are simultaneously right and wrong.
Indeed .......... "Obama wants to diminish our rights".

And believe me ............ he DOES.

He wants to be king.

Which is why I sadly don't consider it a given that he leaves office in 2 years.

However, it was GEORGE W. BUSH who ushered in the Patriot Act, a thick barrage of intrusions on civil liberties that somehow got compiled in mere days. The b*tch was ready to be rolled out.

Both sides are collectivists ........... but when you say it, well, you are crazy.

This post was edited on 3/20 11:29 AM by Wolf J. Flywheel
Re: Indeed .......... "Obama wants to diminish our rights".

Which is why I sadly don't consider it a given that he leaves office in 2 years. Will he hide in the attic or something? I'd never get done posting if I took issue with all of your crazy statements but thought I'd try this one.
He's got a pen and a phone.

What exactly is stropping him from staying .......... and please don't reference the Constitution.

I think we all understand how useless that is.
Re: He's got a pen and a phone.

I should have known better, nevermind.

This post was edited on 3/20 11:56 AM by moe
Re: I find it funny how people think things will be sooo different

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:
Both parties are essentially the same.
I beg to differ. One party is currently, as we speak, trying to do away with the federal minimum wage and the other party is trying to increase it to $12/hour.

One party is rejoicing over the freedom from the victory last week with net neutrality and the other party is pissed that the big corporations of AT&T, Verizon and Comcast can't stick it to consumers with paying for premium speed with certian internet sites.

One party passed Voter ID laws the last several years to silence the minorities that reside in large cities and the other party fought against it.

Trickle down economics...

I could go on for weeks.
Re: He's got a pen and a phone.

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
What exactly is stropping him from staying .......... and please don't reference the Constitution.
Seriously? I think your flywheel is missing a few teeth. If he's planning on staying on anyway, why did he bother with an election in 2012? Why hasn't he dissolved Congress, or at least prevented the midterm elections that his party lost? No tanks posted tanks on Capitol Hill to prevent Congress from meeting and passing legislation? Where's the Enemies List? The extraordinary renditions of American citizens?

People said the same stupid shite about Nixon in 1973 -- they were sure he would call in the 82nd Airborne to keep himself in office rather than submit to impeachment and the removal from office that was foreordained because he was guilty as hell of everything the articles of impeachment said. Yet he meekly resigned and flew away to retirement, leaving it to his successors to clean up the damage he'd left behind.

We survived Nixon, we survived the last Bush. We'll survive Obama.

This post was edited on 3/21 6:22 PM by Popeer