What is the best non-work email and calendar option to sync


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
to your phone? What do you use? I have been putting everything on my work calendar (Outlook) but would rather not put personal stuff on there...thoughts?
to your phone? What do you use? I have been putting everything on my work calendar (Outlook) but would rather not put personal stuff on there...thoughts?
Why don't you make a separate personal calendar on outlook? You can have multiple.
Why don't you make a separate personal calendar on outlook? You can have multiple.

I could do that, but I'd have to go through extra steps at home to access my work calendar (via citrix) to add anything from home. I may look at that option though.
I use Google for personal things

Yeah I had been using YMail but the calendar wasn't syncing...probably going back to Google. I don't think adding a personal calendar to my work account will sync-up with my phone - or least it didn't appear to.