WVSPORTS.COM West Virginia AD Wren Baker press conference summary

Keenan Cummings

Fact Based and Wonderful
Sep 16, 2007
--Gordon Gee said he is delighted to interview the new vice president and director of athletics. They wanted somebody who would be a strong leader in this new collegiate environment and embraced new opportunities. Somebody who would think differently and fit within the culture at West Virginia. Somebody who will connect and embrace West Virginians. Wren fits every one of the criteria and is positive and easily connects and engages with everybody he meets. Gee assures he will be a wonderful addition.

--Baker begins by thanking his people at North Texas. He knows great things will continue there. He said he doesn't have time to acknowledge by name all the mentors and people that helped him along the way. He is honored and humbled. He has spent 20 years in college athletics preparing for this moment and he is eager to get started. Introduced his wife and daughters. He has worked at a lot of great institutions but why West Virginia? He loves the role the university plays with the people. He is a first generation college graduate, as is his wife, he loves the passion that the fan base has for this program. The Morgantown community is a great place to raise a family. He said the success and well being of the student athletes will be at the forefront. He believes details are important. Baker said they will win with people and they will place a high priority in their growth and success. Baker said he is looking forward and listening and learning all he can. It's a unique and exciting time in college athletics but he knows West Virginians are regarded for their unmatched toughness and grit. He has confidence the university will thrive in this new climate. They will develop elite programs that West Virginians deserve.

--West Virginia isn't able to determine who gets money but they can promote and that's the right place to be. It's about opportunities for student athletes and that's why they are here. It's important they embrace that and promote that.

--Baker feels like passion leads you to where you're supposed to be. There was some divine intervention to led him here. He wanted to be in a profession where he had the opportunity to grow and help people develop. He's taken a different path but each of the steps have prepared him along the way. He served as a 26-year old principal.

--Baker has had several conversations with coach Brown and find out what they need and where are the gaps and find out what resources they need to procure. Brown wants to give West Virginia the program that all fans will be proud of and he's excited to lock arms with him and eliminate hurdles.

--Baker had multiple opportunities to talk officially and unofficially about West Virginia. That's where he figured out that there are a lot of similarities with how he grew up and the people here.

--Gee said they hired Turnkey and they evaluated what they needed in the position with understanding what they need in the new world. They wanted to identify somebody in the new age quadrant and they presented them with a lot of different options and they interviewed power five people, people outside athletics. They focused on about seven or eight candidates, Rob Alsop, Oliver Luck and Gordon Gee zoomed with those. They narrowed it down to three and they met in Atlanta with the screening committee and it was unanimous. The fit and the person and the structure and the place he should be was right here.

--Baker has had a lot of inquiries over the years but this was the first one that there was a consensus. And the more they researched the more this interested them.

--His family has W's in their name that's how he has his name.

--The student athletes that are here have to have a great experience and feel like they are being prepared for more than just athletics and preparing them for life. With the portal they have to provide all the access and technology and making sure the coaching staffs are equipped with the people that can reach out to student athletes in the portal and build a case to sell what they have to offer. It's certainly a different world and he's spent more time on it than he ever thought he would.

--North Texas couldn't provide the resources they needed and that's what he focused on while he was there. When he onboarded there they didn't have the right people and equipped them with the right tools so that was his focus over the course of his time there.

--Baker just arrived last night. He has a lot to learn and listening to do and his first priority will be the programs that are here are well resourced before looking at adding additional ones.

--Baker has known Oliver Luck for a long time and had a chance to talk to the rest of the staff at Country Roads Trust and he sees them as an asset. He wants to have a healthy relationship to provide opportunities within the rules. He is supportive to the extent he can be of their efforts. The MAC is important, other projects are important but those NIL opportunities are important and they need all of Mountaineer nation to embrace.

--Anything they can do to appeal to a younger, hipper demographic is good.

--Baker said that you go in and build a relationship and get in the trenches when evaluating a football coach. He understands where they've been since he has coached before. He looks forward to getting and learning everything he can about the football program.

--Baker was an AD and coach when he first got started and when you're a coach there is positive affirmation but when you're an AD everybody wants something or wants to complain about something. He's gotten used to that and you don't have unlimited funding so there is evaluation of requests and needs when it comes to funding. He's done it for 20 years and this is the biggest budget he has had to work with so he is comfortable he can do that.

--At UNT the television contract, institutional alignment and other factors made the most sense to move to the AAC.

--You have to find a way to honor the past with alumnis and find ways to welcome them back. You have to make them feel valued and celebrated. He has been reaching out to alumns and it will be an important part of the job is connecting with the stakeholders.

--Gee said West Virginia has had a challenging football year. They played two power five teams right off the bat but the recent process came out that said they had the toughest football schedule in the country and they went 5-7 in a competitive environment they took a lot of pride in that. Talked to a lot of people and one of the advantages of being in that role for a long time and they believed the coach had great opportunities in front of him and they needed to provide the support for him to be successful. In the end, they did talk with Wren Baker and he indicated his willingness to work with coach Neal Brown. Few people have connected more clearly than with Neal Brown. This is a moment they are going to embrace each other.

--In terms of engaging the masses, he will go on a tour meeting people and learning about the program. At UNT, they had a lot of professional wrestlers go through there so they did events with that and with football. You have to learn the place and what works. In terms of growing a base, you have to get people in the door and grow it from there. With the larger donors, it's about getting to know them and find out what they're interested in and included to support.
--Baker has known Oliver Luck for a long time and had a chance to talk to the rest of the staff at Country Roads Trust and he sees them as an asset. He wants to have a healthy relationship to provide opportunities within the rules. He is supportive to the extent he can be of their efforts. The MAC is important, other projects are important but those NIL opportunities are important and they need all of Mountaineer nation to embrace.

There's the guy that wanted Baker.
--Gordon Gee said he is delighted to interview the new vice president and director of athletics. They wanted somebody who would be a strong leader in this new collegiate environment and embraced new opportunities. Somebody who would think differently and fit within the culture at West Virginia. Somebody who will connect and embrace West Virginians. Wren fits every one of the criteria and is positive and easily connects and engages with everybody he meets. Gee assures he will be a wonderful addition.

--Baker begins by thanking his people at North Texas. He knows great things will continue there. He said he doesn't have time to acknowledge by name all the mentors and people that helped him along the way. He is honored and humbled. He has spent 20 years in college athletics preparing for this moment and he is eager to get started. Introduced his wife and daughters. He has worked at a lot of great institutions but why West Virginia? He loves the role the university plays with the people. He is a first generation college graduate, as is his wife, he loves the passion that the fan base has for this program. The Morgantown community is a great place to raise a family. He said the success and well being of the student athletes will be at the forefront. He believes details are important. Baker said they will win with people and they will place a high priority in their growth and success. Baker said he is looking forward and listening and learning all he can. It's a unique and exciting time in college athletics but he knows West Virginians are regarded for their unmatched toughness and grit. He has confidence the university will thrive in this new climate. They will develop elite programs that West Virginians deserve.

--West Virginia isn't able to determine who gets money but they can promote and that's the right place to be. It's about opportunities for student athletes and that's why they are here. It's important they embrace that and promote that.

--Baker feels like passion leads you to where you're supposed to be. There was some divine intervention to led him here. He wanted to be in a profession where he had the opportunity to grow and help people develop. He's taken a different path but each of the steps have prepared him along the way. He served as a 26-year old principal.

--Baker has had several conversations with coach Brown and find out what they need and where are the gaps and find out what resources they need to procure. Brown wants to give West Virginia the program that all fans will be proud of and he's excited to lock arms with him and eliminate hurdles.

--Baker had multiple opportunities to talk officially and unofficially about West Virginia. That's where he figured out that there are a lot of similarities with how he grew up and the people here.

--Gee said they hired Turnkey and they evaluated what they needed in the position with understanding what they need in the new world. They wanted to identify somebody in the new age quadrant and they presented them with a lot of different options and they interviewed power five people, people outside athletics. They focused on about seven or eight candidates, Rob Alsop, Oliver Luck and Gordon Gee zoomed with those. They narrowed it down to three and they met in Atlanta with the screening committee and it was unanimous. The fit and the person and the structure and the place he should be was right here.

--Baker has had a lot of inquiries over the years but this was the first one that there was a consensus. And the more they researched the more this interested them.

--His family has W's in their name that's how he has his name.

--The student athletes that are here have to have a great experience and feel like they are being prepared for more than just athletics and preparing them for life. With the portal they have to provide all the access and technology and making sure the coaching staffs are equipped with the people that can reach out to student athletes in the portal and build a case to sell what they have to offer. It's certainly a different world and he's spent more time on it than he ever thought he would.

--North Texas couldn't provide the resources they needed and that's what he focused on while he was there. When he onboarded there they didn't have the right people and equipped them with the right tools so that was his focus over the course of his time there.

--Baker just arrived last night. He has a lot to learn and listening to do and his first priority will be the programs that are here are well resourced before looking at adding additional ones.

--Baker has known Oliver Luck for a long time and had a chance to talk to the rest of the staff at Country Roads Trust and he sees them as an asset. He wants to have a healthy relationship to provide opportunities within the rules. He is supportive to the extent he can be of their efforts. The MAC is important, other projects are important but those NIL opportunities are important and they need all of Mountaineer nation to embrace.

--Anything they can do to appeal to a younger, hipper demographic is good.

--Baker said that you go in and build a relationship and get in the trenches when evaluating a football coach. He understands where they've been since he has coached before. He looks forward to getting and learning everything he can about the football program.

--Baker was an AD and coach when he first got started and when you're a coach there is positive affirmation but when you're an AD everybody wants something or wants to complain about something. He's gotten used to that and you don't have unlimited funding so there is evaluation of requests and needs when it comes to funding. He's done it for 20 years and this is the biggest budget he has had to work with so he is comfortable he can do that.

--At UNT the television contract, institutional alignment and other factors made the most sense to move to the AAC.

--You have to find a way to honor the past with alumnis and find ways to welcome them back. You have to make them feel valued and celebrated. He has been reaching out to alumns and it will be an important part of the job is connecting with the stakeholders.

--Gee said West Virginia has had a challenging football year. They played two power five teams right off the bat but the recent process came out that said they had the toughest football schedule in the country and they went 5-7 in a competitive environment they took a lot of pride in that. Talked to a lot of people and one of the advantages of being in that role for a long time and they believed the coach had great opportunities in front of him and they needed to provide the support for him to be successful. In the end, they did talk with Wren Baker and he indicated his willingness to work with coach Neal Brown. Few people have connected more clearly than with Neal Brown. This is a moment they are going to embrace each other.

--In terms of engaging the masses, he will go on a tour meeting people and learning about the program. At UNT, they had a lot of professional wrestlers go through there so they did events with that and with football. You have to learn the place and what works. In terms of growing a base, you have to get people in the door and grow it from there. With the larger donors, it's about getting to know them and find out what they're interested in and included to support.
Why wasn't a member of the BOG on the interviewing ZOOM team? Who were the three finalists? I know we won't find out, but when universities get down to five or so finalists for the president - they are announced and come to the campuses. So there's no worry for hurt feelings there or concern that the respective universities find out their leader is looking. And lastly, why was Ollie Luck on the interview committee? He has no official role with the University. Further the fact that according the new AD they've known each other for years - did Ollie steer the selection to one of his buddies? Remember Ollie is the one who hired Dana - how did that work out for WVU?
Why wasn't a member of the BOG on the interviewing ZOOM team? Who were the three finalists? I know we won't find out, but when universities get down to five or so finalists for the president - they are announced and come to the campuses. So there's no worry for hurt feelings there or concern that the respective universities find out their leader is looking. And lastly, why was Ollie Luck on the interview committee? He has no official role with the University. Further the fact that according the new AD they've known each other for years - did Ollie steer the selection to one of his buddies? Remember Ollie is the one who hired Dana - how did that work out for WVU?
If I had to guess, I would guess they either offered Ollie the job first, or reached out to him for consultation. He probably recommended Baker, and Baker is more qualified than Lyons was if you ask me. Wren Baker has real life experience being an AD. Shane didnt. Luck has no official role with WVU, but he did take it upon himself to start the Country Rods Trust and we would be totally screwed without it, so my hats off to him. No one else did it. All I want is for Wren Baker to succeed and have a great experience in WV.
--Gee said West Virginia has had a challenging football year. They played two power five teams right off the bat but the recent process came out that said they had the toughest football schedule in the country and they went 5-7 in a competitive environment they took a lot of pride in that. Talked to a lot of people and one of the advantages of being in that role for a long time and they believed the coach had great opportunities in front of him and they needed to provide the support for him to be successful. In the end, they did talk with Wren Baker and he indicated his willingness to work with coach Neal Brown. Few people have connected more clearly than with Neal Brown. This is a moment they are going to embrace each other.

Time for Bow Tie to go.....NOW!!!!
--Gee said West Virginia has had a challenging football year. They played two power five teams right off the bat but the recent process came out that said they had the toughest football schedule in the country and they went 5-7 in a competitive environment they took a lot of pride in that. Talked to a lot of people and one of the advantages of being in that role for a long time and they believed the coach had great opportunities in front of him and they needed to provide the support for him to be successful. In the end, they did talk with Wren Baker and he indicated his willingness to work with coach Neal Brown. Few people have connected more clearly than with Neal Brown. This is a moment they are going to embrace each other.

Time for Bow Tie to go.....NOW!!!!
Gee is out of touch with reality, and on top of that he doesnt know jack about sports. What a cheese. I heard they told Wren the fans love Neal Brown even. Wtf. Neal Brown is the most disliked WVU coach Ive ever seen. Probably because I was just a little kid the last time we sucked this bad. I dont remember the bad coaches before Don. I just remember all the fails after him.
--Gee said West Virginia has had a challenging football year. They played two power five teams right off the bat but the recent process came out that said they had the toughest football schedule in the country and they went 5-7 in a competitive environment they took a lot of pride in that. Talked to a lot of people and one of the advantages of being in that role for a long time and they believed the coach had great opportunities in front of him and they needed to provide the support for him to be successful. In the end, they did talk with Wren Baker and he indicated his willingness to work with coach Neal Brown. Few people have connected more clearly than with Neal Brown. This is a moment they are going to embrace each other.

Time for Bow Tie to go.....NOW!!!!
He'll be gone soon enough but he won't be fired he will retire.
Why wasn't a member of the BOG on the interviewing ZOOM team? Who were the three finalists? I know we won't find out, but when universities get down to five or so finalists for the president - they are announced and come to the campuses. So there's no worry for hurt feelings there or concern that the respective universities find out their leader is looking. And lastly, why was Ollie Luck on the interview committee? He has no official role with the University. Further the fact that according the new AD they've known each other for years - did Ollie steer the selection to one of his buddies? Remember Ollie is the one who hired Dana - how did that work out for WVU?
I thought Gee said the Chairperson of the BOG interviewed the candidates along with Luck and himself.
From my decades of experience as a Human Resources professional, I can tell you if you're interviewing candidates for an open job a lot of candidates want to maintain their anonymity for obvious reasons. Everyone does not want their current organization to know they are looking.
My thought is it was very smart of Gee to have Luck involved.. Who knows more about the job and can talk to candidates about the specific duties of the position better than Luck? Utilizing Luck is no different than having a search firm or some other outside consultant help you with the interviewing process. Luck should have been able to grill the candidates on a number of specific duties they should have been exposed to in past jobs.
Dana ended up 61-41 at WVU. His record makes him appear to be Vince Lombardi compared to what we currently have. I realize some Dana haters want to re-write history and make him appear to be the worst coach ever, however, the record does NOT show that. Dana wasn't great by any means but he clearly was more effective as a head coach than our current guy has been to date.
I thought Gee said the Chairperson of the BOG interviewed the candidates along with Luck and himself.
From my decades of experience as a Human Resources professional, I can tell you if you're interviewing candidates for an open job a lot of candidates want to maintain their anonymity for obvious reasons. Everyone does not want their current organization to know they are looking.
My thought is it was very smart of Gee to have Luck involved.. Who knows more about the job and can talk to candidates about the specific duties of the position better than Luck? Utilizing Luck is no different than having a search firm or some other outside consultant help you with the interviewing process. Luck should have been able to grill the candidates on a number of specific duties they should have been exposed to in past jobs.
Dana ended up 61-41 at WVU. His record makes him appear to be Vince Lombardi compared to what we currently have. I realize some Dana haters want to re-write history and make him appear to be the worst coach ever, however, the record does NOT show that. Dana wasn't great by any means but he clearly was more effective as a head coach than our current guy has been to date.
Dana nothing more than a drunk druggie. I thought for sure he would thrive in the environment of NIL and transfer portal.

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