"We're never gonna let that happen again": Trump's RNC speech confirms plans for a Big Lie 2.0


Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Fayetteville, WV
If Trump gets in there, Vance has already made it clear that he would violate the Constitution and not certify the 2028 results if they lose.

"We're never gonna let that happen again": Trump's RNC speech confirms plans for a Big Lie 2.0

But he did say one thing that caught my attention and should catch the attention of every American. After admonishing Joe Biden for saying he's a threat to democracy earlier in the speech, Trump said in passing, "we had that horrible, horrible result that we'll never let happen again, the election result, we're never gonna let that happen again."
One might think that was just another example of Trump's cognitive decline. But that was actually a very straightforward comment and one that is backed up by ample evidence. The Republicans who are backing Trump (virtually all of them) have a fully developed plan to ensure that if the Democrats win in November, they will contest the results regardless of any evidence of fraud. When Trump says "we're never going to let that happen again" he means we're never going to let the Democrats win again.

And he's not talking about getting out the vote. Trump has been quoted repeatedly telling his troops "we don't need votes":

We got more votes than anybody’s ever had. We need to watch the vote. We need to guard the vote. We need to stop the steal. We don’t need votes. We have to stop — focus, don’t worry about votes. We’ve got all the votes. I was in Florida yesterday — every house has a Trump sign. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. We have to guard the vote.

The New York Times took a long look at the Republican plan this week and it's not good news.

Trump’s allies have followed a two-pronged approach: restricting voting for partisan advantage ahead of Election Day and short-circuiting the process of ratifying the winner afterward, if Mr. Trump loses. The latter strategy involves an ambitious — and legally dubious — attempt to reimagine decades of settled law dictating how results are officially certified in the weeks before the transfer of power.
At the heart of the strategy is a drive to convince voters that the election is about to be stolen, even without evidence.
The article quotes numerous GOP officials who say that fair elections are impossible under the current laws so they have set out to challenge and change them in the swing states that are decisive in our bizarre electoral college system. Most concerning is their plan to give local elections officials the power to hold up certification of the vote.

Certification was never a matter of contention before 2020, having always been seen as a largely ceremonial non-partisan part of the process. But Republicans and their allies have decided this is a useful tactic to disqualify results that don't go their way. In some states, like Georgia, they've even empowered right-wing activists who are now members of the election boards to "investigate" voters to determine if the votes are legal. In Nevada, a similar law has already caused chaos in primary elections which are still in limbo due to board members contesting the results. These cases are wending their way into the courts, delaying the certifications.

At the RNC this week, Chris LaCivita, Trump's campaign manager, made it clear that they don't plan to accept any loss or concede the race even after the votes are counted:

This is the assault on democracy that the Biden campaign is talking about. It's not just rhetorical. They are literally assaulting the democratic process by changing laws at the local and state levels that will make it possible for them to contest the certification of the election results all the way up until January 6, 2025, and, apparently, beyond.
1.If Trump gets in there, Vance has already made it clear that he would violate the Constitution and not certify the 2028 results if they lose.

2 Most concerning is their plan to give local elections officials the power to hold up certification of the vote.

3. determine if the votes are legal. In Nevada,

4. At the RNC this week, Chris LaCivita, Trump's campaign manager, made it clear that they don't plan to accept any loss or concede the race even after the votes are counted:
1. Show us the J D Vance quote that he won't not certify the 2028 election.

2. Show us any GOP quotes giving local election officials such power...fact is the GOP is powerless to do any such thing.

3. You Democrats encourage illegal votes? I think ALL VOTES should be LEGAL.

4. Show us the exact quotes stating they will never accept any election result.
Moe doesn't want to clean up the voter rolls so they can cheat with mail in ballots.
He means they're not going to let you cheat to win an election again.
All the Democrats have to do to make sure every vote is counted properly is agree to voter I.D. with a legal registration and paper ballots. Any chance of that?

1. Show us the J D Vance quote that he won't not certify the 2028 election.

2. Show us any GOP quotes giving local election officials such power...fact is the GOP is powerless to do any such thing.

3. You Democrats encourage illegal votes? I think ALL VOTES should be LEGAL.

4. Show us the exact quotes stating they will never accept any election result.
See the last bold question. I love how he suggests that there's "a problem" that needs responded to. lol There is no problem and there was no problem in 2016. There's never been a problem until Trump came along with his proof-free election fraud nonsense that MAGA continues to slurp up. All the states had certified their results and Pence's constitutional duty was to accept them no matter how mad MAGA was due to losing. I don't know all the details but apparently the Senate could get last say with 1 vote/state and more Red states to finish stealing the election. And if that didn't work, then the far right radical SCOTUS would surely just hand the win to Trump. Vance suggesting multiple slates of electors is just a recreation of the failed MAGA coup of 2016 that Repubs are rightly getting taken to court for now. It's pretty clear what Vance would do in 2028.

"So, litigating which slate of electors were legitimate I think is fundamentally the political solution to the problems that existed in 2020," Vance said.

Stephanopoulos again asked: "Would you have certified the election results had you been vice president?"

Vance said, "If I had been vice president, I would have told the states, like Pennsylvania, Georgia and so many others, that we needed to have multiple slates of electors and I think the U.S. Congress should have fought over it from there. That is the legitimate way to deal with an election that a lot of folks, including me, think had a lot of problems in 2020. I think that's what we should have done."

Stephanopoulos said to Vance, "So, it's very clear, you would have done what Donald Trump asked you to do there, not what Vice President Mike Pence did."

Vance said, "It’s not about what Donald Trump asks somebody to do. It's about, what do we do when you have a problem like what happened in 2020? How do you respond to it? How does the political system respond to this?"

2. Show us any GOP quotes giving local election officials such power...fact is the GOP is powerless to do any such thing.

Some Election Officials Refused to Certify Results. Few Were Held Accountable.
A week and a half after last November’s vote, members of the Board of Elections in Surry County, North Carolina, gathered in a windowless room to certify the results. It was supposed to be a routine task, marking the end of a controversial season during which election deniers harassed and retaliated against the county’s elections director. Not long into the meeting, however, a staffer distributed a letter from two board members stating that they were refusing to certify.

According to the letter, the two members had decided — “with regard for the sacred blood shed of both my Redeemer and His servants” and “past Patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice”— that they “must not call these election results credible and bow to the perversion of truth.”

In their view, a federal judge who’d struck down a North Carolina voter ID law for discriminating against minorities had transformed the state’s election laws into “a grotesque and perverse sham.” Tim DeHaan, one of the two board members who signed the letter, explained at the meeting, “We feel the election was held according to the law that we have, but that the law is not right.”
See the last bold question. I love how he suggests that there's "a problem" that needs responded to. lol There is no problem and there was no problem in 2016. There's never been a problem until Trump came along with his proof-free election fraud nonsense that MAGA continues to slurp up. All the states had certified their results and Pence's constitutional duty was to accept them no matter how mad MAGA was due to losing. I don't know all the details but apparently the Senate could get last say with 1 vote/state and more Red states to finish stealing the election. And if that didn't work, then the far right radical SCOTUS would surely just hand the win to Trump. Vance suggesting multiple slates of electors is just a recreation of the failed MAGA coup of 2016 that Repubs are rightly getting taken to court for now. It's pretty clear what Vance would do in 2028.

"So, litigating which slate of electors were legitimate I think is fundamentally the political solution to the problems that existed in 2020," Vance said.

Stephanopoulos again asked: "Would you have certified the election results had you been vice president?"

Vance said, "If I had been vice president, I would have told the states, like Pennsylvania, Georgia and so many others, that we needed to have multiple slates of electors and I think the U.S. Congress should have fought over it from there. That is the legitimate way to deal with an election that a lot of folks, including me, think had a lot of problems in 2020. I think that's what we should have done."

Stephanopoulos said to Vance, "So, it's very clear, you would have done what Donald Trump asked you to do there, not what Vice President Mike Pence did."

Vance said, "It’s not about what Donald Trump asks somebody to do. It's about, what do we do when you have a problem like what happened in 2020? How do you respond to it? How does the political system respond to this?"

2. Show us any GOP quotes giving local election officials such power...fact is the GOP is powerless to do any such thing.

Some Election Officials Refused to Certify Results. Few Were Held Accountable.
A week and a half after last November’s vote, members of the Board of Elections in Surry County, North Carolina, gathered in a windowless room to certify the results. It was supposed to be a routine task, marking the end of a controversial season during which election deniers harassed and retaliated against the county’s elections director. Not long into the meeting, however, a staffer distributed a letter from two board members stating that they were refusing to certify.

According to the letter, the two members had decided — “with regard for the sacred blood shed of both my Redeemer and His servants” and “past Patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice”— that they “must not call these election results credible and bow to the perversion of truth.”

In their view, a federal judge who’d struck down a North Carolina voter ID law for discriminating against minorities had transformed the state’s election laws into “a grotesque and perverse sham.” Tim DeHaan, one of the two board members who signed the letter, explained at the meeting, “We feel the election was held according to the law that we have, but that the law is not right.”
"Stephanopoulos said to Vance, "So, it's very clear, you would have done what Donald Trump asked you to do there, not what Vice President Mike Pence did."

Where did Vance answer yes ? Stepinfetchit is an asshole when says shit like this, "So, it's very clear, you would have done what Donald Trump asked you to do" .
Sorry Moe...most people are smart enough to see what Stepinfetchit was trying to do. There is NOTHING clear about it.
You fukers twist and distort and take things out of context when it comes to Trump and use the "out of context" trick when it comes to Biden and his fellow haters.
"Stephanopoulos said to Vance, "So, it's very clear, you would have done what Donald Trump asked you to do there, not what Vice President Mike Pence did."

Where did Vance answer yes ? Stepinfetchit is an asshole when says shit like this, "So, it's very clear, you would have done what Donald Trump asked you to do" .
Sorry Moe...most people are smart enough to see what Stepinfetchit was trying to do. There is NOTHING clear about it.
You fukers twist and distort and take things out of context when it comes to Trump and use the "out of context" trick when it comes to Biden and his fellow haters.
Feeling ok?

Vance said, "If I had been vice president, I would have told the states, like Pennsylvania, Georgia and so many others, that we needed to have multiple slates of electors and I think the U.S. Congress should have fought over it from there.
Telling a big lie should turn Democrats like @moe into Trump supporters considering they voted for one of the biggest liars of all time by the name of Brandon.
See the last bold question. I love how he suggests that there's "a problem" that needs responded to. lol There is no problem and there was no problem in 2016. There's never been a problem until Trump came along with his proof-free election fraud nonsense that MAGA continues to slurp up. All the states had certified their results and Pence's constitutional duty was to accept them no matter how mad MAGA was due to losing. I don't know all the details but apparently the Senate could get last say with 1 vote/state and more Red states to finish stealing the election. And if that didn't work, then the far right radical SCOTUS would surely just hand the win to Trump. Vance suggesting multiple slates of electors is just a recreation of the failed MAGA coup of 2016 that Repubs are rightly getting taken to court for now. It's pretty clear what Vance would do in 2028.

"So, litigating which slate of electors were legitimate I think is fundamentally the political solution to the problems that existed in 2020," Vance said.

Stephanopoulos again asked: "Would you have certified the election results had you been vice president?"

Vance said, "If I had been vice president, I would have told the states, like Pennsylvania, Georgia and so many others, that we needed to have multiple slates of electors and I think the U.S. Congress should have fought over it from there. That is the legitimate way to deal with an election that a lot of folks, including me, think had a lot of problems in 2020. I think that's what we should have done."

Stephanopoulos said to Vance, "So, it's very clear, you would have done what Donald Trump asked you to do there, not what Vice President Mike Pence did."

Vance said, "It’s not about what Donald Trump asks somebody to do. It's about, what do we do when you have a problem like what happened in 2020? How do you respond to it? How does the political system respond to this?"

2. Show us any GOP quotes giving local election officials such power...fact is the GOP is powerless to do any such thing.

Some Election Officials Refused to Certify Results. Few Were Held Accountable.
A week and a half after last November’s vote, members of the Board of Elections in Surry County, North Carolina, gathered in a windowless room to certify the results. It was supposed to be a routine task, marking the end of a controversial season during which election deniers harassed and retaliated against the county’s elections director. Not long into the meeting, however, a staffer distributed a letter from two board members stating that they were refusing to certify.

According to the letter, the two members had decided — “with regard for the sacred blood shed of both my Redeemer and His servants” and “past Patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice”— that they “must not call these election results credible and bow to the perversion of truth.”

In their view, a federal judge who’d struck down a North Carolina voter ID law for discriminating against minorities had transformed the state’s election laws into “a grotesque and perverse sham.” Tim DeHaan, one of the two board members who signed the letter, explained at the meeting, “We feel the election was held according to the law that we have, but that the law is not right.”

Feeling ok?

Vance said, "If I had been vice president, I would have told the states, like Pennsylvania, Georgia and so many others, that we needed to have multiple slates of electors and I think the U.S. Congress should have fought over it from there.
I feel great....Vance never said he would do what Trump asked Pence to do...he gave a different answer...but he stated this;
"It’s not about what Donald Trump asks somebody to do. It's about, what do we do when you have a problem like what happened in 2020? How do you respond to it? How does the political system respond to this?"

Again...Give us the Vance quote where he said "I would not have certified the election result".
I feel great....Vance never said he would do what Trump asked Pence to do...he gave a different answer...but he stated this;
"It’s not about what Donald Trump asks somebody to do. It's about, what do we do when you have a problem like what happened in 2020? How do you respond to it? How does the political system respond to this?"

Again...Give us the Vance quote where he said "I would not have certified the election result".
Hello? McFly? You just responded to it. Pence accepted the certified election results. Vance said he would send them back to contested states (see the quote I just provided you in Post #11. By sending it back to the states, he's violating the constitution and doing the opposite of what Pence did. Here it is again, shew.

Vance said, "If I had been vice president, I would have told the states, like Pennsylvania, Georgia and so many others, that we needed to have multiple slates of electors and I think the U.S. Congress should have fought over it from there.
Read the above quote.
Hello? McFly? You just responded to it. Pence accepted the certified election results. Vance said he would send them back to contested states (see the quote I just provided you in Post #11. By sending it back to the states, he's violating the constitution and doing the opposite of what Pence did. Here it is again, shew.

Vance said, "If I had been vice president, I would have told the states, like Pennsylvania, Georgia and so many others, that we needed to have multiple slates of electors and I think the U.S. Congress should have fought over it from there.
Read the above quote.