Watching a documentary on the civil war last night

Snow Sled Baby

Gold Member
Jan 4, 2003
Staunton Va
Abraham Lincoln was called an idiot, a gorilla, a hick, and a back woods members of his own cabinet.......and he turned out to be one of the best presidents ever. Just throwing that out there for you folks who spend all your free time trying to think up new names to call our president, instead of trying to help solve our nations problems
Abraham Lincoln was called an idiot, a gorilla, a hick, and a back woods members of his own cabinet.......and he turned out to be one of the best presidents ever. Just throwing that out there for you folks who spend all your free time trying to think up new names to call our president, instead of trying to help solve our nations problems
Difference is Lincoln had a clue.
we know that now, but his ideas back then were thought to be as crazy as some think Trumps are now.....time and history will tell
So we have to wait for time and history before we can determine if Trump is a self centered ass? maybe you do, I'll go with Krauthammer for the first time in my life and also the WSJ. Did ya see the Fox news correspondent walk out of Sarah Huckabee Sanders "press fleecing" yesterday? The only people looking dimmer than the Donald are you guys supporting him, or it's more like you are hoping for him.
I LOVE to see all the libtards tears in this thread.
Abraham Lincoln was called an idiot, a gorilla, a hick, and a back woods members of his own cabinet.......and he turned out to be one of the best presidents ever. Just throwing that out there for you folks who spend all your free time trying to think up new names to call our president, instead of trying to help solve our nations problems
The reason that liberals like Lincoln is that he shit all over the Constitution, just like they like to do.
The reason that liberals like Lincoln is that he shit all over the Constitution, just like they like to do.
[roll]Typical clueless comment from the un-Reconstructed. Most people who say that stupid stuff don't have any idea what the Constitution says, and so can't pinpoint which parts of it Lincoln supposedly shit all over. What was he supposed to do when confronted with terrorism?
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Abraham Lincoln was called an idiot, a gorilla, a hick, and a back woods members of his own cabinet.......and he turned out to be one of the best presidents ever. Just throwing that out there for you folks who spend all your free time trying to think up new names to call our president, instead of trying to help solve our nations problems
Even the fact that you would compare Abraham Lincoln to Donald Trump shows how hopelessly loyal and blinded you are by the appearance of Trump's patriotism.
Here's a list I found, for starters, it's not exhaustive.

#1 Lincoln ordered the military blockade of Southern ports.

This an act of war.

Only Congress can do that.

At that time Lincoln certainly violated the US Constitution.

#2 Lincoln ordered hundreds of Northern newspapers who dared to speak out against him to be shut down. And their owners and editors were arrested for disloyalty.

This is a clear violation of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that Lincoln swore to uphold.

#3 Lincoln ordered the arrest of Ohio Congressman Clement Vallandigham for the crime of speaking out against him.

Can you imagine that?

#4 Ex parte Merryman,

Chief Justice of the US Roger Taney, sitting as a judge of the United States Circuit Court for the District of Maryland, ruled that Lincoln had violated the US Constitution when he illegally suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus.

After hearing this Lincoln signed an arrest warrant to have the Chief Justice of the US arrested.

#5 US Constitution Article lll...

Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them.

Lincoln committed treason.

Lincoln waged war upon his own country. Unless one considers secession legal and the Confederacy was a sovereign nation.

#6 Lincoln sent Union troops door to door in areas of Maryland, a Union state, to confiscate weapons.

This is a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.


Many Constitutional violations against Maryland

'Maryland my Maryland' was published calling Lincoln a tyrant and a despot and a vandal.

Lincoln as already mentioned, trashed the Constitution by suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus and sending troops door to door confiscating weapons in areas of Maryland.

Maryland was a Union state.

Lincoln ordered the arrest of thousands Marylanders for the crime of 'suspected Southern sympathies'.

Lincoln ordered the arrest of US Congressman Henry May representing Maryland. #7

Lincoln also had arrested...

Most of the Maryland State Legislature #8

Most of the Baltimore city council #9

The police commissioner of Baltimore #10

The mayor of Baltimore #11

Thousands of prominent Maryland citizens. #12

These people were arrested and held in Military prisons, without trial, some of them for years.

This trashing of the Constitution upset many Marylanders. One of them was named Booth.

Committing so many crimes against Maryland would end up giving Lincoln a big "headache".


April 25 1861, When it looks as though Maryland may secede from the Union, Lincoln sends a letter to General Winfield Scott giving him permission to bombard Maryland's Cities.

This war criminal Lincoln couldn't wait to bombard innocent civilians. We call that Terrorism these days.

#13 Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation.

This is a direct violation of the US Constitution and the US Supreme Courts decision on the matter.

#14 The Lincoln administration allowed the taking of private property for public use without just compensation or due process of law.

This is a clear violation of the 5th Amendment.

A prime example is the Union army stealing Robert E Lees home, Arlington House, which they used as Headquarters.

Since dead Union soldiers were stacking up like cordwood, they started burying them in Lee's yard. There were so many Union soldiers graves here, this was to become Arlington National Cemetery.

#15 The Lincoln Administration routinely used water torture against the thousands of Union prisoners arrested and jailed without trail.

This violates the 8th Amendment,

"Cruel and unusual punishment".
lol, they don't even know how stupid they sound anymore, What does Trump do to solve our problems? His poorly informed, lazy self-centered lack of leadership is what doomed his repeal and replace, He didn't even know it was failing as it was happening, he was playing Honk Honk goose on a firetruck at the time!
you mad?
Here's a list I found, for starters, it's not exhaustive.

#1 Lincoln ordered the military blockade of Southern ports.

This an act of war.

Only Congress can do that.

At that time Lincoln certainly violated the US Constitution.

#2 Lincoln ordered hundreds of Northern newspapers who dared to speak out against him to be shut down. And their owners and editors were arrested for disloyalty.

This is a clear violation of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that Lincoln swore to uphold.

#3 Lincoln ordered the arrest of Ohio Congressman Clement Vallandigham for the crime of speaking out against him.

Can you imagine that?

#4 Ex parte Merryman,

Chief Justice of the US Roger Taney, sitting as a judge of the United States Circuit Court for the District of Maryland, ruled that Lincoln had violated the US Constitution when he illegally suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus.

After hearing this Lincoln signed an arrest warrant to have the Chief Justice of the US arrested.

#5 US Constitution Article lll...

Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them.

Lincoln committed treason.

Lincoln waged war upon his own country. Unless one considers secession legal and the Confederacy was a sovereign nation.

#6 Lincoln sent Union troops door to door in areas of Maryland, a Union state, to confiscate weapons.

This is a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.


Many Constitutional violations against Maryland

'Maryland my Maryland' was published calling Lincoln a tyrant and a despot and a vandal.

Lincoln as already mentioned, trashed the Constitution by suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus and sending troops door to door confiscating weapons in areas of Maryland.

Maryland was a Union state.

Lincoln ordered the arrest of thousands Marylanders for the crime of 'suspected Southern sympathies'.

Lincoln ordered the arrest of US Congressman Henry May representing Maryland. #7

Lincoln also had arrested...

Most of the Maryland State Legislature #8

Most of the Baltimore city council #9

The police commissioner of Baltimore #10

The mayor of Baltimore #11

Thousands of prominent Maryland citizens. #12

These people were arrested and held in Military prisons, without trial, some of them for years.

This trashing of the Constitution upset many Marylanders. One of them was named Booth.

Committing so many crimes against Maryland would end up giving Lincoln a big "headache".


April 25 1861, When it looks as though Maryland may secede from the Union, Lincoln sends a letter to General Winfield Scott giving him permission to bombard Maryland's Cities.

This war criminal Lincoln couldn't wait to bombard innocent civilians. We call that Terrorism these days.

#13 Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation.

This is a direct violation of the US Constitution and the US Supreme Courts decision on the matter.

#14 The Lincoln administration allowed the taking of private property for public use without just compensation or due process of law.

This is a clear violation of the 5th Amendment.

A prime example is the Union army stealing Robert E Lees home, Arlington House, which they used as Headquarters.

Since dead Union soldiers were stacking up like cordwood, they started burying them in Lee's yard. There were so many Union soldiers graves here, this was to become Arlington National Cemetery.

#15 The Lincoln Administration routinely used water torture against the thousands of Union prisoners arrested and jailed without trail.

This violates the 8th Amendment,

"Cruel and unusual punishment".
Clearly not as mad as our resident snowflake Brushy. Dude has it turned up to 11 today.
my point is simply this. Laugh all you names all you want....disrespect all you've got another 7.5 years to go......we will see then what is what and who melts's all rather childish if you ask me....humorous sometimes but still childish
Prove it.
Here's a list I found, for starters, it's not exhaustive.

#1 Lincoln ordered the military blockade of Southern ports.

This an act of war.

Only Congress can do that.

At that time Lincoln certainly violated the US Constitution.

#2 Lincoln ordered hundreds of Northern newspapers who dared to speak out against him to be shut down. And their owners and editors were arrested for disloyalty.

This is a clear violation of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that Lincoln swore to uphold.

#3 Lincoln ordered the arrest of Ohio Congressman Clement Vallandigham for the crime of speaking out against him.

Can you imagine that?

#4 Ex parte Merryman,

Chief Justice of the US Roger Taney, sitting as a judge of the United States Circuit Court for the District of Maryland, ruled that Lincoln had violated the US Constitution when he illegally suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus.

After hearing this Lincoln signed an arrest warrant to have the Chief Justice of the US arrested.

#5 US Constitution Article lll...

Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them.

Lincoln committed treason.

Lincoln waged war upon his own country. Unless one considers secession legal and the Confederacy was a sovereign nation.

#6 Lincoln sent Union troops door to door in areas of Maryland, a Union state, to confiscate weapons.

This is a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.


Many Constitutional violations against Maryland

'Maryland my Maryland' was published calling Lincoln a tyrant and a despot and a vandal.

Lincoln as already mentioned, trashed the Constitution by suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus and sending troops door to door confiscating weapons in areas of Maryland.

Maryland was a Union state.

Lincoln ordered the arrest of thousands Marylanders for the crime of 'suspected Southern sympathies'.

Lincoln ordered the arrest of US Congressman Henry May representing Maryland. #7

Lincoln also had arrested...

Most of the Maryland State Legislature #8

Most of the Baltimore city council #9

The police commissioner of Baltimore #10

The mayor of Baltimore #11

Thousands of prominent Maryland citizens. #12

These people were arrested and held in Military prisons, without trial, some of them for years.

This trashing of the Constitution upset many Marylanders. One of them was named Booth.

Committing so many crimes against Maryland would end up giving Lincoln a big "headache".


April 25 1861, When it looks as though Maryland may secede from the Union, Lincoln sends a letter to General Winfield Scott giving him permission to bombard Maryland's Cities.

This war criminal Lincoln couldn't wait to bombard innocent civilians. We call that Terrorism these days.

#13 Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation.

This is a direct violation of the US Constitution and the US Supreme Courts decision on the matter.

#14 The Lincoln administration allowed the taking of private property for public use without just compensation or due process of law.

This is a clear violation of the 5th Amendment.

A prime example is the Union army stealing Robert E Lees home, Arlington House, which they used as Headquarters.

Since dead Union soldiers were stacking up like cordwood, they started burying them in Lee's yard. There were so many Union soldiers graves here, this was to become Arlington National Cemetery.

#15 The Lincoln Administration routinely used water torture against the thousands of Union prisoners arrested and jailed without trail.

This violates the 8th Amendment,

"Cruel and unusual punishment".
my point is simply this. Laugh all you names all you want....disrespect all you've got another 7.5 years to go......we will see then what is what and who melts's all rather childish if you ask me....humorous sometimes but still childish
I think Trump probably wins reelection - because the dem's cupboard is bare.....but right now, he doesn't win.
Let the record reflect dumbdumb521 had nothing.
Martial law was declared. A mob of Cofederate sympathizers attacked a troop of Union soldiers, resulting in some of the first casualties of the Civil War when the troop opened fire. Southern spies had implemented sabotage strategies behind the lines in the North (telegram lines, railroads, etc..). To try to compare Lincoln's actions of expanding the war powers of the oval and suppressing civil liberties, in a time of Civil War, to anything outside of that foolish.
Let the record reflect dumbdumb521 had nothing.

You do such a good job of making yourself look like a fool, I defer
Why argue with these rubes trying to slap lipstick on the Trump pig, they got their self worth wrapped up in him at this point. You read his tweet this morning about the healthcare bill? It's like he isn't even coherent or can remember what he said or did five minutes prior. They are all just hoping he doesn't implode and know deep down that they'd be losing their minds if the Democrats had ever had a clown so unqualified or immature as this President. Bet they miss the days when their GOP senate and house members could pretend to vote to repeal Obamacare knowing damn well Obama had their backs with a veto. Bottom line is the GOP hardliners and moderates don't want to compromise even now that they are in power and they don't have any one except Dumb Donald as their leader to try and bring them together. Shit won't get done with so many GOP my way or the highway folks, so blame the minority Democrats, GOP base is stupid, they'll buy it..
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Abraham Lincoln was called an idiot, a gorilla, a hick, and a back woods members of his own cabinet.......and he turned out to be one of the best presidents ever. Just throwing that out there for you folks who spend all your free time trying to think up new names to call our president, instead of trying to help solve our nations problems

And that's with the amateur insult artists from the 1860s. I can only imagine what names Trump would have called him if he were around then.
Here's a list I found, for starters, it's not exhaustive.

#1 Lincoln ordered the military blockade of Southern ports. This an act of war. Only Congress can do that.

War against whom? Lincoln was responding to acts of terrorism against the United States -- look up the definition of treason in the Constitution which you claim to love so much. As far as the world was concerned those were still United States ports, which the president had every right to close or blockade. Some of his advisors told Lincoln that declaring the ports closed would have been the better move, since a blockade seemed to accord belligerent status to the states in rebellion.

#3 Lincoln ordered the arrest of Ohio Congressman Clement Vallandigham for the crime of speaking out against him. Can you imagine that?
Valladingham was a traitor, so yes, I can imagine it. After Lincoln had him deported to the South he made his way to Canada and conspired with Confederate agents to seize the governments of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky, and bring them into the Confederacy.

#4 Ex parte Merryman,

Chief Justice of the US Roger Taney, sitting as a judge of the United States Circuit Court for the District of Maryland, ruled that Lincoln had violated the US Constitution when he illegally suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus.

After hearing this Lincoln signed an arrest warrant to have the Chief Justice of the US arrested.
This has been debunked several times.

#5 US Constitution Article lll... Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them. Lincoln committed treason.

Lincoln waged war upon his own country. Unless one considers secession legal and the Confederacy was a sovereign nation.
Huh? Who waged war against the United States? Who fired on an unarmed US vessel on a mission to supply a US fort? Who attacked that fort? Who occupied other US forts, seized US property, and imprisoned US officials? Look up the term rebellion. Also terrorism -- that's what Lincoln was dealing with.

#13 Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation. This is a direct violation of the US Constitution and the US Supreme Courts decision on the matter.

Really? The Emancipation Proclamation didn't include West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, or Tennessee. And what part of the Constitution did it violate?

#14 The Lincoln administration allowed the taking of private property for public use without just compensation or due process of law. This is a clear violation of the 5th Amendment. A prime example is the Union army stealing Robert E Lees home, Arlington House, which they used as Headquarters. Since dead Union soldiers were stacking up like cordwood, they started burying them in Lee's yard. There were so many Union soldiers graves here, this was to become Arlington National Cemetery.

Yep, and Lee's son was paid $150,000 for the property in 1883 after winning claims all the way to the Supreme Court. So much for the taking "without just compensation or due process of law."

#15 The Lincoln Administration routinely used water torture against the thousands of Union prisoners arrested and jailed without trail. This violates the 8th Amendment, "Cruel and unusual punishment".
Where did you come up with this BS? It's even more ridiculous than the Taney arrest warrant hokum.
War against whom? Lincoln was responding to acts of terrorism against the United States -- look up the definition of treason in the Constitution which you claim to love so much. As far as the world was concerned those were still United States ports, which the president had every right to close or blockade. Some of his advisors told Lincoln that declaring the ports closed would have been the better move, since a blockade seemed to accord belligerent status to the states in rebellion.

Valladingham was a traitor, so yes, I can imagine it. After Lincoln had him deported to the South he made his way to Canada and conspired with Confederate agents to seize the governments of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky, and bring them into the Confederacy.

This has been debunked several times.

Huh? Who waged war against the United States? Who fired on an unarmed US vessel on a mission to supply a US fort? Who attacked that fort? Who occupied other US forts, seized US property, and imprisoned US officials? Look up the term rebellion. Also terrorism -- that's what Lincoln was dealing with.

Really? The Emancipation Proclamation didn't include West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, or Tennessee. And what part of the Constitution did it violate?

Yep, and Lee's son was paid $150,000 for the property in 1883 after winning claims all the way to the Supreme Court. So much for the taking "without just compensation or due process of law."

#15 The Lincoln Administration routinely used water torture against the thousands of Union prisoners arrested and jailed without trail. This violates the 8th Amendment, "Cruel and unusual punishment".

Those were all bushy bills post. I replied to his post calling him a fool....he said prove it.....I copied his post to prove it. I think the list is quasi-history with lies and racism sprinkled amongst it. And anyone that takes that list as legit, is a fool.
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Abraham Lincoln was called an idiot, a gorilla, a hick, and a back woods members of his own cabinet.......and he turned out to be one of the best presidents ever. Just throwing that out there for you folks who spend all your free time trying to think up new names to call our president, instead of trying to help solve our nations problems
Lincoln also appointed many political rivals to his cabinet and other posts. He wanted diverse opinions not yes men. That strikes me as different than Trump in a big way, especially looking back to the Trump complement fest at the recorded cabinet meeting, Trump's not Lincoln's.
Here's a list I found, for starters, it's not exhaustive.

#1 Lincoln ordered the military blockade of Southern ports.

This an act of war.

Only Congress can do that.

At that time Lincoln certainly violated the US Constitution.

#2 Lincoln ordered hundreds of Northern newspapers who dared to speak out against him to be shut down. And their owners and editors were arrested for disloyalty.

This is a clear violation of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that Lincoln swore to uphold.

#3 Lincoln ordered the arrest of Ohio Congressman Clement Vallandigham for the crime of speaking out against him.

Can you imagine that?

#4 Ex parte Merryman,

Chief Justice of the US Roger Taney, sitting as a judge of the United States Circuit Court for the District of Maryland, ruled that Lincoln had violated the US Constitution when he illegally suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus.

After hearing this Lincoln signed an arrest warrant to have the Chief Justice of the US arrested.

#5 US Constitution Article lll...

Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them.

Lincoln committed treason.

Lincoln waged war upon his own country. Unless one considers secession legal and the Confederacy was a sovereign nation.

#6 Lincoln sent Union troops door to door in areas of Maryland, a Union state, to confiscate weapons.

This is a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.


Many Constitutional violations against Maryland

'Maryland my Maryland' was published calling Lincoln a tyrant and a despot and a vandal.

Lincoln as already mentioned, trashed the Constitution by suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus and sending troops door to door confiscating weapons in areas of Maryland.

Maryland was a Union state.

Lincoln ordered the arrest of thousands Marylanders for the crime of 'suspected Southern sympathies'.

Lincoln ordered the arrest of US Congressman Henry May representing Maryland. #7

Lincoln also had arrested...

Most of the Maryland State Legislature #8

Most of the Baltimore city council #9

The police commissioner of Baltimore #10

The mayor of Baltimore #11

Thousands of prominent Maryland citizens. #12

These people were arrested and held in Military prisons, without trial, some of them for years.

This trashing of the Constitution upset many Marylanders. One of them was named Booth.

Committing so many crimes against Maryland would end up giving Lincoln a big "headache".


April 25 1861, When it looks as though Maryland may secede from the Union, Lincoln sends a letter to General Winfield Scott giving him permission to bombard Maryland's Cities.

This war criminal Lincoln couldn't wait to bombard innocent civilians. We call that Terrorism these days.

#13 Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation.

This is a direct violation of the US Constitution and the US Supreme Courts decision on the matter.

#14 The Lincoln administration allowed the taking of private property for public use without just compensation or due process of law.

This is a clear violation of the 5th Amendment.

A prime example is the Union army stealing Robert E Lees home, Arlington House, which they used as Headquarters.

Since dead Union soldiers were stacking up like cordwood, they started burying them in Lee's yard. There were so many Union soldiers graves here, this was to become Arlington National Cemetery.

#15 The Lincoln Administration routinely used water torture against the thousands of Union prisoners arrested and jailed without trail.

This violates the 8th Amendment,

"Cruel and unusual punishment".

What makes you so sympathetic to the Confederate cause? Oh,'d still like for whites to have all power and blacks and others be servants.

First off, your list is so flawed it's laughable. Lincoln was informed that the Charleston harbor was taken by "Confederates", he ordered supplies to be delivered to the federal troops there. This was BRILLIANT by Lincoln. Because 1) if supplies went in, this incident would be isolated and over quickly 2) if supplies were refused, or federal ships fired upon, then it is treason and an act of war and history would reflect that Lincoln did not start the Civil War. BRILLIANT!

As stated by the Supreme Court many times, during times of "crisis" the President can assume more powers than the Constitution grants. Lincoln had every right to declare martial law, and to arrest opposition because it was an treasonous uprising by American citizens. Go ahead, defend them again....TRAITOR!

Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, an executive order.....completely legal. How is it legal? Because, the northern states were OK with it and the South lost! Go suck on one again, TRAITOR!
"The word 'racism' is like ketchup. It can be put on practically anything - and demanding evidence makes you a 'racist.'" - Thomas Sowell
Honest answers then bushy beaver: do you believe that a person's race can dictact their ability to use cognitive reasoning? Do you think a person's race can dictate their level of integrity and/or devotion to decency?