Very interesting

Looks like Konate should have went D-League instead of returning.
Huggs needs to deliver some messages to this team. Start with benching Konate for several games...entire games...and playing those who play with a heartbeat instead of a head full of hype. Get back to team even it means losing now for the future.
Konate is a pussy this year. Success got to his head. NBA and college need to fix the mess.

Either way Konate was never going to be an NBA player anyway. You have no clue if you thought he was. He’s a no skill 6-7 center.
That is why the whole thing is ridiculous. He's barely even an NBA prospect. His game has suffered this year because he puts his non-existent NBA future ahead of the team he is currently on. He finally got it going against Pitt and played like he did last year, and all the sudden his brother is telling him not to play, so his knee is too sore. Meanwhile our team sucks. We have no leadership on the court, and no players seem to care enough to put in the hard work except probably the two least raw-talented on the team in Harler and Routt.
This team has attrition written all over it. Going to be another 2012-13 turnaround. How a HOF coach allows for recruiting to be so abysmal I have no idea. My only knock on Huggs ever. You just can't have these valleys every 5 years or so.
This team has attrition written all over it. Going to be another 2012-13 turnaround. How a HOF coach allows for recruiting to be so abysmal I have no idea. My only knock on Huggs ever. You just can't have these valleys every 5 years or so.

You want one and dones
Especially ones that don't really make a difference but because they have tremendous upside go to the NBA.

I would much rather go with the 3-4 year guys that will improve.
Problem for WV those guys aren't experience at guard right now.

You can't speed teams up to take advantage of a great front line.
This team has attrition written all over it. Going to be another 2012-13 turnaround. How a HOF coach allows for recruiting to be so abysmal I have no idea. My only knock on Huggs ever. You just can't have these valleys every 5 years or so.

You guys have to understand that 5 star kids aren't going to come here and play for Huggins. He takes the "tweeners" like Jones, Sags, McCabe, and Carter and tries to mold them into BETTER basketball players. For the most part, he succeeds.

But, there are always going to be the failures.

First, kids don't want to come play for a coach that is "defense first". They don't play defense in high school. They don't play it in AAU. It's all playground basketball.

We've been wondering for years why Huggins doesn't get that true shooting guard. That's because a true shooting guard doesn't want to work his ass off playing defense. He needs his legs, first and foremost, to be that top-level shooting guard. He won't have that playing for Huggins chasing guys 50 feet every time down the court.

So, we get what we get - tweeners. And that's ok as long as they play their role and learn to accept it. Right now, we don't have that Carter or Miles, guys who made plays and made everyone else around them better, on THIS team or that have or are able to step up and take on that role.

We'll see what the future holds....
You guys have to understand that 5 star kids aren't going to come here and play for Huggins. He takes the "tweeners" like Jones, Sags, McCabe, and Carter and tries to mold them into BETTER basketball players. For the most part, he succeeds.

But, there are always going to be the failures.

First, kids don't want to come play for a coach that is "defense first". They don't play defense in high school. They don't play it in AAU. It's all playground basketball.

We've been wondering for years why Huggins doesn't get that true shooting guard. That's because a true shooting guard doesn't want to work his ass off playing defense. He needs his legs, first and foremost, to be that top-level shooting guard. He won't have that playing for Huggins chasing guys 50 feet every time down the court.

So, we get what we get - tweeners. And that's ok as long as they play their role and learn to accept it. Right now, we don't have that Carter or Miles, guys who made plays and made everyone else around them better, on THIS team or that have or are able to step up and take on that role.

We'll see what the future holds....

Do you know what beats a defense? Players who can put the ball in the basket. Give me those guys.
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We got more problems than the guard play. The guards don’t get help either. Culver is needed ASAP if eligible.

Konate will never play in NBA but he can be a good center in college the next 2 years if he wants to be.
We got more problems than the guard play. The guards don’t get help either. Culver is needed ASAP if eligible.

Konate will never play in NBA but he can be a good center in college the next 2 years if he wants to be.

Culver is not a finished product.
He had tremendous upside.
Great leaper but his offensive game is not refined.

You are just throwing another big out there that cannot score on his own.
Do you know what beats a defense? Players who can put the ball in the basket. Give me those guys.

Put in your application. Maybe when Huggins is through you can go get them.

Or do you think we can get someone better than Huggins to coach here? Think a Coach K or Calipari is just sitting there waiting for Huggins to die off so he can come to the basketball mecca that is Morgantown?

Some of you guys are already better recruiters than Huggins. I'm sure he would want you on his staff. Apply already or have you been turned down? If so, we'll put in word to Gee to look into this slight.
Put in your application. Maybe when Huggins is through you can go get them.

Or do you think we can get someone better than Huggins to coach here? Think a Coach K or Calipari is just sitting there waiting for Huggins to die off so he can come to the basketball mecca that is Morgantown?

Some of you guys are already better recruiters than Huggins. I'm sure he would want you on his staff. Apply already or have you been turned down? If so, we'll put in word to Gee to look into this slight.

Didn't say anything about being "better" than Huggs. I always support Huggs, but that doesn't mean the man doesn't deserve some of the blame for the 6-4 start. Huggs needs to avoid being this generation's "Bob Knight", not the physical or verbal abuse towards players, but the not adapting to the new generation and style of playing.
Didn't say anything about being "better" than Huggs. I always support Huggs, but that doesn't mean the man doesn't deserve some of the blame for the 6-4 start. Huggs needs to avoid being this generation's "Bob Knight", not the physical or verbal abuse towards players, but the not adapting to the new generation and style of playing.

I get what you are saying. Yet, I think this also needs to be said.

WVU isn't Kentucky, Duke, UNC, or a blue-blood school that can pull in 5 star recruits. We pretty much have to get what we can get - a bunch of tweeners - kids that are pretty good but lack that "something", i.e. height, quickness, etc., to be an immediate impact player we all want. It is something that every team like us has to deal with.

Huggins is successful at adapting to what he has. Right now, college basketball is all about guard play. The teams with the best guard play usually make the final four. Everyone else watches. Huggins does a great job of having us watching a little later than everyone else.

Right now, our guards are short, slow, and bad decision makers. As the season goes on they will still be short, slow, but the bad decisions hopefully will go down. No matter what that doofus 304 said, we never were a final four team. We were barely even going to be a tournament team. Ray Charles riding by on an F15 could have seen that. Same as we were when JC and Dax were freshmen.

We'll get better. It'll just take time.
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