Urban Myer says Cincinnati should be in the Big12

Urban is obviously too chicken to lead the Buckeye's into the Big 12 to battle it out head to head with Kansas for last place. He knows his Ohio lard-boys can't handle Big 12 talent, speed, and finesse, his last sentence says it all.
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I thought he had an anxiety disorder that made him think he was having heart attacks and had to leave coaching? Either way, he's nuts.

Wait until Harbaugh gets properly wound up. The name of the OSU-Michigan game will become known as "The Crazy Bowl". The coaches will be led in dressed is straight jackets. Prozac and Xanax will be handed out at the gate. The winning coach will be given the keys to Woody Hayes old pick-up to run down the opposing mascot while the crowd nods out.
Translation: Cincinnatti is the ugly meth addicted study buddy/2nd or 3rd cousin of tOSU and rather than support or vouch for getting them a job where tOSU works (B1G), do what you can to get them a job at another firm (Big XII, ACC) that you're not working with.

I mean if they're such a good fit, the B1G should have scooped them up before Nebraska, Rutgers, or Maryland. Right???
I thought you guys wanted Cincinnati in the B12?

A better choice than some ideas presented here (UCONN, UCF, USF, ECU, etc.), but I think the comment is more akin to WVU's AD proclaiming that Marshall would be a good fit for the PAC 12. 1.) What does he care? 2.) We don't play them anyway, so why add fuel to a fire that's burnt out? I think the comments are more geared toward Meyer than UC.
Urban is obviously too chicken to lead the Buckeye's into the Big 12 to battle it out head to head with Kansas for last place. He knows his Ohio lard-boys can't handle Big 12 talent, speed, and finesse, his last sentence says it all.

Thank God you're messin around!
Urban is a UC alumnus. Perhaps, he just wants to see his alma mater in a Power 5 conference?
Thank God you're messin around!

Just preaching God's True Word to the masses. Urban knows that ball he plays won't go in Big-12. Those corn-fed lard-boys would be suckin' air at the coin toss. Could you imagine Urban's lard-boys playing multiple games in 90 plus degree weather in Texas and Oklahoma through October? Those Great Lakes bucket-butts would be dropping from heat stroke left and right. He wouldn't have enough players left to beat a middle school team by Columbus Day.

"Coach what is this? The wadder is leakin' from my brain pan."

"It's sweat, son? Why do you I think I left Florida? It made me crazy and messed up my hair!"

"We have to play football and sweat, Coach? Count me out. They made me walk and chew gum to get into this football factory, my ankles are still shot. I ain't sweatin' and playin' football, it stings my eyes! I'll be over by the Sno-Cone stand, lemme know when we're flyin' back to Clumbus."

"Get me a big orange, will ya son? Texas is about to top the half century mark and it's still the first quarter. September 5th, damn! It's snowing in Toledo and the temps here are gonna hit 100 by the 4th quarter. I wonder if we can join the MAC?"
Just telling the truth.

Do you really think Ohio State could handle late season road games with temps approaching 90 and win half of them? After not seeing anything approaching that since before Labor Day? It's preposterous.

How do you think FSU and Miami built up their football programs? Bowden and Schnellenberger started scheduling name northern teams in the late season. You take a team like Ohio State, Michigan, PSU etc.... that hasn't seen moderately high temps since early September and bring them in late October/November with temps pushing 90. The northern teams get gassed and fade in the second half.

The same thing would happen the lard-boys playing in the Big 12. Have you ever spent any length of time in the Southern plains? It's frying pan hot through October and can be damned toasty through November. Northern teams can't handle that kind of heat when they haven't seen it regularly since late August/very early September. They're no longer acclimatized to it. Two, the sun is more intense in fall in Texas and Oklahoma than it is in the Rust Belt in mid-summer. I've been sunburned through the windshield of a car in Houston in early January and I'm not exactly a light skinned guy. How often does that happen to even the near lily-white in Columbus in mid-summer? Not often would be my guess.

You want to know why southern tier SEC , B-12, and the Florida teams stay in the locker room while their non-conference opponents run through what they see as normal pre-game drills? They're letting them wear themselves out in the heat and sun. The climate does half the job for you.

10-2 would be a fantastic, but rare year, for Ohio State in either the Big 12 or the SEC due to those conditions alone. Factor in the overall better talent in both leagues in comparison to what OSU sees now and 8-4 would be much more realistic. You can't deny nature it's due. Speed and heat kill.

You can say, "But we recruit southern kids." That's true, but they lose their tolerance to the heat within mere weeks of being in the north. After six months up there they might as well be from Buffalo.

BTW, I have connections to an charitable organization called the Village Idiots. If you smoke stogies I might put in a good word for you, but you're going to get basic grasp on climate, cigars and football. Being a bandwagon fan of whatever team is hot and lacking in basic knowledge of the game hardly qualifies you. We do have one Buckeye fan who lives in New Jersey, but he can barely waddle out his door. We call him "Duckboy". A prime example of a Yankee lard-boy.
Urban is obviously too chicken to lead the Buckeye's into the Big 12 to battle it out head to head with Kansas for last place. He knows his Ohio lard-boys can't handle Big 12 talent, speed, and finesse, his last sentence says it all.

Well urban is going down to Norman this year to
Just telling the truth.

Do you really think Ohio State could handle late season road games with temps approaching 90 and win half of them? After not seeing anything approaching that since before Labor Day? It's preposterous.

How do you think FSU and Miami built up their football programs? Bowden and Schnellenberger started scheduling name northern teams in the late season. You take a team like Ohio State, Michigan, PSU etc.... that hasn't seen moderately high temps since early September and bring them in late October/November with temps pushing 90. The northern teams get gassed and fade in the second half.

The same thing would happen the lard-boys playing in the Big 12. Have you ever spent any length of time in the Southern plains? It's frying pan hot through October and can be damned toasty through November. Northern teams can't handle that kind of heat when they haven't seen it regularly since late August/very early September. They're no longer acclimatized to it. Two, the sun is more intense in fall in Texas and Oklahoma than it is in the Rust Belt in mid-summer. I've been sunburned through the windshield of a car in Houston in early January and I'm not exactly a light skinned guy. How often does that happen to even the near lily-white in Columbus in mid-summer? Not often would be my guess.

You want to know why southern tier SEC , B-12, and the Florida teams stay in the locker room while their non-conference opponents run through what they see as normal pre-game drills? They're letting them wear themselves out in the heat and sun. The climate does half the job for you.

10-2 would be a fantastic, but rare year, for Ohio State in either the Big 12 or the SEC due to those conditions alone. Factor in the overall better talent in both leagues in comparison to what OSU sees now and 8-4 would be much more realistic. You can't deny nature it's due. Speed and heat kill.

You can say, "But we recruit southern kids." That's true, but they lose their tolerance to the heat within mere weeks of being in the north. After six months up there they might as well be from Buffalo.

BTW, I have connections to an charitable organization called the Village Idiots. If you smoke stogies I might put in a good word for you, but you're going to get basic grasp on climate, cigars and football. Being a bandwagon fan of whatever team is hot and lacking in basic knowledge of the game hardly qualifies you. We do have one Buckeye fan who lives in New Jersey, but he can barely waddle out his door. We call him "Duckboy". A prime example of a Yankee lard-boy.

Can you tell me how many players Ohio state had drafted in last years draft? Can you tell me the last time Ohio state won a national championship? Can you tell me what team in the Big 12 has a better coach than Urban Meyer? I would say that Ohio state would have no problem competing in the Big 12 considering they have far superior talent to the majority of the conference. You might want to look at the last time the big 12 had a winning bowl record or the last time the outright big 12 champion won its bowl game. Its been over a decade since a big 12 team won the NC an its been 7 years since a big 12 team played for an NC
Just telling the truth.

Do you really think Ohio State could handle late season road games with temps approaching 90 and win half of them? After not seeing anything approaching that since before Labor Day? It's preposterous.

How do you think FSU and Miami built up their football programs? Bowden and Schnellenberger started scheduling name northern teams in the late season. You take a team like Ohio State, Michigan, PSU etc.... that hasn't seen moderately high temps since early September and bring them in late October/November with temps pushing 90. The northern teams get gassed and fade in the second half.

The same thing would happen the lard-boys playing in the Big 12. Have you ever spent any length of time in the Southern plains? It's frying pan hot through October and can be damned toasty through November. Northern teams can't handle that kind of heat when they haven't seen it regularly since late August/very early September. They're no longer acclimatized to it. Two, the sun is more intense in fall in Texas and Oklahoma than it is in the Rust Belt in mid-summer. I've been sunburned through the windshield of a car in Houston in early January and I'm not exactly a light skinned guy. How often does that happen to even the near lily-white in Columbus in mid-summer? Not often would be my guess.

You want to know why southern tier SEC , B-12, and the Florida teams stay in the locker room while their non-conference opponents run through what they see as normal pre-game drills? They're letting them wear themselves out in the heat and sun. The climate does half the job for you.

10-2 would be a fantastic, but rare year, for Ohio State in either the Big 12 or the SEC due to those conditions alone. Factor in the overall better talent in both leagues in comparison to what OSU sees now and 8-4 would be much more realistic. You can't deny nature it's due. Speed and heat kill.

You can say, "But we recruit southern kids." That's true, but they lose their tolerance to the heat within mere weeks of being in the north. After six months up there they might as well be from Buffalo.

BTW, I have connections to an charitable organization called the Village Idiots. If you smoke stogies I might put in a good word for you, but you're going to get basic grasp on climate, cigars and football. Being a bandwagon fan of whatever team is hot and lacking in basic knowledge of the game hardly qualifies you. We do have one Buckeye fan who lives in New Jersey, but he can barely waddle out his door. We call him "Duckboy". A prime example of a Yankee lard-boy.

You're the biggest moron I've come across in 53 years. Anyone that would argue that OSU hasn't recruited at the highest level nationally and is a top 3 program is the jerk of all jerks. Dude haven't you notice the Big12 performance in the playoffs the couple of years. The national perspective on the Big12 is the complete opposite of your dumbass Big 12 perspective.
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You're the biggest moron I've come across in 53 years. Anyone that would argue that OSU hasn't recruited at the highest level nationally and is a top 3 program is the jerk of all jerks. Dude haven't you notice the Big12 performance in the playoffs the couple of years. The national perspective on the Big12 is the complete opposite of your dumbass Big 12 perspective.

The word is Moe Ron.................and it starts with Lil. Lil Moe Ron back at ya!
The word is Moe Ron.................and it starts with Lil. Lil Moe Ron back at ya!

Looks like I've hooked the legendary loudmothed Jacob's Bass, Wareez! He's easier than Courtney Love on the purple drank and almost as smart. Let's stick him in the live well.

Greggy-Boy, climate matters. It's why NFL coaches in Southern cities don't want to head north after the first of November and coaches in Northern markets don't want to head south after the end of September. They've whined about the 'competitive advantage' one gives the other for decades. If it's true there, it's surely true on the college level.

You may not have noticed,Greggy, but football is an outdoor sport. Climate plays a huge factor. If your kids aren't acclimated to the hotter weather of the Deep South and Southwest, it's going to play Hell on them after they've gotten used to the cool fall weather at home. They have to head south to play in what would be considered summer heat in the north. The human body needs about three weeks to acclimate to a new temperature regimen. That doesn't happen on a day and half trip to play a football game after practicing and residing in a place where upper forties are the norm in the fall and the occasional sixty degree day is a regular heat wave.

Yep, Ohio State has to play Oklahoma this year. Did you happen to notice the game is scheduled early, while the OSU kids are still used dealing with hot weather? OSU wouldn't be heading anywhere near Oklahoma or Texas in November because the heat would wear them out more than the game. You're not going to see Urban take his team to Gainesville for the traditional late November SEC OOC game for the same reason. The heat and humidity would hand the game to Florida.

That's why OSU would have hard time dominating in the Big 12 year in and year out, and would be chopped liver in the SEC. They would have to travel far for road games in the regular season that starts the first week October, which means playing in the heat on a regular basis after a damned long trip to get there. It's not rocket science.

OSU would likely be a top three team in the Big-12 most seasons and possibly twice a decade the top dog. Travel and that lovely heat will cost you about two games a year over the norm as a northern team in the Big-12.

It works both ways. You don't see LSU or Alabama schedule a school north of Central Kentucky home and home after late October, do you? And they have the late OOC game to play with. WVU has had to twist arms to get the conference to force the Texas teams to travel north after the 1st of November. The Texas schools don't want a thing to do with the travel and the weather that late in the year as they know it puts them at a large

If college football does go to super-conferences, the northern tier teams are going to be in for a very rude awakening when they start to have to go south late in the year. WVU fans saw it play out just once every two years for two decades in a stretched out BE. They didn't really notice it with Miami, as UM held a huge talent advantage over the rest of the league. When Miami left and USF moved in, fans couldn't understand the struggles with them on the road. They never factored in the heat, as they couldn't see it as playing in for years due to all those big fast UM kids running up and down the field at the Orange Bowl.

They're now seeing it multiple times a year in the Big-12 and many still can't figure out what is going on, pointing ten fingers twenty different ways trying to explain it. It is what it is. You want in the game, you get the cards that are dealt you. There's no point in bitching about it.

If you travel 1200 miles for road games where it's hotter than your guys have seen in a month and half, you drop games. You could resurrect Bear Bryant, put him on WVU's sideline, recruit four and five stars, and it's not going to get much better than it is now.

Why do you think Nebraska fled the Big 12? It wasn't the tale of woe they told about bad ol' UT picking on them. It was having to make long trips south and sucking air playing Texas teams in the heat on a regular basis. The losses mounted and they bailed the first chance they got. As they say, 'If you can't handle the heat....' , Nebraska couldn't.

BTW, if you need me to explain any of the big words, just ask, I'm here to help. Let me know if you're getting enough air in the live well, we don't want you to lose any more brain cells.
Looks like I've hooked the legendary loudmothed Jacob's Bass, Wareez! He's easier than Courtney Love on the purple drank and almost as smart. Let's stick him in the live well.

Greggy-Boy, climate matters. It's why NFL coaches in Southern cities don't want to head north after the first of November and coaches in Northern markets don't want to head south after the end of September. They've whined about the 'competitive advantage' one gives the other for decades. If it's true there, it's surely true on the college level.

You may not have noticed,Greggy, but football is an outdoor sport. Climate plays a huge factor. If your kids aren't acclimated to the hotter weather of the Deep South and Southwest, it's going to play Hell on them after they've gotten used to the cool fall weather at home. They have to head south to play in what would be considered summer heat in the north. The human body needs about three weeks to acclimate to a new temperature regimen. That doesn't happen on a day and half trip to play a football game after practicing and residing in a place where upper forties are the norm in the fall and the occasional sixty degree day is a regular heat wave.

Yep, Ohio State has to play Oklahoma this year. Did you happen to notice the game is scheduled early, while the OSU kids are still used dealing with hot weather? OSU wouldn't be heading anywhere near Oklahoma or Texas in November because the heat would wear them out more than the game. You're not going to see Urban take his team to Gainesville for the traditional late November SEC OOC game for the same reason. The heat and humidity would hand the game to Florida.

That's why OSU would have hard time dominating in the Big 12 year in and year out, and would be chopped liver in the SEC. They would have to travel far for road games in the regular season that starts the first week October, which means playing in the heat on a regular basis after a damned long trip to get there. It's not rocket science.

OSU would likely be a top three team in the Big-12 most seasons and possibly twice a decade the top dog. Travel and that lovely heat will cost you about two games a year over the norm as a northern team in the Big-12.

It works both ways. You don't see LSU or Alabama schedule a school north of Central Kentucky home and home after late October, do you? And they have the late OOC game to play with. WVU has had to twist arms to get the conference to force the Texas teams to travel north after the 1st of November. The Texas schools don't want a thing to do with the travel and the weather that late in the year as they know it puts them at a large

If college football does go to super-conferences, the northern tier teams are going to be in for a very rude awakening when they start to have to go south late in the year. WVU fans saw it play out just once every two years for two decades in a stretched out BE. They didn't really notice it with Miami, as UM held a huge talent advantage over the rest of the league. When Miami left and USF moved in, fans couldn't understand the struggles with them on the road. They never factored in the heat, as they couldn't see it as playing in for years due to all those big fast UM kids running up and down the field at the Orange Bowl.

They're now seeing it multiple times a year in the Big-12 and many still can't figure out what is going on, pointing ten fingers twenty different ways trying to explain it. It is what it is. You want in the game, you get the cards that are dealt you. There's no point in bitching about it.

If you travel 1200 miles for road games where it's hotter than your guys have seen in a month and half, you drop games. You could resurrect Bear Bryant, put him on WVU's sideline, recruit four and five stars, and it's not going to get much better than it is now.

Why do you think Nebraska fled the Big 12? It wasn't the tale of woe they told about bad ol' UT picking on them. It was having to make long trips south and sucking air playing Texas teams in the heat on a regular basis. The losses mounted and they bailed the first chance they got. As they say, 'If you can't handle the heat....' , Nebraska couldn't.

BTW, if you need me to explain any of the big words, just ask, I'm here to help. Let me know if you're getting enough air in the live well, we don't want you to lose any more brain cells.

You do realize that in Texas in October you're talking about around 80 degrees and November it's in the high 60's and low 70's. In Oklahoma in October it's in the low 70's and in the low 60's in November. That certainly sounds a lot better than what Ohio State has to deal with now. I would guess Ohio State would be better in the Big 12 when the weather is much more cooperative with what you're trying to do on the field and add in the factor of opening up Texas to Meyer's recruiting.

By the way, referring to Ohio State as lard-asses is pretty dumb. They have one of the fastest (if not the fastest) team in the country. They're not Woody Hayes' Buckeyes any more.
Looks like I've got another bite Warez.

Numero, I lived in Texas for a decade. I don't know where you're getting your information on the temps, but it's well off.

BTW, did OSU have returners/receivers guys contending for gold medal spots in track at the Olympics? Nope? Big 12 receivers would run past those gassed flatfoots like they were standing still.

There are certainly a lot of closet Bucketass fans on this board.
Looks like I've got another bite Warez.

Numero, I lived in Texas for a decade. I don't know where you're getting your information on the temps, but it's well off.

BTW, did OSU have returners/receivers guys contending for gold medal spots in track at the Olympics? Nope? Big 12 receivers would run past those gassed flatfoots like they were standing still.

There are certainly a lot of closet Bucketass fans on this board.

I'm not a Buckeyes fan, but when you're one of the top two recruiting programs year after year, you aren't recruiting slow guys.

I got my information on temps from the National Weather Service, so take it up with them.
I'm not a Buckeyes fan, but when you're one of the top two recruiting programs year after year, you aren't recruiting slow guys.

I got my information on temps from the National Weather Service, so take it up with them.

I wouldn't bother with this good programs don't blame losses on the temperature at game time. I doubt Urban Meyer would tell you that 63 degrees is too hot to play a game at in November which is the average daily high in Norman in November or 71 degrees which is the average in Austin if you believe the national weather service. Ohio State wins allot of games because of great recruiting which is superior to any school in the Big 12 which is also reflected in the 48 players they have on NFL rosters which is more than any Big 12 school.
Just telling the truth.

Do you really think Ohio State could handle late season road games with temps approaching 90 and win half of them? After not seeing anything approaching that since before Labor Day? It's preposterous.

How do you think FSU and Miami built up their football programs? Bowden and Schnellenberger started scheduling name northern teams in the late season. You take a team like Ohio State, Michigan, PSU etc.... that hasn't seen moderately high temps since early September and bring them in late October/November with temps pushing 90. The northern teams get gassed and fade in the second half.

The same thing would happen the lard-boys playing in the Big 12. Have you ever spent any length of time in the Southern plains? It's frying pan hot through October and can be damned toasty through November. Northern teams can't handle that kind of heat when they haven't seen it regularly since late August/very early September. They're no longer acclimatized to it. Two, the sun is more intense in fall in Texas and Oklahoma than it is in the Rust Belt in mid-summer. I've been sunburned through the windshield of a car in Houston in early January and I'm not exactly a light skinned guy. How often does that happen to even the near lily-white in Columbus in mid-summer? Not often would be my guess.

You want to know why southern tier SEC , B-12, and the Florida teams stay in the locker room while their non-conference opponents run through what they see as normal pre-game drills? They're letting them wear themselves out in the heat and sun. The climate does half the job for you.

10-2 would be a fantastic, but rare year, for Ohio State in either the Big 12 or the SEC due to those conditions alone. Factor in the overall better talent in both leagues in comparison to what OSU sees now and 8-4 would be much more realistic. You can't deny nature it's due. Speed and heat kill.

You can say, "But we recruit southern kids." That's true, but they lose their tolerance to the heat within mere weeks of being in the north. After six months up there they might as well be from Buffalo.

BTW, I have connections to an charitable organization called the Village Idiots. If you smoke stogies I might put in a good word for you, but you're going to get basic grasp on climate, cigars and football. Being a bandwagon fan of whatever team is hot and lacking in basic knowledge of the game hardly qualifies you. We do have one Buckeye fan who lives in New Jersey, but he can barely waddle out his door. We call him "Duckboy". A prime example of a Yankee lard-boy.

New Jerseyites are NOT Yankees. One has to be from New England to be considered a Yankee.
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Lol! I put them "Misplaced Canadians" category.

O.K. You're body disposers. Some guy is claiming in a new book he knows what happened to Jimmy Hoffa, but in my book he'll always be planted under the five yard line at the Meadowlands. If you don't have tradition you're lost in this world.

Don't be taken in by my troll, it was intended for the closet Buckeye fans who attended WVU, post here, and have divided loyalties. They need to decide if they're on the bus or off the bus. If they're off, they can get their butts home to worship at the altar of ol' Slappy Hayes. There aren't any free riders or player puncher's allowed on the bus.