United We Stand, Divided We Fall


Jun 17, 2005
I don't particularly care which party the next POTUS comes from (I know my preference for a 3rd party candidate won't materialize this election), but the next president needs to be able to bring the parties back together.

I don't recall seeing this country so divided.

Ted Cruz is not that guy, and Hillary sure isn't that gal. I don't see it from Chris Christie either.

The division within the country is a bigger threat than anything outside, particularly because it does nothing but make the outside threats stronger, while weakening us from the inside.

You can't take partisan stances and claim to be a patriot when this division weakens the country you claim to love. As with your kids, when you love something/somebody you put their needs above your own selfish interests.
Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:
I don't particularly care which party the next POTUS comes from (I know my preference for a 3rd party candidate won't materialize this election), but the next president needs to be able to bring the parties back together.

I don't recall seeing this country so divided.

Ted Cruz is not that guy, and Hillary sure isn't that gal. I don't see it from Chris Christie either.

The division within the country is a bigger threat than anything outside, particularly because it does nothing but make the outside threats stronger, while weakening us from the inside.

You can't take partisan stances and claim to be a patriot when this division weakens the country you claim to love. As with your kids, when you love something/somebody you put their needs above your own selfish interests.
I don't really know how anyone could feel like Hillary would be the best choice to unite the country. The level of hatred for that woman on the right approaches levels I can't describe. Most of the issues I see raised are valid. Chief among those being what has she actually done to qualify herself for the Presidency? What kind of leadership role has she ever been in. She was a 1 term Senator (she never sponsored a meaningful piece of legislation), a first lady (She tried to push hillarycare or whatever the hell it was through and it was soundly defeated), and Sec of State (I dont actually fault her here. Her boss was a complete moron and she was merely trying to carry out his failure of a foreign policy).
Originally posted by DvlDog4WVU:

Originally posted by WhiteTailEER:
I don't particularly care which party the next POTUS comes from (I know my preference for a 3rd party candidate won't materialize this election), but the next president needs to be able to bring the parties back together.

I don't recall seeing this country so divided.

Ted Cruz is not that guy, and Hillary sure isn't that gal. I don't see it from Chris Christie either.

The division within the country is a bigger threat than anything outside, particularly because it does nothing but make the outside threats stronger, while weakening us from the inside.

You can't take partisan stances and claim to be a patriot when this division weakens the country you claim to love. As with your kids, when you love something/somebody you put their needs above your own selfish interests.
I don't really know how anyone could feel like Hillary would be the best choice to unite the country. The level of hatred for that woman on the right approaches levels I can't describe.
Absolutely agree. I can't see where she is the answer on any level whatsoever. It would be even more disastrous than the last 2 presidents.

I don't know where she gets so much backing (I don't want to hear "liberal media"). Even if the majority of the media is liberal leaning (I don't dispute this), there are other potential candidates. Why her????

I find her wholly unlikeable on every possible level.
That is why I'm not high on Hillary.

The Right hates her so much they would be against things they like. Think that was a problem with Barrack also, the change came so fast that it shocked the other side into digging in on even issues they could agree on.
Re: That is why I'm not high on Hillary.

Do you remember, "elections have consequences"? Obama came in as the most liberal of all. He did not need to work with the other side. Hell, he wouldn't even work with his own side. He began to think his power was absolute when his small circle was all that he needed.

Then when the power became divided, he still attempted to act alone - always a divider.

Hillary cannot be trusted. Remember her first run, she attempted to plant someone in the audience to ask a question. She simply cannot communicate. She obviously has smarts, but as a lawyer, she tries to rig the outcome. Do not believe she can sustain a full campaign and not piss off 95% of the people at some point.
If that is so, this country is lost. Someone has got to get us together to survive. I do not believe I am unique in this thought. It may require a catastrophy to pull us together. A chance to lose it all. But it will be pulled together.
You are delusional

If anything he was too conciliatory when he had the Senate and the House. But thanks for proving my point.
too conciliatory

and you call me delusional. Do you need help to find your way home?

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