Tucker Carlson.... the RFK Jr interview... 68min

Might want to read that again. I said on NATOs boarders. Which, obviously, Ukraine is. Won’t even call you a goofball.

You want to send your sons and daughters to fight for NATO when the other countries in it won't do any heavy lifting?

Now back to the bigger picture you and many others seem to be missing? Russia has invaded parts of Ukraine twice. Once when Biden was put in charge of the region by Obama. Then again when Biden was sworn in as President. The big picture. You are not seeing it. Try harder. You will eventually figure it out.
You want to send your sons and daughters to fight for NATO when the other countries in it won't do any heavy lifting?

Now back to the bigger picture you and many others seem to be missing? Russia has invaded parts of Ukraine twice. Once when Biden was put in charge of the region by Obama. Then again when Biden was sworn in as President. The big picture. You are not seeing it. Try harder. You will eventually figure it out.

We aren't sending our sons and daughters. We are sending intel, HIMARS, bullets and old armor like the rest of NATO. Putin is burning through their resources in epic fashion and hasn't moved an inch in two years. He has managed to kill several hundred thousands of his own in the process. Not to mention driving Sweden and Finland into the arms of NATO.

As to the second question, I will quote his former NSA John Bolton, "“To Putin’s mind its a binary proposition, a weaker Nato is a stronger Russia so I think Putin saw Trump doing a lot of his work for him, and thought maybe in a second term Trump would make good on his promise to get out of Nato”."

We aren't sending our sons and daughters. We are sending intel, HIMARS, bullets and old armor like the rest of NATO. Putin is burning through their resources in epic fashion and hasn't moved an inch in two years. He has managed to kill several hundred thousands of his own in the process. Not to mention driving Sweden and Finland into the arms of NATO.

As to the second question, I will quote his former NSA John Bolton, "“To Putin’s mind its a binary proposition, a weaker Nato is a stronger Russia so I think Putin saw Trump doing a lot of his work for him, and thought maybe in a second term Trump would make good on his promise to get out of Nato”."

You are not living in reality. Ukraine is losing people at a rapid cycle and Putin is dragging it out to bankrupt us. Stop listening to the media. They are lying to you. Then ask yourself why Putin did this twice when Biden was in charge? If you think he wants Trump back in charge you are hopless when it comes to understanding what is actually going on here. Ukraine only has two options that lead to survival. Negotiate or NATO which is basically just us going in. Anything else is a waste of money and lives. I definitely don't care about Ukraine enough for us to send Troops or Air Support. They are as corrupt as Putin.
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We aren't sending our sons and daughters. We are sending intel, HIMARS, bullets and old armor like the rest of NATO. Putin is burning through their resources in epic fashion and hasn't moved an inch in two years. He has managed to kill several hundred thousands of his own in the process. Not to mention driving Sweden and Finland into the arms of NATO.

As to the second question, I will quote his former NSA John Bolton, "“To Putin’s mind its a binary proposition, a weaker Nato is a stronger Russia so I think Putin saw Trump doing a lot of his work for him, and thought maybe in a second term Trump would make good on his promise to get out of Nato”."
Just following the back and forth in this thread between you and @Gunny46 , I'll just throw out there I don't believe Trump was under illusions about Putin. Trump is the one who cut off their Nordstream Two pipeline to Europe out of his concern it would give Russia too much influence over our allies. As far as NATO I think Trump was tired of them not stepping up to the plate for their own defense and leaving it all up to the US.

Putin didn't try anything with Trump, and Trump didn't hesitate to confront Russia in Syria or Crimea. It was in fact Biden who cancelled Trump's sanctions on Nordstream two and looked the other way supplying Ukraine while Russia ammased its invasion forces.

I think Trump would have warned Putin to stand down during that time, or face even greater sanctions. Biden was funding Russia's aggression by giving them unchallenged access to Western Europe's natural gas market which we were dominating until Biden shut down our domestic drilling. 😏
You are not living in reality. Ukraine is losing people at a rapid cycle and Putin is dragging it out to bankrupt us. Stop listening to the media. They are lying to you. Then ask yourself why Putin did this twice when Biden was in charge? If you think he wants Trump back in charge you are hopless when it comes to understanding what is actually going on here. Ukraine only has two options that lead to survival. Negotiate or NATO which is basically just us going in. Anything else is a waste of money and lives. I definitely don't care about Ukraine enough for us to send Troops or Air Support. They are as corrupt as Putin.
Bankrupt? As of December we've spent $75B on Ukraine. That is .32 of our domestic budget. Not even a half of a percent. The DoD has gained insights into Russia's war capabilities for that money they never could have imagined. By comparison, Russia has spent $160B which is 9% of their GDP. We have a $27 trillion GDP. Russia has a $2 trillion GDP which is behind Texas. Now whose going bankrupt?
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Bankrupt? As of December we've spent $75B on Ukraine. That is .32 of our domestic budget. Not even a half of a percent. The DoD has gained insights into Russia's war capabilities for that money they never could have imagined. By comparison, Russia has spent $160B which is 9% of their GDP. We have a $27 trillion GDP. Russia has a $2 trillion GDP. Now whose going bankrupt?

Keep sending them money and ammunition. The more we send the longer Putin drags this out. It's that simple. Anyone telling you otherwise is lying to you. If Biden wanted to stop this he could have used different tactics. He didn't. Seems like he is ok with doing it Putin's and Xi’s way.

Keep sending them money and ammunition. The more we send the longer Putin drags this out. It's that simple. Anyone telling you otherwise is lying to you. If Biden wanted to stop this he could have used different tactics. He didn't. Seems like he is ok with doing it Putin's and Xi’s way.

It's fair to have a different opinion on how to stop it. I do reject that we are playing into Putin and Xi's hands. Russia is teetering on disaster with this war to the point they have to source fellow dictatorships for munitions...which still come with a heavy price tag. China is in a serious downturn both economically and demographically. They are also learning that an attack on Taiwan will trigger a similar outcome for them.

I know we have vastly differing opinions on this and you think my world view has been shaped by my media consumption habits...and maybe you are partially correct. However, if that point is true of me and than its true of you as well. I think you've been sold a narrative that America is on its last legs when in reality we are by far the most formidable country on the planet both economically and military. Russia and China are ants compared to the US.
It's fair to have a different opinion on how to stop it. I do reject that we are playing into Putin and Xi's hands. Russia is teetering on disaster with this war to the point they have to source fellow dictatorships for munitions...which still come with a heavy price tag. China is in a serious downturn both economically and demographically. They are also learning that an attack on Taiwan will trigger a similar outcome for them.

I know we have vastly differing opinions on this and you think my world view has been shaped by my media consumption habits...and maybe you are partially correct. However, if that point is true of me and than its true of you as well. I think you've been sold a narrative that America is on its last legs when in reality we are by far the most formidable country on the planet both economically and military. Russia and China are ants compared to the US.

They are working together and we are in decline.

Ukraine needs to negotiate a deal. We can't afford to keep paying for another war that drags out forever. Look how much the GWOT cost us dragging it out. You all understand we borrowed money from China to fight it right?

My opinions aren't shaped by the media. They are the last group I need to hear from when it comes to understanding warfare.

You can respect the fight the people of Ukraine have put up. Unfortunately they are slowly getting destroyed. Russia could turn it up anytime they want. They are fighting it this way for a reason. Us Printing more money is definitely part of their battle plan.
Bankrupt? As of December we've spent $75B on Ukraine. That is .32 of our domestic budget. Not even a half of a percent. The DoD has gained insights into Russia's war capabilities for that money they never could have imagined. By comparison, Russia has spent $160B which is 9% of their GDP. We have a $27 trillion GDP. Russia has a $2 trillion GDP which is behind Texas. Now whose going bankrupt?
I checked your numbers on Ukraine, and they're mostly correct...although you left out we've authorized 113 billion, and Biden is requesting an additional 265 billion! Now do the border. How much have we spent protecting it?

That's what hacks me off. I'd rather see that money spent first on reinforcing our open border and deporting illegals crossing at the rate of 10,000 day than sending it off to Ukraine and we have no idea where it's ending up?

I'm sympathetic to the Ukrainian people and their desire NOT to be invaded, but I'm more sympathetic to Americans on our border with Mexico asking for the same thing!
I checked your numbers on Ukraine, and they're mostly correct...although you left out we've authorized 113 billion, and Biden is requesting an additional 265 billion! Now do the border. How much have we spent protecting it?

That's what hacks me off. I'd rather see that money spent first on reinforcing our open border and deporting illegals crossing at the rate of 10,000 day than sending it off to Ukraine and we have no idea where it's ending up?

I'm sympathetic to the Ukrainian people and their desire NOT to be invaded, but I'm more sympathetic to Americans on our border with Mexico asking for the same thing!

Putin, Xi, Iran, and the cartels are involved with our southern border problems. If you want to see who the politicians that are working with them go look at who voted to keep Mayorkas.
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Putin, Xi, Iran, and the cartels are involved with our southern border problems. If you want to see who the politicians that are working with them go look at who voted to keep Mayorkas.
There can't be any other reason @Gunny46 why they would not vote to immediately seal that border and start deporting every single alien who crosses illegally. Burns me up! :mad:
Bankrupt? As of December we've spent $75B on Ukraine. That is .32 of our domestic budget. Not even a half of a percent. The DoD has gained insights into Russia's war capabilities for that money they never could have imagined. By comparison, Russia has spent $160B which is 9% of their GDP. We have a $27 trillion GDP. Russia has a $2 trillion GDP which is behind Texas. Now whose going bankrupt?
Russia also has long range ICBMs with nuclear armed warheads. A great equalizer.
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Russia also has long range ICBMs with nuclear armed warheads. A great equalizer.

MOPP level 4 sucks. Maybe having a discussion isn't such a bad idea?

MOPP protection levels
  • Mask Only – Protective mask is carried.
  • MOPP Ready – Protective mask is carried. ...
  • MOPP Level 0 – Worn: nothing. ...
  • MOPP Level 1 – Worn: suit. ...
  • MOPP Level 2 – Worn: suit and boots. ...
  • MOPP Level 3 – Worn: suit, boots and mask. ...
  • MOPP Level 4 – All protection worn.
Russia also has long range ICBMs with nuclear armed warheads. A great equalizer.
MOPP level 4 sucks. Maybe having a discussion isn't such a bad idea?

MOPP protection levels
  • Mask Only – Protective mask is carried.
  • MOPP Ready – Protective mask is carried. ...
  • MOPP Level 0 – Worn: nothing. ...
  • MOPP Level 1 – Worn: suit. ...
  • MOPP Level 2 – Worn: suit and boots. ...
  • MOPP Level 3 – Worn: suit, boots and mask. ...
  • MOPP Level 4 – All protection worn.

Biden should call Boris Yelstin and get this worked out. Before it's too late.
  • Haha
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Biden should call Boris Yelstin and get this worked out. Before it's too late.
I actually thought he said he negotiated with Breshnev...or was it Krushchev? 🤔
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Might want to read that again. I said on NATOs boarders. Which, obviously, Ukraine is. Won’t even call you a goofball.
The fact that Ukraine is a country that borders NATO is an argument in favor of Putin invading it. NATO has continually expanded eastward until now when there is only one country (Ukraine) between it and Russia. It's logical for Russia to conclude that barring any changes, Ukraine will be the next country to join NATO, thus a pre-emptive invasion of Ukraine prevents that. I'm not saying Putin is right for doing it but I'm saying that considering the continual eastward expansion of NATO, it makes sense for Putin to do it.
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Then hopefully Putin will say that COVID originated in a Wuhan wet market instead of a Wuhan lab funded by US taxpayer money.

It definitely didn't come from the wet market. Nobody that's sane believes that nonsense anymore. I just wanted to hear what he has to say. It's always good to study your enemies. I would still recommend Ukraine work out a peace deal. They are already running short on military aged males.
Speaking of WW3. This man has access to the nuclear football.

The special counsel also described Biden as "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."
Im trying to work with you here but you said, “my opinions aren’t shaped by media” and then you source mainstream media. Your opinions are being shaped, or your biases are being soothed, by for profit media like those you rail against. It’s age old so you’re not an outlier. Just a % of each generation since antiquity. As I’m sure I am.
The fact that Ukraine is a country that borders NATO is an argument in favor of Putin invading it. NATO has continually expanded eastward until now when there is only one country (Ukraine) between it and Russia. It's logical for Russia to conclude that barring any changes, Ukraine will be the next country to join NATO, thus a pre-emptive invasion of Ukraine prevents that. I'm not saying Putin is right for doing it but I'm saying that considering the continual eastward expansion of NATO, it makes sense for Putin to do it.

Failed logic. He had opportunity to join free nations. We opened the door. He chose unmitigated power, allocating the Russian economy for himself, and full control over his people. NATO was supposed to give him a pass and let him try to consolidate and expand? Antithetical to why the alliance was even formed in the first place.
Im trying to work with you here but you said, “my opinions aren’t shaped by media” and then you source mainstream media. Your opinions are being shaped, or your biases are being soothed, by for profit media like those you rail against. It’s age old so you’re not an outlier. Just a % of each generation since antiquity. As I’m sure I am.

What part of Ukraine is getting destroyed do you not understand? Sending more money isn't going to stop that. However Democrats should keep running on insisting we do.
For me I'd like to know or at least understand why we're spending Billions protecting Ukraine's border when we are not devoting those same or greater resources closing off or protecting our own border? I don't like the fact they (Ukraine) were invaded, but I like it even less that we are also being invaded!

What's more of priority for us, Ukraine or our own border?🤔
Maybe they should ask Ukrainian citizens which they prefer? Their own government or rejoining Russia. It’s debatable which is the better option. Which is why I’ve been against our involvement from day 1.
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Maybe they should ask Ukrainian citizens which they prefer? Their own government or rejoining Russia. It’s debatable which is the better option. Which is why I’ve been against our involvement from day 1.
I don't mind helping them, but it seems America protecting every other country around the world comes before protecting our homeland. It's infuriating! :mad:
Started as a smash and grab aka redistribution. Ended with shooting at cops and tourists. From Venezuela.

Times Square shooting: 'Armed and dangerous' teen migrant arrested after woman shot, firing on cops​

The suspected shooter was part of a trio shoplifting at a nearby clothing store and opened fired on a security guard and hit a tourist instead, police said​

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She endorsed Bernie Sanders.

That was 100% consistent with her political views since she ran for Congress because only a Democrat with those views can get elected in Hawaii.

Why is she now unwelcome in the Hawaii Democrat Party?

Because when she ran for Congress she did not have the Party's approval. There are only 2 seats. Young Dems are supposed to put in their time, pay their dues, and wait their turn.

She didn't.

She had been a Republican as a member of the State House, and later won a seat on the Honolulu City Counsel which is non-partisan.

She declared herself a Democrat so she could run in the Democrat primary for the vacant "Rural" Congressional seat. Hawaii has 2 seats -- one is metro Honolulu, and the other. is the rest of the state. Winning the Democrat primary is a guarantee of winning the "rural" seat.

As a Pacific Islander she had a huge advantage in the primary where her chief opposition was the Honolulu Mayor.

he was then annointed by Barack Obama at the 2012 convention -- but Hawaii Democrats still considered her an outsider.

When Daniel Akaka died and three names were submitted by the Party to the Gov. to serve out his term, Gabbard was recc'd by the Obama White House -- but the Party didn't include her among the 3. The seat went to the Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz.

She resigned from Congress because she had no future. She would never be a Senator and she would never be Governor of Hawaii.

The she went nowhere in the Dem. POTUS primary.

What else has she got left other than a half turn towards MAGA while filling out a string bikini in a photoshoot on a Hawaii beach.