Trying to deal with Iran was naive and is becoming very apparent.

Of course they're spinning to their people. Why wouldn't they?

Iran will sign a final nuclear agreement only if economic sanctions against the nation are removed on the first day of the deal's implementation, President Hassan Rouhani said Thursday.

To that I would say, Fine. We have no problem leaving the sanctions in place until hell freezes over, in fact our Congress is ready to pass a package of even harsher sanctions, and if you don't sign the deal in the next 14 days I will support and sign that legislation.
While you're at it

Originally posted by EEResistable:
Obama is going to sign a deal, any deal.
Can you give me the Powerball numbers for Saturday? Thanks in advance.
Tit for tat

Which side is the bigger liar. Glad the difference is exposed now instead of later. Pretty good reason to have congress involved in agreements reduced to writing. Verbal agreements are not worth a crap with someone who thinks you are the big devil. Might be a good time to make a back room deal with your only friend in the ME. Tell Israel to handle their own problem. Further disagreement with ME would be short lived, IMO.

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