Trump WILL WIN the 2024 ELECTION... sorry fascists, but your days are numbered...


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

Let’s do some math.

President Trump has been ordered to pay $83.3m and $354m.
Combined its $437m.
Including interest, it could be another $100m.
His net worth is estimated to be between $2b to $2.6b.
That’s estimated to be between 21% to 27% of his net worth.
However, experts have claimed that Trump has somewhere between $600m to $700m is in cash.
Trump has said that he only has $400m in cash.
This may seem like a lot to the average person but not when you’re being asked to pay $537m in damages + interest.
This doesn’t include the legal fees that have been pilling up as well as the fines his two sons received.

If he chooses to appeal, he would have to secure a bond by putting up about 10% of the total amount owed.
That could be $44m which he may not get back.
In other words, this non sense decision and insane dollar amount by the judge could deplete Trump’s savings anywhere from (-$137m) to $163m.

Love him or hate him, this is what it means.
1. Thirty years from now, a woman can come out and falsely claim allegations against YOU, and if the judge hates your politics, they will believe her and made up any number to destroy your life savings.
2. If you build your wealth through real estate, and pay back all your commitments to banks, buyers and sellers, a judge who hates your politics could make up any number to deplete YOUR life savings and prevent you from doing business.

So what does this do to capitalists and those with aspirations to run in the future.
1. Scare the crap out of great future candidates.
2. Eliminate anyone’s family from supporting their father or mother from running.
3. Distance family members from those who choose to run to avoid being sued. Notice which of Trumps kids got sued and who didn’t.
4. Make the candidate rethink why they ever chose to run in the first place and ruin the lifestyle of the rich and famous they once had.

Or last but not least it could ENERGIZE an entire new generation who love to realize how much trouble she’s in to fight like hell and defend the the values this nation was built on.

This requires a certain level of courage that words can’t describe.
This won’t be a fight for everyone.
You’re going to have to have a few screws missing to get in this fight.

But what is FREEDOM worth to YOU?
That’s the most important question one has to ask.

God is good.

Future looks bright!
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Stephen Miller


There are a little over 6 months until the first early voting begins in the presidential election. Six months! Any conversation about what bogus worthless, meaningless border EO Biden might issue before then is a giant distraction. An elaborate misdirection.

Biden orchestrated a criminal invasion of the United States. He added more illegals to the country than the population of almost every American state.

A mass resettlement of the global third world into our world: the monumental effects of which are only beginning to be felt.

An unsustainable burden has been placed on our health, education and financial systems.

We already know that all new jobs on net have gone to the foreign-born while US-born employment steadily declines.

Sophisticated and ruthless criminals gangs from dozens of failed states have been relocated here, to our country. And with them: crime, corruption and fear. Not one mafia, but a thousand criminal syndicates from the harshest regions of the world — now here in our liberal, soft society. They see cities for the sacking.

Biden has released rapists and murderers into our communities. Every day brings the news of another innocent American robbed or assaulted or killed in cold blood.

Just the beginning.

Socially and culturally, these new diasporas of illegals are recreating the conditions from whence they came.

Assimilation a distant memory of the past. The migrant flood so large, so vast, so removed from our system of government, that each diaspora is recreating the conditions and systems from whence they came.

Just the beginning.

As these diasporas have “birthright” children, follow-on migration, and chain migration, they become nations within nations.

To the extent any assimilation is happening at all, it’s migrant children in public schools being indoctrinated into the cult of “diversity, equity and inclusion.”

The Republic is being fractured, balkanized and broken.

Just the beginning.

What next? If Biden stays in power, the man who eradicated the border in his first term? What then?

December will be the tsunami of all tsunamis. Followed by formally extending the right to vote (via citizenship) to all illegals and, with it, the right to bring all their relatives near and distant.

Under the rules of DEI, illegals will be at the front of every line. First in the hierarchy. First in all things.

You and your family? Last.

So understand this. Your vote in November is a simple one.

Become the third world.

Or seal the border and send the lawbreakers home.That’s it. Those are your choices. Your only two choices. And know this too: if Biden completes his transformation, it is permanent. Irreversible. Unrecoverable.

Make your choice, America.