Trump wants rid of Sessions yesterday....


Dec 7, 2010
Santa Cruz, CA
which is pretty odd since we heard him say for months that Sessions was the smartest guy in DC. Calling him weak. Saying he shouldn't have recused himself when everyone from Gowdy to Guiliani have said Sessions did the right thing. He's basically bullying Session on twitter. So, Comey was fired. He's trying to force Sessions out. Obviously his main target is Mueller. When will the GOP-controlled Congress do their job? Can obstruction of justice be any more apparent?
which is pretty odd since we heard him say for months that Sessions was the smartest guy in DC. Calling him weak. Saying he shouldn't have recused himself when everyone from Gowdy to Guiliani have said Sessions did the right thing. He's basically bullying Session on twitter. So, Comey was fired. He's trying to force Sessions out. Obviously his main target is Mueller. When will the GOP-controlled Congress do their job? Can obstruction of justice be any more apparent?
A couple weeks ago, I thought his antics were entertaining. Not anymore. This is dangerous.
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I have never been entertained by Trump or Trumpettes. He has disgusted me for years and have said many times in many different manners he is unfit to be a leader of our country.
The redeeming value for me was simply that his antics would eventually lead to his demise, and I still think that.
I have never been entertained by Trump or Trumpettes. He has disgusted me for years and have said many times in many different manners he is unfit to be a leader of our country.
He has disgusted you for've been following him that long? Serious question
The redeeming value for me was simply that his antics would eventually lead to his demise, and I still think that.
Yes, but in meantime the country suffers. I'm more interested in the country than i am political games.
which is pretty odd since we heard him say for months that Sessions was the smartest guy in DC. Calling him weak. Saying he shouldn't have recused himself when everyone from Gowdy to Guiliani have said Sessions did the right thing. He's basically bullying Session on twitter. So, Comey was fired. He's trying to force Sessions out. Obviously his main target is Mueller. When will the GOP-controlled Congress do their job? Can obstruction of justice be any more apparent?
I look (hope) he forces him out...and I look (hope) the GOP takes that opportunity to split from Trump and declare that he really isn't a true 'pub but rather an Independent at best (more like a Dem with some of his thinking).
I saw a report on Fox yesterday, the font of all truth, that said there was an even split of people by a poll they consulted on whether he should be impeached. It was 42-42 split with 16 percent unsure or with no opinion. I was shocked considering the source. I didn't think the "pro" numbers would be above 30-35% in any poll.
I saw a report on Fox yesterday, the font of all truth, that said there was an even split of people by a poll they consulted on whether he should be impeached. It was 42-42 split with 16 percent unsure or with no opinion. I was shocked considering the source. I didn't think the "pro" numbers would be above 30-35% in any poll.
You and your Cracker Barrel friends are now back on the FOX bandwagon?.......Whats next.......a " Make America Great Again" hat from the CB gift shop?
I read that Sessions is pissed but won't resign and wants to make Trump fire him. What a cluster**** Trump is.
I read that Sessions is pissed but won't resign and wants to make Trump fire him. What a cluster**** Trump is.
And we're only 6 months in. Hopefully, Biff will eventually realize that the White House is not Biff Tower, the people in Congress aren't like the sycophants he used to be surrounded by, and his failures are his own doing, not someone else's. But we're a long way from that realization. He's still digging himself a deeper hole, and boy it's getting really deep. He may never catch on.
And we're only 6 months in. Hopefully, Biff will eventually realize that the White House is not Biff Tower, the people in Congress aren't like the sycophants he used to be surrounded by, and his failures are his own doing, not someone else's. But we're a long way from that realization. He's still digging himself a deeper hole, and boy it's getting really deep. He may never catch on.

I'd argue his failures are absolutely the fault of someone else as they are hell bent on obstructing his policy plans. With that said, it's his job to lead, something his predecessor failed at doing also.

You are delusional if you think he's going to change. We've got 7.5 more years of this. Better snap in.

I'd argue his failures are absolutely the fault of someone else as they are hell bent on obstructing his policy plans. With that said, it's his job to lead, something his predecessor failed at doing also.

You are delusional if you think he's going to change. We've got 7.5 more years of this. Better snap in.
If he doesn't change, forget about the 7.5. He's getting nowhere with this playbook.
I look (hope) he forces him out...and I look (hope) the GOP takes that opportunity to split from Trump and declare that he really isn't a true 'pub but rather an Independent at best (more like a Dem with some of his thinking).

Serious question.....What does Trump have to do to be forced out of office? People call me butthurt because Trump won but I'd take the ultra conservative Pence any day over this half-wit. The dude can't move on from any real or perceived slight. Still touching on crowd sizes yesterday.
Serious question.....What does Trump have to do to be forced out of office? People call me butthurt because Trump won but I'd take the ultra conservative Pence any day over this half-wit. The dude can't move on from any real or perceived slight. Still touching on crowd sizes yesterday.
Going all political whackjob in a speech for the boy scouts...unbelievable.
Serious question.....What does Trump have to do to be forced out of office? People call me butthurt because Trump won but I'd take the ultra conservative Pence any day over this half-wit. The dude can't move on from any real or perceived slight. Still touching on crowd sizes yesterday.
What does he have to do? Something actually illegal. Nothing reported thus far has even touched that area and is in no different category than previous admins or campaigns. You guys waiting for impeachment aren't going to see it unless they find some shit digging through financials.

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