Trump sent his quarterly paycheck to the Dept of Education


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
1st paycheck went to Antietam/Sharpsburg Battlefield Memorial

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So? He is making twice that shilling out his hotels for official business and charging Government agencies that have to be near him when he stays there rent.

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So? He is making twice that shilling out his hotels for official business and charging Government agencies that have to be near him when he stays there rent.
You mean government agencies got free rooms prior to Trump? Maybe time to stop taking the crazy pills loserbaby.
So? He is making twice that shilling out his hotels for official business and charging Government agencies that have to be near him when he stays there rent.
you REALLY are butt hurt because the pants suit went down in flames. question long can you last?
So? He is making twice that shilling out his hotels for official business and charging Government agencies that have to be near him when he stays there rent.
Yes, those people stayed for free while in DC prior to Trump. Maybe they did since they gave all that money to Hilliary expecting under the table quid pro quo. There's one group of people that are extremely crooked and that the Clintons.
1st paycheck went to Antietam/Sharpsburg Battlefield

I don't know what the Battlefield thing is but the Dept of Educ is the Fed Gov't. I think it's a bad idea to give money to the gov't (which is one reason I don't like the lottery) because it's inherently wasteful and so they should have go jump through hoops to get taxpayer money because that increases the chance they won't waste the money. And that's a conservative position. I'm surprised Trump is giving his salary to government agencies. If he's going to give it away I'd think giving it to a private charity would be a more symbolically Republican thing to do.