Trump says he has completed Mueller questionnaire... "witch hunt" ends soon...

Is "collusion" a crime? I can't find anywhere that says it is. If it's not, what can Mueller possibly "indict" Trump on? He's a special prosecutor is he not? What then is the crime he is attempting to gain evidence for to prosecute? Can anyone on the Left answer this for me?

See Trump told Mueller what he (Mueller) already knows. This whole investigation was a scam, there was no "collusion" and he knows it. What this really is was a giant cover-up to protect Hillary and the Obama DOJ who did the actual "collusion" to keep Trump out of the White House or get rid of him once he moved in.

Mueller wanted to know how much Trump knows about all that? Trump told him "everything", including the role he (Mueller) had in covering up their racket. Trump told him anytime you're ready to release your evidence, I'll release mine too and the American people can decide who's "collusion" case is stronger?

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