Trump plans to reorganize the government and cut waste... 132 pages .pdf


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

"Billions and billions of dollars are being wasted on activities that are not delivering results for hardworking American taxpayers."
President Donald J. Trump


A. Organizational Realignments to Enhance Mission and
Service Delivery

1. Merge the Departments of Education and Labor
into a single Cabinet agency, the Department of
Education and the Workforce
, charged with meeting
the needs of American students and workers
from education and skill development to workplace
protection to retirement security. As part of the
merger, the Administration also proposes significant
Government-wide workforce development program
consolidations, streamlining separate programs in
order to increase efficiencies and better serve American

2. Move the non-commodity nutrition assistance
programs currently in the U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service
into the Department of Health and Human
Services—which will be renamed the Department
of Health and Public Welfare
Also, establish a Council on Public Assistance, comprised
of all agencies that administer public benefits,
with statutory authority to set cross-program
policies including uniform work requirements.

3. Move the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Civil
Works out of the Department of Defense (DOD)
to the Department of Transportation (DOT) and
Department of the Interior (DOI) to consolidate
and align the Corps’ civil works missions with these

4. Reorganize the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection
Service and the food safety functions of
HHS’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) into a
single agency within USDA that would cover virtually
all the foods Americans eat.

5. Move USDA’s rural housing loan guarantee and
rental assistance programs to the Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
, allowing
both agencies to focus on their core missions and,
over time, further align the Federal Government’s
role in housing policy.

6. Merge the Department of Commerce’s (Commerce)
National Marine Fisheries Service with
DOI’s Fish and Wildlife Service.
This merger would
consolidate the administration of the Endangered
Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act in
one agency and combine the Services’ science and
management capacity, resulting in more consistent
Federal fisheries and wildlife policy and improved
service to stakeholders and the public, particularly
on infrastructure permitting.

7. Consolidate portions of DOI’s Central Hazardous
Materials Program and USDA’s Hazardous Materials
Management program into the Environmental
Protection Agency’s (EPA) Superfund program
This consolidation would allow EPA to address
environmental cleanup under the Comprehensive
Environmental Response Compensation & Liability
Act (CERCLA) on Federal land regardless of which
of these agencies manages the land, while DOI and
USDA would maintain their existing environmental
compliance, bonding, and reclamation programs for
non-CERCLA sites.

8. Optimize Department of State (State) and U.S.
Agency for International Development (USAID)
humanitarian assistance to eliminate duplication
of efforts and fragmentation of decision-making.

A specific reorganization proposal will be submitted
by State and USAID to OMB as part of their FY 2020
Budget request to improve the efficiency and effectiveness
of the Federal Government’s humanitarian
assistance across State and USAID, establish unity
of voice and policy, and optimize outreach to other
donors to increase burden-sharing and drive reform
at the UN and in multilateral humanitarian policy.

9. Consolidate the U.S. Government’s development
finance tools, such as the Overseas Private
Investment Corporation (OPIC) and the Development
Credit Authority (DCA) of USAID, into a new
Development Finance Institution
in a reformed
and modernized way to leverage more privatesector
investment, provide strong alternatives to
state-directed initiatives, create more innovative
vehicles to open and expand markets for U.S. firms,
and enhance protections for U.S. taxpayers.

10. Transform USAID through an extensive, agency-
driven structural reorganization of headquarters
Bureaus and Independent Offices as a foundational
component of USAID’s overall plans to better
advance partner countries’ self-reliance, support
U.S. national security, and ensure the effectiveness
and efficiency of foreign assistance.

11. Move the policy function of the Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) into the Executive Office of the
and elevate its core strategic mission
while devolving certain operational activities –
the delivery of various fee-for-service human
resources, IT services, and background investigations
– to other Federal entities better aligned to provide
non-strategic transaction processing services
that meet 21st Century needs. This new structure
would better accommodate an overhaul of the Federal
civil service statutory and regulatory framework.

12. Transfer responsibility for perpetual care and
operation of select military and veteran cemeteries
located on DOD installations to the Department
of Veterans Affairs’ National Cemetery
This transfer assures these cemeteries
will be maintained to national shrine standards
to continue the recognition of service of those
interred therein, gains efficiencies, and limits mission
overlap based on a common-sense approach to
good government.

13. Reorganize the U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureau
of Economic Analysis, and the Bureau of Labor
Statistics under Commerce
to increase cost-effectiveness
and improve data quality while simultaneously
reducing respondent burden on businesses
and the public. Together, these three agencies
account for 53 percent of the U.S. Statistical System’s
annual budget of $2.26 billion and share
unique synergies in their collection of economic
and demographic data and analysis of key national

14. Consolidate the Department of Energy’s (DOE)
applied energy programs into a new Office of
Energy Innovation
in order to maximize the benefits
of energy research and development and to
enable quicker adaptation to the Nation’s changing
energy technology needs.

15. Devolution of Activities from the Federal

a) Sell the transmission assets owned and
operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority
and the Power Marketing Administrations
within DOE, including those of Southwestern
Power Administration, Western Area Power
Administration, and Bonneville Power Administration,

to encourage a more efficient allocation
of economic resources and mitigate unnecessary
risk to taxpayers.
b) Restructure the U.S. Postal System to return
it to a sustainable business model or prepare
it for future conversion from a Government
agency into a privately-held corporation.

The President’s Task Force on the United States
Postal System will make recommendations on
reforms towards this goal in August 2018.
c) Reorganize DOT to better align the agency’s
core missions and programmatic responsibilities,
reduce transportation program
fragmentation across the Government
, and
improve outcomes. Changes would include
spinning off Federal responsibility for operating
air traffic control services, integrating into DOT
certain coastal and inland waterways commercial
navigation activities and transportation security
programs, and reassessing the structure and
responsibilities of DOT’s Office of the Secretary.

16. Transform the way the Federal Government
delivers support for the U.S. housing finance
system to ensure more transparency and accountability
to taxpayers
, and to minimize the risk of taxpayer-
funded bailouts, while maintaining responsible
and sustainable support for homeowners.
Proposed changes, which would require broader
policy and legislative reforms beyond restructuring
Federal agencies and programs, include ending the
conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
reducing their role in the housing market, and providing
an explicit, limited Federal backstop that is
on-budget and apart from the Federal support for
low- and moderate-income homebuyers.

17. Rethink how the Federal Government can drive
economic growth in concert with private-sector
investments in communities across the Nation
coordinating and consolidating Federal economic
assistance resources into a Bureau of Economic
Growth at Commerce, producing a higher return on
taxpayer investment on projects that are transparent
and accountable.

18. Transform the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned
Corps into a leaner and more efficient
that is better prepared to respond
to public health emergencies and provide vital
health services, including by reducing the size
of the Corps and building up a Reserve Corps for
response in public health emergencies.


19. Establish an accelerated process for determining
whether one or more of the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration’s (NASA) Centers
should be converted to, or host, a Federally
Funded Research and Development Center
FFRDCs can potentially allow the agency
to be more agile in rapidly responding to changing
needs and in recruiting and retaining scientific and
technical expertise.

20. Consolidate the administration of graduate fellowships
for multiple Federal agencies under the
National Science Foundation in order to reduce the
total cost of administering those fellowships.

21. Optimize the Federal real property footprint by
making smart investments in renovations and new
facilities, driving down lease costs, and disposing of
unneeded real estate through a streamlined process
that results in the greatest return to the taxpayer.

22. Consolidate and streamline financial education
and literacy programs currently operating across
more than 20 Federal agencies to ensure effective
allocation of Federal financial literacy resources and
avoid unneeded overlap and duplication.

23. Strengthen the Small Business Administration
(SBA) as the voice of small business within
the Government by consolidating small business
focused guaranteed lending and Federal contracting
certification programs at SBA.

24. Consolidate protective details at certain civilian
Executive Branch agencies under the U.S.
Marshals Service in order to more effectively
and efficiently monitor and respond to potential
Threat assessments would be conducted
with support from the U.S. Secret Service.

25. Consolidate the small grants functions, expertise,
and grantmaking from the Inter-American Foundation
and U.S. African Development Foundation
into USAID beginning in FY 2019.
The consolidation
would be a significant step to reduce the proliferation
of Federal international affairs agencies that are
operating today, while also elevating community-led,
“local works” small grants as a development and
diplomacy tool for the U.S. Government.

26. Transition Federal agencies’ business processes
and recordkeeping to a fully electronic environment,
and end the National Archives and Records
Administration’s acceptance of paper records by
December 31, 2022.
This would improve agencies’
efficiency, effectiveness, and responsiveness to citizens
by converting paper-based processes to electronic
workflows, expanding online services, and
enhancing management of Government records,
data, and information.


27. Transform the way Americans interact with the
Federal Government by establishing a Government-
wide customer experience improvement
capability to partner with Federal agencies to help
them provide a modern, streamlined, and customer-
centric experience for citizens, businesses, and
other customers, comparable to leading privatesector

28. Pursue a Next Generation (Next Gen) Financial
Services Environment as a new approach to Federal
Student Aid (FSA) processing and servicing
with a modernized, innovative, and integrated
Next Gen will save taxpayers millions
of dollars and will create an improved, world-class
customer experience for FSA’s more than 42 million
customers, while creating a more agile and streamlined
operating model.

29. Solve the Federal cybersecurity workforce
shortage by establishing a unified cyber workforce
capability across the civilian enterprise, working
through DHS and OMB in coordination with all
Federal departments and agencies.
The Administration
will work towards a standardized approach
to Federal cybersecurity personnel, ensuring Government-
wide visibility into talent gaps, as well as
unified solutions to fill those gaps in a timely and
prioritized manner.

30. Establish a Government Effectiveness Advanced
Research (GEAR) Center as a public-private partnership

to help the Government respond to innovative
technologies, business practices, and research
findings that present opportunities to improve mission
delivery, services to citizens, and stewardship
of public resources.

31. Transfer the National Background Investigations
Bureau from OPM to DOD
, providing the opportunity
to achieve an efficient, effective, fiscally viable,
and secure operation that meets all agencies’

32. Expand upon existing agency evaluation capabilities
and push agencies to adopt stronger practices
that would generate more evidence about what
works and what needs improvement in order to
inform mission-critical decisions and policies.

These changes will help to address the large gaps and
inconsistencies across Government in Federal agencies’
ability to formally evaluate their programs.
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Reorganizing the Agricultural Marketing Service
As part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) internal
reorganization effort, it has undertaken significant changes to the
Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) to improve customer engagement,
maximize efficiency, and improve agency collaboration. The
Packers and Stockyards Program, Federal Grain Inspection Service,
U.S. Warehouse Act Program, and International Commodity Purchasing
were transferred to the Agricultural Marketing Service as new
program areas in FY 2018.
Realigning USDA’s Mission Areas
The USDA has begun realigning and consolidating certain offices
into more logical organizational reporting structures. The realignment
has included the creation of an Under Secretary for Trade and
Foreign Agricultural Affairs, an Assistant to the Secretary for Rural
Development (RD), and an Under Secretary for Farm Production and
Conservation. Additionally, USDA is merging the Center for Nutrition
Policy and Promotion (CNPP) into the Food and Nutrition Service
(FNS). These efforts will improve service delivery by providing a
simplified one-stop shop for USDA’s farmer and rancher customers,
advance agricultural trade and address the needs of Rural America.


Streamline Environmental Management
Headquarters Organization
This effort will review the Environmental Management (EM) organizational
structure to identify opportunities to streamline the management
team. EM will specifically review supervisor-to-worker ratios,
skill gaps, and cost reduction measures such as consolidating facilities
and reducing administrative support. This proposal focuses on
completion of the EM clean-up mission in an efficient and cost-effective
Consolidate International Staff Under
Office of International Affairs
The Department is consolidating international affairs offices from
DOE’s applied energy programs into the headquarters Office of
International Affairs. This effort centralizes staff and resources with
technical expertise and foreign affairs policy knowledge to advise on
and carry out the Department’s international engagement efforts.
Merge Shared Service Centers and Other Activities
The Department continues to merge DOE’s Human Resources Shared
Service Centers, consolidate human capital functions across the DOE
enterprise, and merge DOE training and development functions. This
effort will streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve services.
Office of Science Restructuring
The Department of Energy’s Office of Science is evaluating several
proposals to merge and consolidate field and headquarters activities
to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Potential options for consideration
include: merging geographically associated site offices;
reorganizing the Integrated Service Centers; realigning safety and
technical services; streamlining the Office of Science organization;
and reducing staff and/or administration support costs.


Optimize National Institutes Health (NIH)
Restructure NIH’s administrative functions to ensure operations are
effective and efficient. This initiative represents the largest change
management initiative in the history of NIH, and will align management
with best practices and break down administrative silos
through standardization of structures and processes agency-wide.
Consolidate Health Research Programs into
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Integrate the research of three programs into NIH – the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and the National Institute on
Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR)
to improve research coordination and outcomes. These entities
would be initially established as three new NIH institutes: the National
Institute for Research on Safety and Quality; the National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health, including the Energy Employees
Occupational Illness Compensation Program; and the National Institute
on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research.
NIH will assess the feasibility of integrating health services research
activities more fully into existing NIH Institutes and Centers over time.
Reorganize the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) to the
Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR)
Restructure the SNS from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
to ASPR to consolidate strategic decision making around the development
and procurement of medical countermeasures, and streamline
operational decisions during responses to public health and other
emergencies and improve responsiveness. This reorganization is
intended to enhance enterprise effectiveness by more fully integrating
the Stockpile with HHS’ other preparedness and response capabilities.


DHS Air & Maritime Programs
This proposal would identify efficiencies and budgetary savings
to be achieved by eliminating unnecessary duplication between
U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Coast Guard air and
maritime programs. This could include facility consolidation, standardized
data, enhanced domain awareness and coordination,
Coordinated Operations, Planning & Intelligence
This proposal will evaluate how DHS headquarters and components
will produce information and intelligence that is comprehensive, current,
coordinated, operationally-focused and analytically-defensible,
and increase the effectiveness of coordinated operational plans
and policies. DHS’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis, the Office of
Strategy, Policy and Plans, and Office of Operations Coordination
will explore areas such as analysis overlap, duplication and/or fragmentation;
joint and integrated strategies and operations; common
operating picture (COP) and alert warning; and operations centers
overlap, duplication and/or fragmentation.
National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility
(NBAF) Transfer from DHS to USDA
This FY 2019 Budget proposal would transfer operational responsibility
for the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) from DHS’s
Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) to USDA’s Agricultural
Research Service (ARS) in FY 2019. DHS would finish the construction
and commissioning of the laboratory facility, while USDA would operate
the facility in the future.
Organizing Headquarters Functions
This proposal would identify how DHS Headquarters can more
effectively align Business Support and Mission Support functions to
support Homeland Security mission delivery by enabling: (1) strategic
governance, oversight, policymaking, and internal and external
coordination; and (2) strengthening service and delivery of the business
support and mission support functions to the Department. In
tandem, the DHS Management Directorate is advancing agency-wide
initiatives such as field efficiencies, modernizing financial systems
and processes, and SOC consolidation.


Reform Rental Assistance
HUD is seeking legislative reforms to decades-old rent policies that
are confusing and costly, and often fail to support HUD-assisted individuals
in increasing their earnings. HUD’s Making Affordable Housing
Work Act would offer public housing authorities (PHAs), property
owners, and HUD-assisted families a simpler and more transparent
set of rent structures to reduce administrative burden, incentivize
work, and place HUD’s rental assistance programs on a more fiscally-
sustainable path.
Consolidate Headquarters Offices
HUD spends approximately $11.8 million per year on four leases
within walking distance of its main headquarters at the Robert C.
Weaver Federal building. HUD is in the process of consolidating these
satellite offices into the Weaver building, reducing its real property
footprint and annual leasing costs.


Modernizing IT, HR Operations, and Data Analytics
The State Department seeks to advance information technology
(IT) modernization, including: allowing real-time collaboration;
strengthening workforce readiness and performance management;
and improving enterprise-wide data availability. This will involve
enhancing data analytics to better inform decisions and investing in
and implementing cloud technologies to allow employees to work
more easily from any location, improve cyber security, streamline
work processes, and consolidate duplicative systems. Cloud implementation
has been underway since the end of 2017. By the end of
March 2018, the Department had already migrated 16.6 percent of
user mailboxes to cloud-based e-mail. This effort will also seek to
improve connectivity between the State and United States Agency
for International Development (USAID) IT platforms, thus ensuring
increased collaboration and information access to improve effectiveness
and efficiency.
Leadership Development and Training
The State Department seeks to enhance leadership training and
development opportunities. To this end, the Foreign Service Institute
is working to modernize and expand formal leadership training
for all levels of the workforce and is implementing a program of midlevel
leadership projects. The Leadership Advisory Board is reviewing
the Department’s Leadership and Management Principles and
promoting leadership development activities more broadly.
Special Envoys
The State Department is integrating selected envoys and special
representative offices into the regional and functional bureaus, and
eliminating those envoys and representatives that have accomplished
their original purpose, or have overlapping roles and
responsibilities. This effort will empower regional and functional
bureaus’ policy direction, provide clarity in reporting authority, and
strengthen communication channels. In consultation with the Congress,
17 such offices are being realigned as of May 2018.
Enhance Global Presence and Policy Processes
The State Department seeks to improve oversight of the U.S. Government’s
global presence under Chief of Mission authority, including
enhanced interagency coordination to foster increased collaboration
and oversight. The goal is to ensure the most efficient allocation of
personnel consistent with U.S. interests around the world. State and
USAID will work together to advance targeted reforms in this area,
where changes are mutually reinforcing and can be effectively synchronized
to maximize benefits as appropriate.
Enhance Operational Efficiencies
The State Department is examining ways to enhance human
resources service delivery in order to simplify processes and reduce
wasted time. Enhancements will also strengthen real property management
both domestically and overseas, and achieve efficiencies
in our acquisitions process to improve service delivery. State and
USAID will work together to advance targeted reforms in this area,
where changes are mutually reinforcing and can be effectively synchronized
to maximize benefits as appropriate.


Aligning DOI Regions Across Bureaus
The Department of the Interior (DOI) seeks to establish common regional boundaries for its bureaus and offices to provide better coordination across the department, focus resources in the field, and ultimately, improve mission delivery. Currently, each DOI bureau manages its responsibilities using regional structures that follow different geographical boundaries. This inconsistency slows coordination between DOI bureaus and offices, other Federal agencies, and the American public that DOI serves.
Improving Efficiency through Shared Services
DOI is working to collocate bureau offices wherever possible and to emphasize the use of shared administrative support services across its organizational units. This will drive more efficient use of resources and ensure employees within each region and at the local level receive adequate support. Better utilization of the Interior Business Center (IBC) and DOI’s consolidated Financial and Business Management System (FBMS) will also further these objectives.


Consolidate Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement at Treasury
The FY 2019 Budget proposes to transfer all alcohol and tobacco responsibilities from the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to Treasury’s Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). This transfer would leverage TTB’s resources and expertise relating to the alcohol and tobacco industries and allow ATF to continue to focus on its firearms and explosives mandates, enabling both agencies to more efficiently and effectively carry out their core missions of protecting the public.


Shared Services
The Department of Transportation (DOT) is taking a comprehensive look at implementing a shared services model for acquisitions, human resources, information technology, and motor vehicle pools across the Department. DOT is also working to consolidate office space and leases.
OST Streamlining
DOT is committed to rightsizing the Office of the Secretary (OST), which plays a critical role in overseeing DOT’s Operating Administrations (OAs). To better support the OAs, offices and positions will be consolidated in areas such as research and development.
Workforce Development
DOT workforce development grants will be transferred to the new Department of Education and the Workforce to centralize workforce development policy and to deliver more efficient and effective outcomes.


Electronic Health Record Modernization
This will transition the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to a new Electronic Health Records (EHR) system allowing for interoperability between the Department of Defense (DOD) and VA, and other community providers. The new system will permit efficient exchange of patient health information as military servicemembers transition from DOD to VA healthcare, and will enhance the coordination of care for veterans. Having a veteran’s complete and accurate health information in a single common EHR system is critical to that care, and to patient safety. The new EHR system will enable VA to easily adopt improvements in health information technology and cyber security, which VA’s current system is unable to do.
Community Care
To ensure veterans get the right care, at the right time, with the right provider, the Trump Administration and VA have worked closely with the Congress and Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs) to create legislation to merge all of VA’s community care efforts, including the Choice Program, into a single, streamlined Federal program. The new community care program will improve veterans’ experiences and healthcare outcomes and transform VA into a high-performing and integrated 21st Century healthcare system for more than 9 million veteran enrollees.
Appeals Modernization
VA is undertaking an initiative to replace its current claims appeals process, adopted after World War I, which is slow, complex, and confusing for veterans to navigate. In an effort to enhance veterans’ experience, VA is accelerating implementation of a new system under which veterans have the option to submit appeals using one of three lanes based on their unique circumstances.
Financial Management Business Transformation
This ambitious effort will transform VA’s financial management business processes and systems using an integrated approach. A modern integrated financial management and acquisition solution will enhance transparency, data accuracy, and improve fiscal accountability across the department, and will provide opportunities to improve the care and services provided to veterans.
Legacy IT Systems Modernization
Many of the 130 legacy information technology systems that VA relies on to administer and deliver veteran benefits are no longer supportable, and do not meet security compliance standards or support new, more efficient business processes. In addition, the inability of these systems to interface with one another results in severe redundancies which, in turn, results in inefficiencies and impedes the department’s customer service to veterans. Collectively, modernizing legacy IT systems will streamline benefit delivery and appeals processing, ensure compliance with new security and accessibility standards, and expand veteran self-service capabilities while also promoting greater transparency.


Tailoring State Oversight
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will recalibrate resources devoted to oversight of State-delegated programs, including the role of EPA National Programs and Regions, and their respective levels of effort. EPA will recognize States as the primary implementers and enforcement authorities where States have authorized delegation of Federal environmental programs. With input from the Environmental Council of the States (ECOS) and the States, EPA will streamline, reduce, and tailor its oversight activities to focus on national consistency and technical assistance to States as needed.
Examining EPA Field Presence
After streamlining and tailoring State oversight activities, EPA will assess the best locations from which to provide key functions and services to customers. Some functions may be performed more effectively with enhanced proximity to customers, while others may be more efficient, but equally effective, if consolidated. EPA will assess owned space vs. leasing space for field operations.
Improving Management of EPA Laboratories
EPA will review the current laboratory enterprise in an effort to operate EPA’s labs in a more strategic, corporate, and efficient manner. This project starts with the identification and implementation of an enterprise-wide framework to create a more agile work environment and manage lab capabilities and capacity to meet the scientific demands associated with achieving the Agency’s mission more efficiently and effectively.


Federal Motor Vehicle Fleet Management
The Federal Government operates more than 400,000 motor vehicles, including cars, trucks, SUVs, buses, and other specialty vehicles. The cost of operating motor vehicles can vary widely among Federal agencies. The President’s Management Agenda initiative on improving mission support services includes consolidating Federal fleet management. This will reduce taxpayer costs and introduce efficiencies into Federal fleet management. To achieve these objectives, the General Services Administration will conduct studies of agency fleets to identify recommendations on improving fleet management. The study will include analysis of operational, maintenance, and inventory data to assess whether centrally leasing and managing motor vehicles is more cost effective than separate agency ownership and management of vehicles. GSA studies will also identify opportunities for reducing the overall size of the Federal fleet through car sharing or other such shared activities.


Introduce Two Convergence Accelerators to Support Interdisciplinary Research
The National Science Foundation (NSF) will introduce two “Convergence Accelerators” that will facilitate the agency’s funding of interdisciplinary research. The Accelerators will focus on “Harnessing the Data Revolution” and the “Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier.” Staff, budget, and resources for the Accelerators will be realigned from the current directorates and offices. Accelerator directors will be part of the NSF scientific leadership team. With separate staff, budget, and resources, the Accelerators will be NSF’s primary units for conceiving, funding, and managing NSF-wide interdisciplinary activities in these areas.


Implement a 21st Century Approach to Federal Employee Records and Data Management
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) seeks to establish a secure Employee Digital Record (EDR), with as close to live updates as technologically feasible. By creating a permanent EDR, OPM can drive a data collection strategy that, among other things, collects employee data once and uses it many times across the employee lifecycle. This will reduce redundancy, inefficient and inaccurate reporting, costly vendor management, and incomplete data that creates challenges in applying modern business processes to core HR functions.


Merge the Office of New Reactors (NRO) and the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) recognizes that a merger of NRO and NRR will provide flexibility and improved agility to manage uncertainties associated with the workloads in both the new and operating reactor business lines. As part of the merger of NRO and NRR, the NRC will conduct an assessment of technical review functions to identify efficiencies and eliminate redundancies.


IT Modernization
The Social Security Administration’s (SSA) IT Modernization Plan is a thoughtful and deliberate multi-year agency initiative to modernize SSA’s major systems using modern architectures, agile software engineering methods, cloud provisioning, and shared services. SSA is embarking on an initiative to transform the way they design and build systems, and ultimately the way they work and serve the public. The IT modernization vision is to establish a fully integrated IT and Business team that delivers modern business platforms that improve our ability to respond more rapidly to changing needs at manageable costs. SSA will provide an enhanced customer experience for millions of beneficiaries across an expanded mix of service options in a cost effective and secure manner.
Eliminate In-Kind Support and Maintenance and the Holding Out Policy for SSI
This proposal simplifies administration of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program and reduces improper payments. The proposal eliminates the counting of In-Kind Support and Maintenance (ISM) in lieu of a flat rate benefit reduction for adults living with other adults. The proposal also ends the intrusive and burdensome “holding out” policy, which currently reduces benefits for couples that present themselves as married to the community.
Eliminate Services to Claimant Representatives
This proposal would eliminate the Federal Government as the middleman in the relationship between applicants and the representatives they voluntarily hire. It would eliminate administration of fee agreements, fee petitions, and claimant representative travel. The current workload is expensive, error prone, and not SSA’s core mission. In FY 2016, SSA spent about $122 million on the activity, but collected only about $30 million (due to a statutory fee cap) to reimburse the trust funds. The $30 million collected is not currently part of SSA’s administrative resources.
Establish a Consistent National State Disability Appeal Process
As resources permit, SSA plans to reinstate the reconsideration process in the disability determination services located in the 10 prototype States. Once fully implemented, SSA can return to a single nationwide appellate process. This change will allow claimants to receive benefits sooner at a lower administrative cost. In addition, it will provide some relief to SSA’s hearings backlog.
Eliminate SSI Dedicated Accounts
This proposal facilitates financial independence by eliminating dedicated accounts for past-due benefits to SSI youth recipients. It also reduces the administrative burden of monitoring expenses from dedicated accounts.
Implement Metrics and Quality
The proposal would implement quantity and quality metrics for employees across SSA. This change will provide several significant benefits, including: improving productivity and accuracy; ensuring that employees are fully engaged in work and can learn from feedback about their work; ensuring efficient and effective use of taxpayer dollars; and helping managers better address both outstanding and poor performance.
Implement Standard Office Design
SSA is improving facility design to meet business requirements and reduce design and build costs for offices while at the same time evaluating the security of these offices.
Additional Footprint Reduction
SSA continues to find ways to increase real property efficiency and reduce the size of its real property portfolio. SSA will continue to co-locate offices, consolidate space while merging components, and ensure space savings when implementing telework.


Journey to Self-Reliance
USAID will realign its strategies, policies, and programs to more thoughtfully, strategically, and purposefully assist developing countries in becoming more self-reliant. USAID will reorient its relationship with partner countries by more clearly defining expectations up front, giving more clarity and focus to the objectives of assistance, and establishing tangible and meaningful goals to which partner countries can aspire.
Advance National Security
This USAID effort includes three components: operating more effectively in non-permissive environments; preventing violent extremism; and improving coordination with DOD.
Empower People to Lead
USAID seeks a human capital system that leverages and supports employees, enables a high return on investment, and supports workforce mobility and agility. This effort includes: management of human capital, workforce flexibility and mobility; knowledge management; streamlining coordinators; reviewing HR functions; and creating a culture of accountability and learning.
Respecting the Taxpayer’s Investments
USAID will maximize how each and every dollar of the taxpayer’s money is spent by developing systems and processes that allow for structuring USAID’s presence domestically and abroad in the most efficient way possible.

"Billions and billions of dollars are being wasted on activities that are not delivering results for hardworking American taxpayers."
President Donald J. Trump


A. Organizational Realignments to Enhance Mission and
Service Delivery

1. Merge the Departments of Education and Labor
into a single Cabinet agency, the Department of
Education and the Workforce
, charged with meeting
the needs of American students and workers
from education and skill development to workplace
protection to retirement security. As part of the
merger, the Administration also proposes significant
Government-wide workforce development program
consolidations, streamlining separate programs in
order to increase efficiencies and better serve American

2. Move the non-commodity nutrition assistance
programs currently in the U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service
into the Department of Health and Human
Services—which will be renamed the Department
of Health and Public Welfare
Also, establish a Council on Public Assistance, comprised
of all agencies that administer public benefits,
with statutory authority to set cross-program
policies including uniform work requirements.

3. Move the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Civil
Works out of the Department of Defense (DOD)
to the Department of Transportation (DOT) and
Department of the Interior (DOI) to consolidate
and align the Corps’ civil works missions with these

4. Reorganize the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection
Service and the food safety functions of
HHS’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) into a
single agency within USDA that would cover virtually
all the foods Americans eat.

5. Move USDA’s rural housing loan guarantee and
rental assistance programs to the Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
, allowing
both agencies to focus on their core missions and,
over time, further align the Federal Government’s
role in housing policy.

6. Merge the Department of Commerce’s (Commerce)
National Marine Fisheries Service with
DOI’s Fish and Wildlife Service.
This merger would
consolidate the administration of the Endangered
Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act in
one agency and combine the Services’ science and
management capacity, resulting in more consistent
Federal fisheries and wildlife policy and improved
service to stakeholders and the public, particularly
on infrastructure permitting.

7. Consolidate portions of DOI’s Central Hazardous
Materials Program and USDA’s Hazardous Materials
Management program into the Environmental
Protection Agency’s (EPA) Superfund program
This consolidation would allow EPA to address
environmental cleanup under the Comprehensive
Environmental Response Compensation & Liability
Act (CERCLA) on Federal land regardless of which
of these agencies manages the land, while DOI and
USDA would maintain their existing environmental
compliance, bonding, and reclamation programs for
non-CERCLA sites.

8. Optimize Department of State (State) and U.S.
Agency for International Development (USAID)
humanitarian assistance to eliminate duplication
of efforts and fragmentation of decision-making.

A specific reorganization proposal will be submitted
by State and USAID to OMB as part of their FY 2020
Budget request to improve the efficiency and effectiveness
of the Federal Government’s humanitarian
assistance across State and USAID, establish unity
of voice and policy, and optimize outreach to other
donors to increase burden-sharing and drive reform
at the UN and in multilateral humanitarian policy.

9. Consolidate the U.S. Government’s development
finance tools, such as the Overseas Private
Investment Corporation (OPIC) and the Development
Credit Authority (DCA) of USAID, into a new
Development Finance Institution
in a reformed
and modernized way to leverage more privatesector
investment, provide strong alternatives to
state-directed initiatives, create more innovative
vehicles to open and expand markets for U.S. firms,
and enhance protections for U.S. taxpayers.

10. Transform USAID through an extensive, agency-
driven structural reorganization of headquarters
Bureaus and Independent Offices as a foundational
component of USAID’s overall plans to better
advance partner countries’ self-reliance, support
U.S. national security, and ensure the effectiveness
and efficiency of foreign assistance.

11. Move the policy function of the Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) into the Executive Office of the
and elevate its core strategic mission
while devolving certain operational activities –
the delivery of various fee-for-service human
resources, IT services, and background investigations
– to other Federal entities better aligned to provide
non-strategic transaction processing services
that meet 21st Century needs. This new structure
would better accommodate an overhaul of the Federal
civil service statutory and regulatory framework.

12. Transfer responsibility for perpetual care and
operation of select military and veteran cemeteries
located on DOD installations to the Department
of Veterans Affairs’ National Cemetery
This transfer assures these cemeteries
will be maintained to national shrine standards
to continue the recognition of service of those
interred therein, gains efficiencies, and limits mission
overlap based on a common-sense approach to
good government.

13. Reorganize the U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureau
of Economic Analysis, and the Bureau of Labor
Statistics under Commerce
to increase cost-effectiveness
and improve data quality while simultaneously
reducing respondent burden on businesses
and the public. Together, these three agencies
account for 53 percent of the U.S. Statistical System’s
annual budget of $2.26 billion and share
unique synergies in their collection of economic
and demographic data and analysis of key national

14. Consolidate the Department of Energy’s (DOE)
applied energy programs into a new Office of
Energy Innovation
in order to maximize the benefits
of energy research and development and to
enable quicker adaptation to the Nation’s changing
energy technology needs.

15. Devolution of Activities from the Federal

a) Sell the transmission assets owned and
operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority
and the Power Marketing Administrations
within DOE, including those of Southwestern
Power Administration, Western Area Power
Administration, and Bonneville Power Administration,

to encourage a more efficient allocation
of economic resources and mitigate unnecessary
risk to taxpayers.
b) Restructure the U.S. Postal System to return
it to a sustainable business model or prepare
it for future conversion from a Government
agency into a privately-held corporation.

The President’s Task Force on the United States
Postal System will make recommendations on
reforms towards this goal in August 2018.
c) Reorganize DOT to better align the agency’s
core missions and programmatic responsibilities,
reduce transportation program
fragmentation across the Government
, and
improve outcomes. Changes would include
spinning off Federal responsibility for operating
air traffic control services, integrating into DOT
certain coastal and inland waterways commercial
navigation activities and transportation security
programs, and reassessing the structure and
responsibilities of DOT’s Office of the Secretary.

16. Transform the way the Federal Government
delivers support for the U.S. housing finance
system to ensure more transparency and accountability
to taxpayers
, and to minimize the risk of taxpayer-
funded bailouts, while maintaining responsible
and sustainable support for homeowners.
Proposed changes, which would require broader
policy and legislative reforms beyond restructuring
Federal agencies and programs, include ending the
conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
reducing their role in the housing market, and providing
an explicit, limited Federal backstop that is
on-budget and apart from the Federal support for
low- and moderate-income homebuyers.

17. Rethink how the Federal Government can drive
economic growth in concert with private-sector
investments in communities across the Nation
coordinating and consolidating Federal economic
assistance resources into a Bureau of Economic
Growth at Commerce, producing a higher return on
taxpayer investment on projects that are transparent
and accountable.

18. Transform the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned
Corps into a leaner and more efficient
that is better prepared to respond
to public health emergencies and provide vital
health services, including by reducing the size
of the Corps and building up a Reserve Corps for
response in public health emergencies.


19. Establish an accelerated process for determining
whether one or more of the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration’s (NASA) Centers
should be converted to, or host, a Federally
Funded Research and Development Center
FFRDCs can potentially allow the agency
to be more agile in rapidly responding to changing
needs and in recruiting and retaining scientific and
technical expertise.

20. Consolidate the administration of graduate fellowships
for multiple Federal agencies under the
National Science Foundation in order to reduce the
total cost of administering those fellowships.

21. Optimize the Federal real property footprint by
making smart investments in renovations and new
facilities, driving down lease costs, and disposing of
unneeded real estate through a streamlined process
that results in the greatest return to the taxpayer.

22. Consolidate and streamline financial education
and literacy programs currently operating across
more than 20 Federal agencies to ensure effective
allocation of Federal financial literacy resources and
avoid unneeded overlap and duplication.

23. Strengthen the Small Business Administration
(SBA) as the voice of small business within
the Government by consolidating small business
focused guaranteed lending and Federal contracting
certification programs at SBA.

24. Consolidate protective details at certain civilian
Executive Branch agencies under the U.S.
Marshals Service in order to more effectively
and efficiently monitor and respond to potential
Threat assessments would be conducted
with support from the U.S. Secret Service.

25. Consolidate the small grants functions, expertise,
and grantmaking from the Inter-American Foundation
and U.S. African Development Foundation
into USAID beginning in FY 2019.
The consolidation
would be a significant step to reduce the proliferation
of Federal international affairs agencies that are
operating today, while also elevating community-led,
“local works” small grants as a development and
diplomacy tool for the U.S. Government.

26. Transition Federal agencies’ business processes
and recordkeeping to a fully electronic environment,
and end the National Archives and Records
Administration’s acceptance of paper records by
December 31, 2022.
This would improve agencies’
efficiency, effectiveness, and responsiveness to citizens
by converting paper-based processes to electronic
workflows, expanding online services, and
enhancing management of Government records,
data, and information.


27. Transform the way Americans interact with the
Federal Government by establishing a Government-
wide customer experience improvement
capability to partner with Federal agencies to help
them provide a modern, streamlined, and customer-
centric experience for citizens, businesses, and
other customers, comparable to leading privatesector

28. Pursue a Next Generation (Next Gen) Financial
Services Environment as a new approach to Federal
Student Aid (FSA) processing and servicing
with a modernized, innovative, and integrated
Next Gen will save taxpayers millions
of dollars and will create an improved, world-class
customer experience for FSA’s more than 42 million
customers, while creating a more agile and streamlined
operating model.

29. Solve the Federal cybersecurity workforce
shortage by establishing a unified cyber workforce
capability across the civilian enterprise, working
through DHS and OMB in coordination with all
Federal departments and agencies.
The Administration
will work towards a standardized approach
to Federal cybersecurity personnel, ensuring Government-
wide visibility into talent gaps, as well as
unified solutions to fill those gaps in a timely and
prioritized manner.

30. Establish a Government Effectiveness Advanced
Research (GEAR) Center as a public-private partnership

to help the Government respond to innovative
technologies, business practices, and research
findings that present opportunities to improve mission
delivery, services to citizens, and stewardship
of public resources.

31. Transfer the National Background Investigations
Bureau from OPM to DOD
, providing the opportunity
to achieve an efficient, effective, fiscally viable,
and secure operation that meets all agencies’

32. Expand upon existing agency evaluation capabilities
and push agencies to adopt stronger practices
that would generate more evidence about what
works and what needs improvement in order to
inform mission-critical decisions and policies.

These changes will help to address the large gaps and
inconsistencies across Government in Federal agencies’
ability to formally evaluate their programs.


Reorganizing the Agricultural Marketing Service
As part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) internal
reorganization effort, it has undertaken significant changes to the
Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) to improve customer engagement,
maximize efficiency, and improve agency collaboration. The
Packers and Stockyards Program, Federal Grain Inspection Service,
U.S. Warehouse Act Program, and International Commodity Purchasing
were transferred to the Agricultural Marketing Service as new
program areas in FY 2018.
Realigning USDA’s Mission Areas
The USDA has begun realigning and consolidating certain offices
into more logical organizational reporting structures. The realignment
has included the creation of an Under Secretary for Trade and
Foreign Agricultural Affairs, an Assistant to the Secretary for Rural
Development (RD), and an Under Secretary for Farm Production and
Conservation. Additionally, USDA is merging the Center for Nutrition
Policy and Promotion (CNPP) into the Food and Nutrition Service
(FNS). These efforts will improve service delivery by providing a
simplified one-stop shop for USDA’s farmer and rancher customers,
advance agricultural trade and address the needs of Rural America.


Streamline Environmental Management
Headquarters Organization
This effort will review the Environmental Management (EM) organizational
structure to identify opportunities to streamline the management
team. EM will specifically review supervisor-to-worker ratios,
skill gaps, and cost reduction measures such as consolidating facilities
and reducing administrative support. This proposal focuses on
completion of the EM clean-up mission in an efficient and cost-effective
Consolidate International Staff Under
Office of International Affairs
The Department is consolidating international affairs offices from
DOE’s applied energy programs into the headquarters Office of
International Affairs. This effort centralizes staff and resources with
technical expertise and foreign affairs policy knowledge to advise on
and carry out the Department’s international engagement efforts.
Merge Shared Service Centers and Other Activities
The Department continues to merge DOE’s Human Resources Shared
Service Centers, consolidate human capital functions across the DOE
enterprise, and merge DOE training and development functions. This
effort will streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve services.
Office of Science Restructuring
The Department of Energy’s Office of Science is evaluating several
proposals to merge and consolidate field and headquarters activities
to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Potential options for consideration
include: merging geographically associated site offices;
reorganizing the Integrated Service Centers; realigning safety and
technical services; streamlining the Office of Science organization;
and reducing staff and/or administration support costs.


Optimize National Institutes Health (NIH)
Restructure NIH’s administrative functions to ensure operations are
effective and efficient. This initiative represents the largest change
management initiative in the history of NIH, and will align management
with best practices and break down administrative silos
through standardization of structures and processes agency-wide.
Consolidate Health Research Programs into
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Integrate the research of three programs into NIH – the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and the National Institute on
Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR)
to improve research coordination and outcomes. These entities
would be initially established as three new NIH institutes: the National
Institute for Research on Safety and Quality; the National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health, including the Energy Employees
Occupational Illness Compensation Program; and the National Institute
on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research.
NIH will assess the feasibility of integrating health services research
activities more fully into existing NIH Institutes and Centers over time.
Reorganize the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) to the
Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR)
Restructure the SNS from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
to ASPR to consolidate strategic decision making around the development
and procurement of medical countermeasures, and streamline
operational decisions during responses to public health and other
emergencies and improve responsiveness. This reorganization is
intended to enhance enterprise effectiveness by more fully integrating
the Stockpile with HHS’ other preparedness and response capabilities.


DHS Air & Maritime Programs
This proposal would identify efficiencies and budgetary savings
to be achieved by eliminating unnecessary duplication between
U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Coast Guard air and
maritime programs. This could include facility consolidation, standardized
data, enhanced domain awareness and coordination,
Coordinated Operations, Planning & Intelligence
This proposal will evaluate how DHS headquarters and components
will produce information and intelligence that is comprehensive, current,
coordinated, operationally-focused and analytically-defensible,
and increase the effectiveness of coordinated operational plans
and policies. DHS’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis, the Office of
Strategy, Policy and Plans, and Office of Operations Coordination
will explore areas such as analysis overlap, duplication and/or fragmentation;
joint and integrated strategies and operations; common
operating picture (COP) and alert warning; and operations centers
overlap, duplication and/or fragmentation.
National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility
(NBAF) Transfer from DHS to USDA
This FY 2019 Budget proposal would transfer operational responsibility
for the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) from DHS’s
Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) to USDA’s Agricultural
Research Service (ARS) in FY 2019. DHS would finish the construction
and commissioning of the laboratory facility, while USDA would operate
the facility in the future.
Organizing Headquarters Functions
This proposal would identify how DHS Headquarters can more
effectively align Business Support and Mission Support functions to
support Homeland Security mission delivery by enabling: (1) strategic
governance, oversight, policymaking, and internal and external
coordination; and (2) strengthening service and delivery of the business
support and mission support functions to the Department. In
tandem, the DHS Management Directorate is advancing agency-wide
initiatives such as field efficiencies, modernizing financial systems
and processes, and SOC consolidation.


Reform Rental Assistance
HUD is seeking legislative reforms to decades-old rent policies that
are confusing and costly, and often fail to support HUD-assisted individuals
in increasing their earnings. HUD’s Making Affordable Housing
Work Act would offer public housing authorities (PHAs), property
owners, and HUD-assisted families a simpler and more transparent
set of rent structures to reduce administrative burden, incentivize
work, and place HUD’s rental assistance programs on a more fiscally-
sustainable path.
Consolidate Headquarters Offices
HUD spends approximately $11.8 million per year on four leases
within walking distance of its main headquarters at the Robert C.
Weaver Federal building. HUD is in the process of consolidating these
satellite offices into the Weaver building, reducing its real property
footprint and annual leasing costs.


Modernizing IT, HR Operations, and Data Analytics
The State Department seeks to advance information technology
(IT) modernization, including: allowing real-time collaboration;
strengthening workforce readiness and performance management;
and improving enterprise-wide data availability. This will involve
enhancing data analytics to better inform decisions and investing in
and implementing cloud technologies to allow employees to work
more easily from any location, improve cyber security, streamline
work processes, and consolidate duplicative systems. Cloud implementation
has been underway since the end of 2017. By the end of
March 2018, the Department had already migrated 16.6 percent of
user mailboxes to cloud-based e-mail. This effort will also seek to
improve connectivity between the State and United States Agency
for International Development (USAID) IT platforms, thus ensuring
increased collaboration and information access to improve effectiveness
and efficiency.
Leadership Development and Training
The State Department seeks to enhance leadership training and
development opportunities. To this end, the Foreign Service Institute
is working to modernize and expand formal leadership training
for all levels of the workforce and is implementing a program of midlevel
leadership projects. The Leadership Advisory Board is reviewing
the Department’s Leadership and Management Principles and
promoting leadership development activities more broadly.
Special Envoys
The State Department is integrating selected envoys and special
representative offices into the regional and functional bureaus, and
eliminating those envoys and representatives that have accomplished
their original purpose, or have overlapping roles and
responsibilities. This effort will empower regional and functional
bureaus’ policy direction, provide clarity in reporting authority, and
strengthen communication channels. In consultation with the Congress,
17 such offices are being realigned as of May 2018.
Enhance Global Presence and Policy Processes
The State Department seeks to improve oversight of the U.S. Government’s
global presence under Chief of Mission authority, including
enhanced interagency coordination to foster increased collaboration
and oversight. The goal is to ensure the most efficient allocation of
personnel consistent with U.S. interests around the world. State and
USAID will work together to advance targeted reforms in this area,
where changes are mutually reinforcing and can be effectively synchronized
to maximize benefits as appropriate.
Enhance Operational Efficiencies
The State Department is examining ways to enhance human
resources service delivery in order to simplify processes and reduce
wasted time. Enhancements will also strengthen real property management
both domestically and overseas, and achieve efficiencies
in our acquisitions process to improve service delivery. State and
USAID will work together to advance targeted reforms in this area,
where changes are mutually reinforcing and can be effectively synchronized
to maximize benefits as appropriate.


Aligning DOI Regions Across Bureaus
The Department of the Interior (DOI) seeks to establish common regional boundaries for its bureaus and offices to provide better coordination across the department, focus resources in the field, and ultimately, improve mission delivery. Currently, each DOI bureau manages its responsibilities using regional structures that follow different geographical boundaries. This inconsistency slows coordination between DOI bureaus and offices, other Federal agencies, and the American public that DOI serves.
Improving Efficiency through Shared Services
DOI is working to collocate bureau offices wherever possible and to emphasize the use of shared administrative support services across its organizational units. This will drive more efficient use of resources and ensure employees within each region and at the local level receive adequate support. Better utilization of the Interior Business Center (IBC) and DOI’s consolidated Financial and Business Management System (FBMS) will also further these objectives.


Consolidate Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement at Treasury
The FY 2019 Budget proposes to transfer all alcohol and tobacco responsibilities from the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to Treasury’s Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). This transfer would leverage TTB’s resources and expertise relating to the alcohol and tobacco industries and allow ATF to continue to focus on its firearms and explosives mandates, enabling both agencies to more efficiently and effectively carry out their core missions of protecting the public.


Shared Services
The Department of Transportation (DOT) is taking a comprehensive look at implementing a shared services model for acquisitions, human resources, information technology, and motor vehicle pools across the Department. DOT is also working to consolidate office space and leases.
OST Streamlining
DOT is committed to rightsizing the Office of the Secretary (OST), which plays a critical role in overseeing DOT’s Operating Administrations (OAs). To better support the OAs, offices and positions will be consolidated in areas such as research and development.
Workforce Development
DOT workforce development grants will be transferred to the new Department of Education and the Workforce to centralize workforce development policy and to deliver more efficient and effective outcomes.


Electronic Health Record Modernization
This will transition the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to a new Electronic Health Records (EHR) system allowing for interoperability between the Department of Defense (DOD) and VA, and other community providers. The new system will permit efficient exchange of patient health information as military servicemembers transition from DOD to VA healthcare, and will enhance the coordination of care for veterans. Having a veteran’s complete and accurate health information in a single common EHR system is critical to that care, and to patient safety. The new EHR system will enable VA to easily adopt improvements in health information technology and cyber security, which VA’s current system is unable to do.
Community Care
To ensure veterans get the right care, at the right time, with the right provider, the Trump Administration and VA have worked closely with the Congress and Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs) to create legislation to merge all of VA’s community care efforts, including the Choice Program, into a single, streamlined Federal program. The new community care program will improve veterans’ experiences and healthcare outcomes and transform VA into a high-performing and integrated 21st Century healthcare system for more than 9 million veteran enrollees.
Appeals Modernization
VA is undertaking an initiative to replace its current claims appeals process, adopted after World War I, which is slow, complex, and confusing for veterans to navigate. In an effort to enhance veterans’ experience, VA is accelerating implementation of a new system under which veterans have the option to submit appeals using one of three lanes based on their unique circumstances.
Financial Management Business Transformation
This ambitious effort will transform VA’s financial management business processes and systems using an integrated approach. A modern integrated financial management and acquisition solution will enhance transparency, data accuracy, and improve fiscal accountability across the department, and will provide opportunities to improve the care and services provided to veterans.
Legacy IT Systems Modernization
Many of the 130 legacy information technology systems that VA relies on to administer and deliver veteran benefits are no longer supportable, and do not meet security compliance standards or support new, more efficient business processes. In addition, the inability of these systems to interface with one another results in severe redundancies which, in turn, results in inefficiencies and impedes the department’s customer service to veterans. Collectively, modernizing legacy IT systems will streamline benefit delivery and appeals processing, ensure compliance with new security and accessibility standards, and expand veteran self-service capabilities while also promoting greater transparency.


Tailoring State Oversight
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will recalibrate resources devoted to oversight of State-delegated programs, including the role of EPA National Programs and Regions, and their respective levels of effort. EPA will recognize States as the primary implementers and enforcement authorities where States have authorized delegation of Federal environmental programs. With input from the Environmental Council of the States (ECOS) and the States, EPA will streamline, reduce, and tailor its oversight activities to focus on national consistency and technical assistance to States as needed.
Examining EPA Field Presence
After streamlining and tailoring State oversight activities, EPA will assess the best locations from which to provide key functions and services to customers. Some functions may be performed more effectively with enhanced proximity to customers, while others may be more efficient, but equally effective, if consolidated. EPA will assess owned space vs. leasing space for field operations.
Improving Management of EPA Laboratories
EPA will review the current laboratory enterprise in an effort to operate EPA’s labs in a more strategic, corporate, and efficient manner. This project starts with the identification and implementation of an enterprise-wide framework to create a more agile work environment and manage lab capabilities and capacity to meet the scientific demands associated with achieving the Agency’s mission more efficiently and effectively.


Federal Motor Vehicle Fleet Management
The Federal Government operates more than 400,000 motor vehicles, including cars, trucks, SUVs, buses, and other specialty vehicles. The cost of operating motor vehicles can vary widely among Federal agencies. The President’s Management Agenda initiative on improving mission support services includes consolidating Federal fleet management. This will reduce taxpayer costs and introduce efficiencies into Federal fleet management. To achieve these objectives, the General Services Administration will conduct studies of agency fleets to identify recommendations on improving fleet management. The study will include analysis of operational, maintenance, and inventory data to assess whether centrally leasing and managing motor vehicles is more cost effective than separate agency ownership and management of vehicles. GSA studies will also identify opportunities for reducing the overall size of the Federal fleet through car sharing or other such shared activities.


Introduce Two Convergence Accelerators to Support Interdisciplinary Research
The National Science Foundation (NSF) will introduce two “Convergence Accelerators” that will facilitate the agency’s funding of interdisciplinary research. The Accelerators will focus on “Harnessing the Data Revolution” and the “Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier.” Staff, budget, and resources for the Accelerators will be realigned from the current directorates and offices. Accelerator directors will be part of the NSF scientific leadership team. With separate staff, budget, and resources, the Accelerators will be NSF’s primary units for conceiving, funding, and managing NSF-wide interdisciplinary activities in these areas.


Implement a 21st Century Approach to Federal Employee Records and Data Management
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) seeks to establish a secure Employee Digital Record (EDR), with as close to live updates as technologically feasible. By creating a permanent EDR, OPM can drive a data collection strategy that, among other things, collects employee data once and uses it many times across the employee lifecycle. This will reduce redundancy, inefficient and inaccurate reporting, costly vendor management, and incomplete data that creates challenges in applying modern business processes to core HR functions.


Merge the Office of New Reactors (NRO) and the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) recognizes that a merger of NRO and NRR will provide flexibility and improved agility to manage uncertainties associated with the workloads in both the new and operating reactor business lines. As part of the merger of NRO and NRR, the NRC will conduct an assessment of technical review functions to identify efficiencies and eliminate redundancies.


IT Modernization
The Social Security Administration’s (SSA) IT Modernization Plan is a thoughtful and deliberate multi-year agency initiative to modernize SSA’s major systems using modern architectures, agile software engineering methods, cloud provisioning, and shared services. SSA is embarking on an initiative to transform the way they design and build systems, and ultimately the way they work and serve the public. The IT modernization vision is to establish a fully integrated IT and Business team that delivers modern business platforms that improve our ability to respond more rapidly to changing needs at manageable costs. SSA will provide an enhanced customer experience for millions of beneficiaries across an expanded mix of service options in a cost effective and secure manner.
Eliminate In-Kind Support and Maintenance and the Holding Out Policy for SSI
This proposal simplifies administration of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program and reduces improper payments. The proposal eliminates the counting of In-Kind Support and Maintenance (ISM) in lieu of a flat rate benefit reduction for adults living with other adults. The proposal also ends the intrusive and burdensome “holding out” policy, which currently reduces benefits for couples that present themselves as married to the community.
Eliminate Services to Claimant Representatives
This proposal would eliminate the Federal Government as the middleman in the relationship between applicants and the representatives they voluntarily hire. It would eliminate administration of fee agreements, fee petitions, and claimant representative travel. The current workload is expensive, error prone, and not SSA’s core mission. In FY 2016, SSA spent about $122 million on the activity, but collected only about $30 million (due to a statutory fee cap) to reimburse the trust funds. The $30 million collected is not currently part of SSA’s administrative resources.
Establish a Consistent National State Disability Appeal Process
As resources permit, SSA plans to reinstate the reconsideration process in the disability determination services located in the 10 prototype States. Once fully implemented, SSA can return to a single nationwide appellate process. This change will allow claimants to receive benefits sooner at a lower administrative cost. In addition, it will provide some relief to SSA’s hearings backlog.
Eliminate SSI Dedicated Accounts
This proposal facilitates financial independence by eliminating dedicated accounts for past-due benefits to SSI youth recipients. It also reduces the administrative burden of monitoring expenses from dedicated accounts.
Implement Metrics and Quality
The proposal would implement quantity and quality metrics for employees across SSA. This change will provide several significant benefits, including: improving productivity and accuracy; ensuring that employees are fully engaged in work and can learn from feedback about their work; ensuring efficient and effective use of taxpayer dollars; and helping managers better address both outstanding and poor performance.
Implement Standard Office Design
SSA is improving facility design to meet business requirements and reduce design and build costs for offices while at the same time evaluating the security of these offices.
Additional Footprint Reduction
SSA continues to find ways to increase real property efficiency and reduce the size of its real property portfolio. SSA will continue to co-locate offices, consolidate space while merging components, and ensure space savings when implementing telework.


Journey to Self-Reliance
USAID will realign its strategies, policies, and programs to more thoughtfully, strategically, and purposefully assist developing countries in becoming more self-reliant. USAID will reorient its relationship with partner countries by more clearly defining expectations up front, giving more clarity and focus to the objectives of assistance, and establishing tangible and meaningful goals to which partner countries can aspire.
Advance National Security
This USAID effort includes three components: operating more effectively in non-permissive environments; preventing violent extremism; and improving coordination with DOD.
Empower People to Lead
USAID seeks a human capital system that leverages and supports employees, enables a high return on investment, and supports workforce mobility and agility. This effort includes: management of human capital, workforce flexibility and mobility; knowledge management; streamlining coordinators; reviewing HR functions; and creating a culture of accountability and learning.
Respecting the Taxpayer’s Investments
USAID will maximize how each and every dollar of the taxpayer’s money is spent by developing systems and processes that allow for structuring USAID’s presence domestically and abroad in the most efficient way possible.

Let's see how many Leftists support these?
This. Is. Awesome!

It will be tied up with lawsuits for generations, but bring it.

I predict you will see few Leftists posting support for any of this while they complain about deficit spending. Frauds...all of them. Where's @WVUCOOPER ? Silence of the Lambs.
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"Billions and billions of dollars are being wasted on activities that are not delivering results for hardworking American taxpayers."
President Donald J. Trump


A. Organizational Realignments to Enhance Mission and
Service Delivery

1. Merge the Departments of Education and Labor
into a single Cabinet agency, the Department of
Education and the Workforce
, charged with meeting
the needs of American students and workers
from education and skill development to workplace
protection to retirement security. As part of the
merger, the Administration also proposes significant
Government-wide workforce development program
consolidations, streamlining separate programs in
order to increase efficiencies and better serve American

2. Move the non-commodity nutrition assistance
programs currently in the U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service
into the Department of Health and Human
Services—which will be renamed the Department
of Health and Public Welfare
Also, establish a Council on Public Assistance, comprised
of all agencies that administer public benefits,
with statutory authority to set cross-program
policies including uniform work requirements.

3. Move the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Civil
Works out of the Department of Defense (DOD)
to the Department of Transportation (DOT) and
Department of the Interior (DOI) to consolidate
and align the Corps’ civil works missions with these

4. Reorganize the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection
Service and the food safety functions of
HHS’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) into a
single agency within USDA that would cover virtually
all the foods Americans eat.

5. Move USDA’s rural housing loan guarantee and
rental assistance programs to the Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
, allowing
both agencies to focus on their core missions and,
over time, further align the Federal Government’s
role in housing policy.

6. Merge the Department of Commerce’s (Commerce)
National Marine Fisheries Service with
DOI’s Fish and Wildlife Service.
This merger would
consolidate the administration of the Endangered
Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act in
one agency and combine the Services’ science and
management capacity, resulting in more consistent
Federal fisheries and wildlife policy and improved
service to stakeholders and the public, particularly
on infrastructure permitting.

7. Consolidate portions of DOI’s Central Hazardous
Materials Program and USDA’s Hazardous Materials
Management program into the Environmental
Protection Agency’s (EPA) Superfund program
This consolidation would allow EPA to address
environmental cleanup under the Comprehensive
Environmental Response Compensation & Liability
Act (CERCLA) on Federal land regardless of which
of these agencies manages the land, while DOI and
USDA would maintain their existing environmental
compliance, bonding, and reclamation programs for
non-CERCLA sites.

8. Optimize Department of State (State) and U.S.
Agency for International Development (USAID)
humanitarian assistance to eliminate duplication
of efforts and fragmentation of decision-making.

A specific reorganization proposal will be submitted
by State and USAID to OMB as part of their FY 2020
Budget request to improve the efficiency and effectiveness
of the Federal Government’s humanitarian
assistance across State and USAID, establish unity
of voice and policy, and optimize outreach to other
donors to increase burden-sharing and drive reform
at the UN and in multilateral humanitarian policy.

9. Consolidate the U.S. Government’s development
finance tools, such as the Overseas Private
Investment Corporation (OPIC) and the Development
Credit Authority (DCA) of USAID, into a new
Development Finance Institution
in a reformed
and modernized way to leverage more privatesector
investment, provide strong alternatives to
state-directed initiatives, create more innovative
vehicles to open and expand markets for U.S. firms,
and enhance protections for U.S. taxpayers.

10. Transform USAID through an extensive, agency-
driven structural reorganization of headquarters
Bureaus and Independent Offices as a foundational
component of USAID’s overall plans to better
advance partner countries’ self-reliance, support
U.S. national security, and ensure the effectiveness
and efficiency of foreign assistance.

11. Move the policy function of the Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) into the Executive Office of the
and elevate its core strategic mission
while devolving certain operational activities –
the delivery of various fee-for-service human
resources, IT services, and background investigations
– to other Federal entities better aligned to provide
non-strategic transaction processing services
that meet 21st Century needs. This new structure
would better accommodate an overhaul of the Federal
civil service statutory and regulatory framework.

12. Transfer responsibility for perpetual care and
operation of select military and veteran cemeteries
located on DOD installations to the Department
of Veterans Affairs’ National Cemetery
This transfer assures these cemeteries
will be maintained to national shrine standards
to continue the recognition of service of those
interred therein, gains efficiencies, and limits mission
overlap based on a common-sense approach to
good government.

13. Reorganize the U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureau
of Economic Analysis, and the Bureau of Labor
Statistics under Commerce
to increase cost-effectiveness
and improve data quality while simultaneously
reducing respondent burden on businesses
and the public. Together, these three agencies
account for 53 percent of the U.S. Statistical System’s
annual budget of $2.26 billion and share
unique synergies in their collection of economic
and demographic data and analysis of key national

14. Consolidate the Department of Energy’s (DOE)
applied energy programs into a new Office of
Energy Innovation
in order to maximize the benefits
of energy research and development and to
enable quicker adaptation to the Nation’s changing
energy technology needs.

15. Devolution of Activities from the Federal

a) Sell the transmission assets owned and
operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority
and the Power Marketing Administrations
within DOE, including those of Southwestern
Power Administration, Western Area Power
Administration, and Bonneville Power Administration,

to encourage a more efficient allocation
of economic resources and mitigate unnecessary
risk to taxpayers.
b) Restructure the U.S. Postal System to return
it to a sustainable business model or prepare
it for future conversion from a Government
agency into a privately-held corporation.

The President’s Task Force on the United States
Postal System will make recommendations on
reforms towards this goal in August 2018.
c) Reorganize DOT to better align the agency’s
core missions and programmatic responsibilities,
reduce transportation program
fragmentation across the Government
, and
improve outcomes. Changes would include
spinning off Federal responsibility for operating
air traffic control services, integrating into DOT
certain coastal and inland waterways commercial
navigation activities and transportation security
programs, and reassessing the structure and
responsibilities of DOT’s Office of the Secretary.

16. Transform the way the Federal Government
delivers support for the U.S. housing finance
system to ensure more transparency and accountability
to taxpayers
, and to minimize the risk of taxpayer-
funded bailouts, while maintaining responsible
and sustainable support for homeowners.
Proposed changes, which would require broader
policy and legislative reforms beyond restructuring
Federal agencies and programs, include ending the
conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
reducing their role in the housing market, and providing
an explicit, limited Federal backstop that is
on-budget and apart from the Federal support for
low- and moderate-income homebuyers.

17. Rethink how the Federal Government can drive
economic growth in concert with private-sector
investments in communities across the Nation
coordinating and consolidating Federal economic
assistance resources into a Bureau of Economic
Growth at Commerce, producing a higher return on
taxpayer investment on projects that are transparent
and accountable.

18. Transform the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned
Corps into a leaner and more efficient
that is better prepared to respond
to public health emergencies and provide vital
health services, including by reducing the size
of the Corps and building up a Reserve Corps for
response in public health emergencies.


19. Establish an accelerated process for determining
whether one or more of the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration’s (NASA) Centers
should be converted to, or host, a Federally
Funded Research and Development Center
FFRDCs can potentially allow the agency
to be more agile in rapidly responding to changing
needs and in recruiting and retaining scientific and
technical expertise.

20. Consolidate the administration of graduate fellowships
for multiple Federal agencies under the
National Science Foundation in order to reduce the
total cost of administering those fellowships.

21. Optimize the Federal real property footprint by
making smart investments in renovations and new
facilities, driving down lease costs, and disposing of
unneeded real estate through a streamlined process
that results in the greatest return to the taxpayer.

22. Consolidate and streamline financial education
and literacy programs currently operating across
more than 20 Federal agencies to ensure effective
allocation of Federal financial literacy resources and
avoid unneeded overlap and duplication.

23. Strengthen the Small Business Administration
(SBA) as the voice of small business within
the Government by consolidating small business
focused guaranteed lending and Federal contracting
certification programs at SBA.

24. Consolidate protective details at certain civilian
Executive Branch agencies under the U.S.
Marshals Service in order to more effectively
and efficiently monitor and respond to potential
Threat assessments would be conducted
with support from the U.S. Secret Service.

25. Consolidate the small grants functions, expertise,
and grantmaking from the Inter-American Foundation
and U.S. African Development Foundation
into USAID beginning in FY 2019.
The consolidation
would be a significant step to reduce the proliferation
of Federal international affairs agencies that are
operating today, while also elevating community-led,
“local works” small grants as a development and
diplomacy tool for the U.S. Government.

26. Transition Federal agencies’ business processes
and recordkeeping to a fully electronic environment,
and end the National Archives and Records
Administration’s acceptance of paper records by
December 31, 2022.
This would improve agencies’
efficiency, effectiveness, and responsiveness to citizens
by converting paper-based processes to electronic
workflows, expanding online services, and
enhancing management of Government records,
data, and information.


27. Transform the way Americans interact with the
Federal Government by establishing a Government-
wide customer experience improvement
capability to partner with Federal agencies to help
them provide a modern, streamlined, and customer-
centric experience for citizens, businesses, and
other customers, comparable to leading privatesector

28. Pursue a Next Generation (Next Gen) Financial
Services Environment as a new approach to Federal
Student Aid (FSA) processing and servicing
with a modernized, innovative, and integrated
Next Gen will save taxpayers millions
of dollars and will create an improved, world-class
customer experience for FSA’s more than 42 million
customers, while creating a more agile and streamlined
operating model.

29. Solve the Federal cybersecurity workforce
shortage by establishing a unified cyber workforce
capability across the civilian enterprise, working
through DHS and OMB in coordination with all
Federal departments and agencies.
The Administration
will work towards a standardized approach
to Federal cybersecurity personnel, ensuring Government-
wide visibility into talent gaps, as well as
unified solutions to fill those gaps in a timely and
prioritized manner.

30. Establish a Government Effectiveness Advanced
Research (GEAR) Center as a public-private partnership

to help the Government respond to innovative
technologies, business practices, and research
findings that present opportunities to improve mission
delivery, services to citizens, and stewardship
of public resources.

31. Transfer the National Background Investigations
Bureau from OPM to DOD
, providing the opportunity
to achieve an efficient, effective, fiscally viable,
and secure operation that meets all agencies’

32. Expand upon existing agency evaluation capabilities
and push agencies to adopt stronger practices
that would generate more evidence about what
works and what needs improvement in order to
inform mission-critical decisions and policies.

These changes will help to address the large gaps and
inconsistencies across Government in Federal agencies’
ability to formally evaluate their programs.
Damn, did Mick cover all of those? Create an oversight department to coordinate all of this - Dr Tom Osborne.

"Billions and billions of dollars are being wasted on activities that are not delivering results for hardworking American taxpayers."
President Donald J. Trump


A. Organizational Realignments to Enhance Mission and
Service Delivery

1. Merge the Departments of Education and Labor
into a single Cabinet agency, the Department of
Education and the Workforce
, charged with meeting
the needs of American students and workers
from education and skill development to workplace
protection to retirement security. As part of the
merger, the Administration also proposes significant
Government-wide workforce development program
consolidations, streamlining separate programs in
order to increase efficiencies and better serve American

2. Move the non-commodity nutrition assistance
programs currently in the U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service
into the Department of Health and Human
Services—which will be renamed the Department
of Health and Public Welfare
Also, establish a Council on Public Assistance, comprised
of all agencies that administer public benefits,
with statutory authority to set cross-program
policies including uniform work requirements.

3. Move the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Civil
Works out of the Department of Defense (DOD)
to the Department of Transportation (DOT) and
Department of the Interior (DOI) to consolidate
and align the Corps’ civil works missions with these

4. Reorganize the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection
Service and the food safety functions of
HHS’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) into a
single agency within USDA that would cover virtually
all the foods Americans eat.

5. Move USDA’s rural housing loan guarantee and
rental assistance programs to the Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
, allowing
both agencies to focus on their core missions and,
over time, further align the Federal Government’s
role in housing policy.

6. Merge the Department of Commerce’s (Commerce)
National Marine Fisheries Service with
DOI’s Fish and Wildlife Service.
This merger would
consolidate the administration of the Endangered
Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act in
one agency and combine the Services’ science and
management capacity, resulting in more consistent
Federal fisheries and wildlife policy and improved
service to stakeholders and the public, particularly
on infrastructure permitting.

7. Consolidate portions of DOI’s Central Hazardous
Materials Program and USDA’s Hazardous Materials
Management program into the Environmental
Protection Agency’s (EPA) Superfund program
This consolidation would allow EPA to address
environmental cleanup under the Comprehensive
Environmental Response Compensation & Liability
Act (CERCLA) on Federal land regardless of which
of these agencies manages the land, while DOI and
USDA would maintain their existing environmental
compliance, bonding, and reclamation programs for
non-CERCLA sites.

8. Optimize Department of State (State) and U.S.
Agency for International Development (USAID)
humanitarian assistance to eliminate duplication
of efforts and fragmentation of decision-making.

A specific reorganization proposal will be submitted
by State and USAID to OMB as part of their FY 2020
Budget request to improve the efficiency and effectiveness
of the Federal Government’s humanitarian
assistance across State and USAID, establish unity
of voice and policy, and optimize outreach to other
donors to increase burden-sharing and drive reform
at the UN and in multilateral humanitarian policy.

9. Consolidate the U.S. Government’s development
finance tools, such as the Overseas Private
Investment Corporation (OPIC) and the Development
Credit Authority (DCA) of USAID, into a new
Development Finance Institution
in a reformed
and modernized way to leverage more privatesector
investment, provide strong alternatives to
state-directed initiatives, create more innovative
vehicles to open and expand markets for U.S. firms,
and enhance protections for U.S. taxpayers.

10. Transform USAID through an extensive, agency-
driven structural reorganization of headquarters
Bureaus and Independent Offices as a foundational
component of USAID’s overall plans to better
advance partner countries’ self-reliance, support
U.S. national security, and ensure the effectiveness
and efficiency of foreign assistance.

11. Move the policy function of the Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) into the Executive Office of the
and elevate its core strategic mission
while devolving certain operational activities –
the delivery of various fee-for-service human
resources, IT services, and background investigations
– to other Federal entities better aligned to provide
non-strategic transaction processing services
that meet 21st Century needs. This new structure
would better accommodate an overhaul of the Federal
civil service statutory and regulatory framework.

12. Transfer responsibility for perpetual care and
operation of select military and veteran cemeteries
located on DOD installations to the Department
of Veterans Affairs’ National Cemetery
This transfer assures these cemeteries
will be maintained to national shrine standards
to continue the recognition of service of those
interred therein, gains efficiencies, and limits mission
overlap based on a common-sense approach to
good government.

13. Reorganize the U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureau
of Economic Analysis, and the Bureau of Labor
Statistics under Commerce
to increase cost-effectiveness
and improve data quality while simultaneously
reducing respondent burden on businesses
and the public. Together, these three agencies
account for 53 percent of the U.S. Statistical System’s
annual budget of $2.26 billion and share
unique synergies in their collection of economic
and demographic data and analysis of key national

14. Consolidate the Department of Energy’s (DOE)
applied energy programs into a new Office of
Energy Innovation
in order to maximize the benefits
of energy research and development and to
enable quicker adaptation to the Nation’s changing
energy technology needs.

15. Devolution of Activities from the Federal

a) Sell the transmission assets owned and
operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority
and the Power Marketing Administrations
within DOE, including those of Southwestern
Power Administration, Western Area Power
Administration, and Bonneville Power Administration,

to encourage a more efficient allocation
of economic resources and mitigate unnecessary
risk to taxpayers.
b) Restructure the U.S. Postal System to return
it to a sustainable business model or prepare
it for future conversion from a Government
agency into a privately-held corporation.

The President’s Task Force on the United States
Postal System will make recommendations on
reforms towards this goal in August 2018.
c) Reorganize DOT to better align the agency’s
core missions and programmatic responsibilities,
reduce transportation program
fragmentation across the Government
, and
improve outcomes. Changes would include
spinning off Federal responsibility for operating
air traffic control services, integrating into DOT
certain coastal and inland waterways commercial
navigation activities and transportation security
programs, and reassessing the structure and
responsibilities of DOT’s Office of the Secretary.

16. Transform the way the Federal Government
delivers support for the U.S. housing finance
system to ensure more transparency and accountability
to taxpayers
, and to minimize the risk of taxpayer-
funded bailouts, while maintaining responsible
and sustainable support for homeowners.
Proposed changes, which would require broader
policy and legislative reforms beyond restructuring
Federal agencies and programs, include ending the
conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
reducing their role in the housing market, and providing
an explicit, limited Federal backstop that is
on-budget and apart from the Federal support for
low- and moderate-income homebuyers.

17. Rethink how the Federal Government can drive
economic growth in concert with private-sector
investments in communities across the Nation
coordinating and consolidating Federal economic
assistance resources into a Bureau of Economic
Growth at Commerce, producing a higher return on
taxpayer investment on projects that are transparent
and accountable.

18. Transform the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned
Corps into a leaner and more efficient
that is better prepared to respond
to public health emergencies and provide vital
health services, including by reducing the size
of the Corps and building up a Reserve Corps for
response in public health emergencies.


19. Establish an accelerated process for determining
whether one or more of the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration’s (NASA) Centers
should be converted to, or host, a Federally
Funded Research and Development Center
FFRDCs can potentially allow the agency
to be more agile in rapidly responding to changing
needs and in recruiting and retaining scientific and
technical expertise.

20. Consolidate the administration of graduate fellowships
for multiple Federal agencies under the
National Science Foundation in order to reduce the
total cost of administering those fellowships.

21. Optimize the Federal real property footprint by
making smart investments in renovations and new
facilities, driving down lease costs, and disposing of
unneeded real estate through a streamlined process
that results in the greatest return to the taxpayer.

22. Consolidate and streamline financial education
and literacy programs currently operating across
more than 20 Federal agencies to ensure effective
allocation of Federal financial literacy resources and
avoid unneeded overlap and duplication.

23. Strengthen the Small Business Administration
(SBA) as the voice of small business within
the Government by consolidating small business
focused guaranteed lending and Federal contracting
certification programs at SBA.

24. Consolidate protective details at certain civilian
Executive Branch agencies under the U.S.
Marshals Service in order to more effectively
and efficiently monitor and respond to potential
Threat assessments would be conducted
with support from the U.S. Secret Service.

25. Consolidate the small grants functions, expertise,
and grantmaking from the Inter-American Foundation
and U.S. African Development Foundation
into USAID beginning in FY 2019.
The consolidation
would be a significant step to reduce the proliferation
of Federal international affairs agencies that are
operating today, while also elevating community-led,
“local works” small grants as a development and
diplomacy tool for the U.S. Government.

26. Transition Federal agencies’ business processes
and recordkeeping to a fully electronic environment,
and end the National Archives and Records
Administration’s acceptance of paper records by
December 31, 2022.
This would improve agencies’
efficiency, effectiveness, and responsiveness to citizens
by converting paper-based processes to electronic
workflows, expanding online services, and
enhancing management of Government records,
data, and information.


27. Transform the way Americans interact with the
Federal Government by establishing a Government-
wide customer experience improvement
capability to partner with Federal agencies to help
them provide a modern, streamlined, and customer-
centric experience for citizens, businesses, and
other customers, comparable to leading privatesector

28. Pursue a Next Generation (Next Gen) Financial
Services Environment as a new approach to Federal
Student Aid (FSA) processing and servicing
with a modernized, innovative, and integrated
Next Gen will save taxpayers millions
of dollars and will create an improved, world-class
customer experience for FSA’s more than 42 million
customers, while creating a more agile and streamlined
operating model.

29. Solve the Federal cybersecurity workforce
shortage by establishing a unified cyber workforce
capability across the civilian enterprise, working
through DHS and OMB in coordination with all
Federal departments and agencies.
The Administration
will work towards a standardized approach
to Federal cybersecurity personnel, ensuring Government-
wide visibility into talent gaps, as well as
unified solutions to fill those gaps in a timely and
prioritized manner.

30. Establish a Government Effectiveness Advanced
Research (GEAR) Center as a public-private partnership

to help the Government respond to innovative
technologies, business practices, and research
findings that present opportunities to improve mission
delivery, services to citizens, and stewardship
of public resources.

31. Transfer the National Background Investigations
Bureau from OPM to DOD
, providing the opportunity
to achieve an efficient, effective, fiscally viable,
and secure operation that meets all agencies’

32. Expand upon existing agency evaluation capabilities
and push agencies to adopt stronger practices
that would generate more evidence about what
works and what needs improvement in order to
inform mission-critical decisions and policies.

These changes will help to address the large gaps and
inconsistencies across Government in Federal agencies’
ability to formally evaluate their programs.

This is awesome...but not something Leftists will either like nor embrace. Why?

It's cutting the size, shape, scope, and virtual purpose of Government agencies and eliminating redundancies, inefficiencies, and duplicative services by streamlining missions, systems, and procedures. This is similar to what any major private business re-organization looks like.

The dynamic here is both cost savings to taxpayers, and delivery of more efficient services to constituents. Don't expect the media to champion this or encourage Trump in his effort, and do expect to hear the typical calls about "draconian cuts" from the Leftist/Socialists who all think these agencies and programs aren't big enough!

But we spend close to 4 trillion dollars every year in the Federal Government. I'm waiting for one Leviathan loving Socialist to explain to me why that is not enough money? Why do we run deficits spending 25% of our GDP on Government programs?

This is awesome...but not something Leftists will either like nor embrace. Why?

It's cutting the size, shape, scope, and virtual purpose of Government agencies and eliminating redundancies, inefficiencies, and duplicative services by streamlining missions, systems, and procedures. This is similar to what any major private business re-organization looks like.

The dynamic here is both cost savings to taxpayers, and delivery of more efficient services to constituents. Don't expect the media to champion this or encourage Trump in his effort, and do expect to hear the typical calls about "draconian cuts" from the Leftist/Socialists who all think these agencies and programs aren't big enough!

But we spend close to 4 trillion dollars every year in the Federal Government. I'm waiting for one Leviathan loving Socialist to explain to me why that is not enough money? Why do we run deficits spending 25% of our GDP on Government programs?

Liberals actually think government spending keeps the economy afloat. We had that discussion a couple years back.
  • Like
Reactions: WVU82 and atlkvb
Damn, did Mick cover all of those? Create an oversight department to coordinate all of this - Dr Tom Osborne.

A lot of this is the effort of Steve Mnuchin....among others. Lots of Wall Street business guys were consulted on this re-organization of Government agencies. The new budget will reflect many of these cost savings...Congress has to pass Legislation to re-organize others. This is where the Democrats will try to block things, but they won't be able to if we send veto proof and filibuster proof majorities to D.C. in the midterms.

Let's go.
Liberals actually think government spending keeps the economy afloat. We had that discussion a couple years back.

This is what amazes me about them. Where do they think the revenue to run all these programs comes from? They think the economy functions only as a result of big Government, however the reality is the private economy makes big Government possible, then all it does is run up debts and slows everything else down!

A lot of this is the effort of Steve Mnuchin....among others. Lots of Wall Street business guys were consulted on this re-organization of Government agencies. The new budget will reflect many of these cost savings...Congress has to pass Legislation to re-organize others. This is where the Democrats will try to block things, but they won't be able to if we send veto proof and filibuster proof majorities to D.C. in the midterms.

Let's go.

This is what amazes me about them. Where do they think the revenue to run all these programs comes from? They think the economy functions only as a result of big Government, however the reality is the private economy makes big Government possible, then all it does is run up debts and slows everything else down!

I think reconciliation would be considered in budgeting and only need 50 & VP.
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Reactions: atlkvb
I think reconciliation would be considered in budgeting and only need 50 & VP.

The talk right now is Mnuchin will propose savings in discretionary spending approaching 50%! That's half of current outlays, and would represent the largest most dramatic year-over year reduction in Federal expenditures in history! The savings may be close to eliminating the operating deficits for next FY (19)! Isn't that amazing?

Of course there will be a big battle on Capitol Hill over this, especially among the Nancy Pelosi pussy hat brigade, who will all begin predicting the economy will fall into recession if we cut this much from Government operations....but when the American people hear how well thought out this plan is and how much we can save simply by redoing the way the Government is organized, they will be "all-in" come the Fall when these plans are laid out.

Isn't it funny how the largest tax cut in American history is followed up by the largest single year spending reduction in the Federal budget's history?

Socialists and income redistributionists NOT pleased. NOT AT ALL!!!!!!!!
  • Like
Reactions: WVU82
The talk right now is Mnuchin will propose savings in discretionary spending approaching 50%! That's half of current outlays, and would represent the largest most dramatic year-over year reduction in Federal expenditures in history! The savings may be close to eliminating the operating deficits for next FY (19)! Isn't that amazing?

Of course there will be a big battle on Capitol Hill over this, especially among the Nancy Pelosi pussy hat brigade, who will all begin predicting the economy will fall into recession if we cut this much from Government operations....but when the American people hear how well thought out this plan is and how much we can save simply by redoing the way the Government is organized, they will be "all-in" come the Fall when these plans are laid out.

Isn't it funny how the largest tax cut in American history is followed up by the largest single year spending reduction in the Federal budget's history?

Socialists and income redistributionists NOT pleased. NOT AT ALL!!!!!!!!
Actually, the Repubs scare me too. Dems would be a block vote, but I have seen colors of enough Repubs to have a lot of respect for what they can create when their goose is in the pot too. They are all politicians and do bare watching.
  • Like
Reactions: atlkvb
Actually, the Repubs scare me too. Dems would be a block vote, but I have seen colors of enough Repubs to have a lot of respect for what they can create when their goose is in the pot too. They are all politicians and do bare watching.

Agreed. But don't forget it's an election year, and the base is restless. If these "Republicrats" want to keep their swank D.C. Offices and cushy jobs, they'd better be ready to join this re-organization effort or they just may find themselves working in the mail room of the GSA! Enough is enough. Cut deficit spending NOW! Trump said he won't sign another "omnibus porkulus" and I think he means it. Thus this massive re-organization plan.
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