Trump Falsely Claims He Didn’t Back ‘Lock Her Up’ Chants Targeting Clinton While Warning Of ‘Breaking Point’ If He’s Jailed

Yes Moe thanks for pointing out he didn't actually act like the tyrant you all said he would be during his first Term. I won't blame him at all if he takes a different approach after he is sworn in this time especially after the way your tribe has conducted itself the past several years. I know a couple of potential AG'S licking their chops for the opportunity to correct the injustices that have been going on. They won't even have to make up false crimes.
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When the Georgia racketeering case comes around, I’m pretty sure the snowflakes are gonna go full fruit fly with their breaking point. He will go to jail for that one and the Jan 6 trial, although I don’t know when the latter will take place.
When the Georgia racketeering case comes around, I’m pretty sure the snowflakes are gonna go full fruit fly with their breaking point. He will go to jail for that one and the Jan 6 trial, although I don’t know when the latter will take place.

Fani Willis going to end up in more trouble than Trump in Georgia goofball. She doesn't control the entire State. Try to keep up.
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When the Georgia racketeering case comes around, I’m pretty sure the snowflakes are gonna go full fruit fly with their breaking point. He will go to jail for that one and the Jan 6 trial, although I don’t know when the latter will take place.
The Georgia Prosecutor (Fanni Willis) will be indicted, disbarred, or removed from the case. Her boyfriend won't be the lead Prosecutor either. The case also may not ever be heard after the Supreme Court rules on all further "Lawfare" cases pending against this former President.
Trump absolutely should not have done the "Lock her up" chant. It damaged our political discourse. But when he got to be POTUS and was in a position to try to lock Hilary up, he didn't actually do it. The people that don't like Trump actually did it.

Here is the pattern we see with Trump over and over.

1. Trump does something bad.
2. The Left reacts by doing something even worse.
Trump absolutely should not have done the "Lock her up" chant. It damaged our political discourse. But when he got to be POTUS and was in a position to try to lock Hilary up, he didn't actually do it. The people that don't like Trump actually did it.

Here is the pattern we see with Trump over and over.

1. Trump does something bad.
2. The Left reacts by doing something even worse.
Huh? lol
Hunter Biden's charges, for which he'll probably be found guilty, are total BS. Has anyone ever been charged with this specific paperwork box checking crime? and the POTUS's son no less. Could you imagine the DOJ prosecuting Ivanka for a similar crime when Trump was in office? NFW would not have happened. So just dry all of those MAGA tears for Trump because no one is buying it anyways.
Hunter Biden's charges, for which he'll probably be found guilty, are total BS. Has anyone ever been charged with this specific paperwork box checking crime? and the POTUS's son no less. Could you imagine the DOJ prosecuting Ivanka for a similar crime when Trump was in office? NFW would not have happened. So just dry all of those MAGA tears for Trump because no one is buying it anyways.

LMFAO. Yes and his Father supported it with every other gun control measure ever thought of. But now it's "D"ifferent. But you knew that just like you know he probably isn't getting convicted by a jury in Delaware.

Just a couple examples last year in Oklahoma. Alot of people in West Virginia have been charged for drug and gun charges including falsifying paperwork in West Virginia. Not just since Biden was President but when he was Vice President under Obama and Hunter was smoking that crack. Matter of fact if you dig into the ATF's data it's really noticeable how people red states were targeted more than blue States. It's almost like the ATF was too scared to focus on NYC, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, DC, and similar cities. Occasionally but not like States that vote Republican or Libertarian.

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Hunter Biden's charges, for which he'll probably be found guilty, are total BS. Has anyone ever been charged with this specific paperwork box checking crime? and the POTUS's son no less. Could you imagine the DOJ prosecuting Ivanka for a similar crime when Trump was in office? NFW would not have happened. So just dry all of those MAGA tears for Trump because no one is buying it anyways.
Maybe Hunter will be declared innocent of all charges since his daddy is an old and brain dead POS .