To OSU: Call 1-800- THE - HERD if you want that National

We've been to Columbus 3 x's in the last 15

many times have you heroes invaded the 'shoe?
Liberty and GSU are Power 5's? Actually GSU ain't bad, better

figure out a way to defense their option attack!
Re: Liberty and GSU are Power 5's? Actually GSU ain't bad, better

Keep on dancing! How many P5 teams did you play last season and this coming season?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
WVU invaded the "Shoe" in 1987. OSU played in Morgantown in 1997. I hope that clears things up.

I guess my questions are;

How many times has OSU invaded the Joan? and; When will Marshall ever play a home and home series with a team from a power conference?
Actually, Mike, Ohio State punked WVU in 1987 and 1998. I attended both games, and was a student at Ohio State in 1987. My one and only trip to Milan Pushover Stadium was on 9/5/98, which was a great day to be a Mountaineer...HATER!

Anyone notice that these Marsha fans all have their "other" team?

Kingcoal has OSU, Michiganturd has Meatchigan, Sistersville has Kentucky, the list goes on and on. Deep down, they all know Marsha is really just a D2 program and they need to root for some other team to really have a prayer.

If you really watch them, they will defend those "other" teams way more than Marsha.

Then ask yourself, how many WVU fans give a shit about any other team (pro or college)? I suspect the answer is very few. I know, for me, there is WVU football, WVU basketball & that's it.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by WiiWii:

Then ask yourself, how many WVU fans give a shit about any other team (pro or college)? I suspect the answer is very few. I know, for me, there is WVU football, WVU basketball & that's it.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
That would certainly explain why you were so upset over TCU being left out of the playoff.

Did you tell the folks here that you're personal friends with Les Miles? They're still laughing at that one over on the Michigan board.
Originally posted by MichiganHerd:
Originally posted by WiiWii:

Then ask yourself, how many WVU fans give a shit about any other team (pro or college)? I suspect the answer is very few. I know, for me, there is WVU football, WVU basketball & that's it.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
That would certainly explain why you were so upset over TCU being left out of the playoff.

Did you tell the folks here that you're personal friends with Les Miles? They're still laughing at that one over on the Michigan board.
1. I challenge you to find one post from me about TCU being left out. I never commented on that even once. (lying again)

2. Regarding Les Miles, the difference is that WVU fans understand smack talk when they see it. You Michigan/Marshall (or Marshall/Michigan - which is the right order, I get confused) are too stupid to know the difference.

3. You are only proving the point that you will follow me anywhere. Hell, you had better check the rivals main football board, I post there once in a while too.

4. Still waiting for you to prove that you know "exactly who I am" ... what is my favorite fortune again?
Originally posted by WiiWii:

Regarding Les Miles, the difference is that WVU fans understand smack talk when they see it. You Michigan/Marshall (or Marshall/Michigan - which is the right order, I get confused) are too stupid to know the difference.
Follow you? You mean, on the Michigan rivals board, where I'm a famous poster? or the Herd board, where I'm a famous poster? I've never seen you post much here, other than your crybaby, whining post you made here over getting banned on the Herd, and then you called on Herd fans to come here. I can deliver an e-ass-stomping on any board you prefer.

Oh, BTW, checked with my friend that runs the Herd board. You're not even banned, you coward.
Originally posted by MichiganHerd:

Oh, BTW, checked with my friend that runs the Herd board. You're not even banned, you coward.
Keep talking, dumbass. With every word you further reveal what a lying sack of shit you are. I suppost CountryRoads is also lying about being banned also?

I think you just throw shit out there and hope that people believe it.

Here is what I see if I try to post on your pussy ass board.

BTW, still waiting for that fortune.

I'll check on your ban. I was told you weren't banned, but there's a few mods on the board, so maybe one of the foot soldiers banned you without the general knowing.
Originally posted by MichiganHerd:
I'll check on your ban. I was told you weren't banned, but there's a few mods on the board, so maybe one of the foot soldiers banned you without the general knowing.
...don't waste a bunch of time...if I really wanted to get back on that board, I would create another user when ever I wanted.

It is simply not worth my trouble.
Cool story, Pee Pee, but I don't root for the Herd. In stark contrast to most WVU fans, most Herd fans are cool, but I have no connection to Marshall.