Thoughts on GOP nomination


Gold Member
Jan 27, 2005
Based on gut feelings, my favorites for the nomination are:

1. Marco Rubio - Young, Hispanic, articulate with a beautiful family and wonderful personal story. Will provide a stark contrast to Billary. Downside is his support for comprehensive immigration reform and his "Florida" battle with Jeb.

2. John Kasich - Two term governor with a massive reelection win in swing state Ohio. Son of a postman from Pittsburgh. Was a congressman and heavily involved in the balanced budget accomplishment in the 90's. Downside is his support for Common Core and expanded Medicaid in Ohio under Obamacare.

3. Scott Walker - Two term governor from the blue state of Wisconsin. Took on public unions and won. Did not graduate from College. Big contrast with the elitism of Billary.

4. Ted Cruz - Incredibly intelligent and highly skilled debater. Tea party favorite. Hispanic. Led the fight to defund Obamacare. Raised a boat load of money the week after his announcement. Downside is that the media hates him.

5. Rand Paul - Libertarian wing candidate from Kentucky. Has non traditional Republican views on drugs, criminal sentencing and military involvement. Likely to get the highest percentage of minority votes of any Republican candidate. Downside is his isolationism tendencies and the fact that the media also hates him.

6. Jeb Bush - Former two term governor from Florida. Establishment candidate darling. Will raise the most money. Downside is his support for Common Core and for comprehensive immigration reform and his last name.
I think Teddy Cruz has a bigger downside than

what you're giving him credit for.
Re: "Did not graduate from college" is a plus?

I listed it as a fact, not a plus or minus.
Re: You're anti-Common Core?

The Republicans that vote in the primary are very anti Common Core.
Re: I think Teddy Cruz has a bigger downside than

You're right. I should have mentioned that the establishment Republicans hate him as well.
Originally posted by WVPATX:

4. Ted Cruz - Incredibly intelligent
Does not compute. Take off your homer glasses, I am. That guy is a complete idiot. His own party hates him. He is so socially awkward, I feel embarrassed for him. His PR people need to tell him to stop with the lame, flat hand, hand wave that resembles an eight-year-old little girl prancing in a pageant. "Imagine".
If you don't think he is incredibly intelligent, then you way, way off base. Cruz has also argued 9 cases before the Supreme Court.

Appearing Tuesday on CNN's "Piers Morgan Live," Dershowitz called the Texas Republican "one of the sharpest students I had, in terms of analytic skills. I've had 10,000 students over my 50 years at Harvard . . . He has to qualify among the brightest of the students."

This post was edited on 4/13 2:09 PM by WVPATX
Cruz is pretty smart, I don't think he really even wants to

be President, not really sure what he wants to accomplish.
Incredibly intelligent? He chose "Green Eggs and Ham" as his reading material for the filibuster that everyone tried to talk him out of over the Affordable Care Act.

Now that is funny shit. You all do know the moral of the story of "Green Eggs and Ham", right?
All I know is that I'll take the very liberal Alan Dershowitz's opinion of his intelligence over yours.
Re: Cruz is pretty smart, I don't think he really even wants to

In my view, Cruz is trying to secure the Tea Party/Evangelical wing of the Republican party, which is pretty large. That is why he announced at Liberty. That is why he chose the tactics he did over the Obamacare fight. He didn't care about the establishment. He wanted to secure the very right wing of the party. He is hoping to see the remaining candidates fight over the establishment vote and hopes he has the momentum to stay in it until the end.

According to Dershowitz, Cruz is more libertarian than conservative so it appears he is "playing" to the base.
Re: Cruz is pretty smart, I don't think he really even wants to

But the "hardest core" right wingers are not the majority of right wingers. I rest my case about his intelligence. To win the GOP nomination, you're going to have to win some of the extreme right but, more importantly, win the center portion (which is the majority).
Re: Cruz is pretty smart, I don't think he really even wants to

Obama is very, very far left. The most liberal President in our history. Yet he won the center, twice. The GOP primary is more conservative than the general election.
Oh, so that was just you handicapping the race....

I don't understand people opposed to Common Core. I've yet to hear a compelling argument against it.
Re: Oh, so that was just you handicapping the race....

Just handicapping. Bush and Kasich support Common Core the rest of the field doesn't. It will be a big debate issue.
Re: Cruz is pretty smart, I don't think he really even wants to

I'm not a Cruz fan but if you think he's stupid you're either not paying attention or you're so blinded by your own ideology you can't even concieve of someone with a different opinion than you being smart. That's a pretty common flaw of the left.
Re: Oh, so that was just you handicapping the race....

Originally posted by WVUCOOPER:
I don't understand people opposed to Common Core. I've yet to hear a compelling argument against it.
I think the consternation was the application of it as the "fix all". I also think a lot had to do with politicizing it for the sake of trying to get more accountability in performance from the teacher's unions.

I'm all for new and different ways of learning as I know there is not one formula that fits all.
Re: Oh, so that was just you handicapping the race....

Administrators by an overwhelming majority support it. Educators hate it.

I have my suspicions on why that is.
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