Things You'll Hear at a wvu Game....


May 29, 2001
  1. Our offense sucks.
  2. Our defense sucks.
  3. Our special teams suck.
  4. That was a dumb call.
  5. HoGo sucks.
  6. Should have stayed home.
  7. How'd Marshall do today?
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Do I really have to type more Al Jazeera jokes, or are we at the point where we can just pretend I said them and everyone agrees they are relevant and witty?
Do you mean #5?

How dare you correct him, don't you know how superior his intelligence is to everybody else on the board?

If you don't, just ask him.

If he said #5, then clearly the mistake is not his, but in the person that put the list together not putting that statement in the right place.
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More things you'll hear at a WVU game

1. I'd take rich rod back right now
2. You see the ass on that beagle? I'd hit that!
3. West "Fvcking" Virginia
4. Grammar so horrible even Herd Fever would correct it
5. Can I bum a cigarette?
6. The couch is safe again this week
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