They say a "sucker" is born every minute


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jul 9, 2004
That has to be true because we have over 80 million of 'em in America who voted for this guy

So how do 'ya like the way I ended the Covid menace as promised, and raised your gas & food prices "building us back better"?

Wow creepy Joe, you sure fooled 'em Bro? :rolleyes:
All jokes aside, I do think we need the public educational system out of the government hands. They’ve failed us for decades.
Should have never left the states hands in anyway shape or form.
Feds need to concentrate on just what they are supposed to do , when they accomplish that maybe they can practice walking & chewing gum at the same time
Should have never left the states hands in anyway shape or form.
Feds need to concentrate on just what they are supposed to do , when they accomplish that maybe they can practice walking & chewing gum at the same time
The US armed forces are second to none. The bureaucrats are the ones who screw stuff up.
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Hey creepy Joe, so how many of those record 80 million voters you fooled the first time voting for your creepy ass will give you 4 more years?

Get real atl....I'm probably outta here around this time next year!

Well if you're not, you'll certainly be a LAME DUCK after those '22 midterms! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Creepy Joe Biden re-election campaign poster (get 'em while they're hot)

  • super high gas prices
  • hyper inflation
  • higher taxes
  • empty store shelves
  • open borders
  • urban crime
  • military hardware and Americans abandoned overseas
  • Russia threatening a NATO ally
  • Chi-Coms threatening Taiwan
  • Iranian Towel Heads threatening to Nuke Israel
  • Covid surging
If 'ya like the way things have gone after just one year, imagine how much worse it'll be after 4? 😟
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Hey creepy Joe...have you seen your most recent polls...your approval is less than 30% Bro?

We are creepy Joe...we are!!!!!!!!
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I don't know why ya'll are blaming me for all of that sh*t on atl's list??? Hell, I can't even remember where I put my teeth at night much less global geopolitical military strategy or domestic tax & monetary policies?

C'mon man!!!!!!
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What would an "honest" Leftist admit to since they refuse to claim that they voted for creepy Joe?

1) They're too embarrassed to admit he's much worse than they ever hated Trump?

2) He's so bad, they secretly want Trump back even though they still hate his guts?

Just ask 'em now atl what have they got to lose?

Oh they still hate you DJT no doubt, but even they can see past their maniacal hatred to realize you at least weren't incompetent!

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I believe Trump spent less than Hillary. I do believe each state should put a spending cap on state representatives.
Hillary had help from the Russians, that fake dossier from Christopher Steele, the FBI, the entire Obama DOJ, the FISA courts, the media....even the DNC and she STILL couldn't knock off Trump!

She cried like a Baby after I beat her didn't she?

It wasn't was my turn!!!!! Boo hoooo

Stop whining least you won the "popular vote" huh? :rolleyes:
Hey creepy Joe...did you know you'd be THIS MUCH of a screw up while you were marinating in your basement waiting to be told what to say or do?

Damn atl...I long for those days again whew! This fake Presidential thing is brutal let me tell 'ya!

It shows creepy're terrible!

Ya notice?
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It's not just us here in America who notice what a loser creepy Joe is...even across the Pond....they can smell Biden's 'stink bomb' of an administration!

Biden's Presidency lurching from crisis to catastrophe/Daily Telegraph:

Allow us to depend the crises. The variety of Covid hospitalisations in America has simply hit an all time excessive. Inflation is worse than it has been in virtually 4 a long time. Biden’s preposterously costly ‘Construct Again Higher’ plan is caught in Congress. And his approval ranking has, in line with one ballot, sunk to 33 per cent, 5 factors decrease than Donald Trump in the identical ballot on the similar stage of his presidency.

Somewhat than deal with the manifold issues he faces, Biden has taken to banging his head towards legislative partitions. On Thursday, his vaccine mandate – supposed to pressure the Covid vaccine on the workers of huge corporations – was rejected by the Supreme Courtroom. Biden responded by expressing bolshy disappointment on the Courtroom for blocking “common sense life-saving necessities”.
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...still more....

Well I think like everybody else it’s a disaster. Our country has never felt like this. It’s never been like this. We’re disrespected all over the world. We don’t have, it’s almost as though we don’t have any power left. If you look at what’s going on in Russia with Ukraine. If you look at China and with Taiwan. If you look at everything. Iran is making threats. They’re all making threats.
-Donald Trump
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Face it creepy Joe...just when we thought the country couldn't produce any worse than your "President my boss"...YOU came along! :rolleyes:

I don't remember things being any worse than they are now atl, do you?
iu creepy Joe....your weak memory surprisingly is very good on this at least.
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