The Washington Post is getting ready....Down to two...


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2014
Because you didn't link, I shall not be reading. With that said, looking at the headline, I can see where it's going. Do you think on the Scott Walker piece it will talk about his successfully managing a complete recovery of their economy and had he not done so and made the concessions needed WRT public sector unions his state was going to be beyond broke?

And as I recall, it's not "anti-union". It allows people to not be required to be in a union if they are public sector. It gives them the choice and it's amazing how many opted out when given the choice. That ought to tell you all you need to know.
The public has often voted for an entirely new direction ...............

............... even if things are going good. In other words, 3 terms for 1 party has happened, but it is against the trend.

I don't like any of the candidates, Democrat or Republicans. Hell, I don't like Democrats or Republicans, period ....... or Libertarians or Tea Partyers either for that matter.

If you serve man, you serve corruption and failure.

However, if Hillary were some shoe-in for the seat, she would have been President some 6 years ago. How she is painted as unbeatable is beyond me. As it stands, she faces blowback from fence-riders because of her affiliation with a failed Presidency.
Re: The public has often voted for an entirely new direction ...............

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:

If you serve man, you serve corruption and failure.

However, if Hillary were some shoe-in for the seat, she would have been President some 6 years ago. How she is painted as unbeatable is beyond me. As it stands, she faces blowback from fence-riders because of her affiliation with a failed Presidency.

Only right-wing whackos think this Presidency is a failure. Truly. And that very mindset and strategy will insure Hillary wins in 2016. Write it down.
Re: The public has often voted for an entirely new direction ...............

was Bush II a failed presidency?

there needs to be a definition of what a failed presidency is and compare it to the evidence of whether the minimum threshold for it has been meet to apply it to BO. He may be a poor leader or have a proclivity to engage or disengage in areas that does not illuminate his legacy as he or his handlers want, but he was able to distance himself a bit from Carter. If history is becoming kinder to Bush II it will be even moreso with BO because of who writes history.
I doubt the media will turn on her like they did....

in 08, they had a different agenda back then. We all know what the historic calling will be this time. She will win in 16 unless something healthwise stops her.
If the same people who are writing history are the ones who wrote .........

............... the past, then we are most definitely screwed.

Do we honestly think this tight-rope act our species partakes in is infinite?

I can see why the egg heads at NASA (along with Stephen Hawking) have, for the first time in their history, applied a proximal expiration date for this planet and want to flee just as a lot of people see the curtain about to fall as well, only for different reasons.

If this is the best we got, then we better be readying ourselves for the check .......... but I sure ain't leaving no tip for this crappy service.

This post was edited on 2/23 12:01 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel
it is the best we got because life no longer is serious as it used to be

years ago nearly all had to work to survive. Not the case anymore. Also the media is in our face 24/7 so now much of being a president, or political leader, is based on personality and not so much preparation for the job. Additionally, the presidency isn't taken seriously any more because, IMO, we as a nation haven't had to suffer like all others, mostly because of geography. Have us invaded for a couple decades or century and we might take life seriously again. For now, people pick a president because he's cool or someone you'd like to shoot hoops or drink a beer with. Dumb reasons to vote. Doesn't matter because I like the body on the girl to the right advertising Forge of Empires ========>
If you or I can find (and talk to) one person, just ONE ..............

........... who landed on Normandy Beach, or had a loved one interned at Auschwitz, or even went through the Crash (the real one) then that tells you it truly was not that long ago.

We have a society ill-prepared for what lay ahead.

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable Man must be of learning from experience." ~ George Bernard Shaw

The next war is going to be a snuff movie deluxe .......... and it's coming. This country won't be on the winning side this time.

This post was edited on 2/23 12:13 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel
Re: If you or I can find (and talk to) one person, just ONE ..............

The guy below landed on and survived the Normandy invasion. I knew him well for over 20 years. He died not too long ago. He was one of a handful of great men I've known.

I am not doom and gloom yet but do agree the world will come to an end as we know it and the US will not be immune from pain as it unfolds.
Imagine this society going through something far worse.

There's already a Cliffs Notes version for how they'll handle it and well, it does not end favorably for mankind.

In comparison, the 60 million lost in the 40's theatre will ultimately look like a game of tackle football on pavement.

But as Shaw suggested, we are a dense species and yes, the teams are getting warmed up as we speak.
Get your bunkers ready people! The end is nigh!

Re: The public has often voted for an entirely new direction ...............

Originally posted by RichardPeterJohnson:
Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:

If you serve man, you serve corruption and failure.

However, if Hillary were some shoe-in for the seat, she would have been President some 6 years ago. How she is painted as unbeatable is beyond me. As it stands, she faces blowback from fence-riders because of her affiliation with a failed Presidency.

Only right-wing whackos think this Presidency is a failure. Truly. And that very mindset and strategy will insure Hillary wins in 2016. Write it down.
Not sure about a failed Presidency, but he damn sure is a failure of a leader.