the MSM IS the Dem party... they control 96% of the media

You will see these 'daily lies' all the way through 3NOV2020...

it's all they know...

they DON'T understand that free America sees through their bs...
You’re right. They don’t understand. They are a generation out of touch with the American people. Look at that libtard they call Nostradumbass Allan Lichtman. He is soo infected with TDS, he was unable to answer his own 13 Keys to the WH true/false questions correctly. Too stupid to understand Americans cannot afford food, gas, utilities, cars, mortgages, but he’s absolutely sure both the short term and long term economy is a success.
You’re right. They don’t understand. They are a generation out of touch with the American people. Look at that libtard they call Nostradumbass Allan Lichtman. He is soo infected with TDS, he was unable to answer his own 13 Keys to the WH true/false questions correctly. Too stupid to understand Americans cannot afford food, gas, utilities, cars, mortgages, but he’s absolutely sure both the short term and long term economy is a success.
They (media) are the "Praetorian Guard" for the regime...the "gatekeepers" for Leviathan. They are the American iterant of "Pravda" or "TASS" (the old Soviet news agencies that simply parrotted the Communist government's line to the masses keeping them under control)

They are the enemies of Freedom. Defeating their party (Social Democrats) decisively this fall will also defeat them and diminish their monopolistic style control of information to the masses.
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