The Mountaineers pre-game rituals...


Oct 10, 2011
Morgantown, West Virginia
I was checking my twitter news feed and a interesting Über Fact tweet about athletes pre-game rituals, made me wonder what if any pre-game rituals our coaches and players have.

I was checking my twitter news feed and a interesting Über Fact tweet about athletes pre-game rituals, made me wonder what if any pre-game rituals our coaches and players have.

The "Man Walk" where the players rub the coal chunk both before entering the stadium and pre-game out of the locker room seems to qualify!
When I played High School football I had a certain way I put on everything from my socks to pads to shoes. I can't imagine how many different things college and professional football players do before a game. Superstition is a big deal for athletes. I even have rituals before watching a WVU game lol
Holgs combined the the Ole Miss walk of champions and the Clemson Howards Rock into the Mantrip and lump of coal.

We really didn't have anything so I guess a tradition has to start somewhere. With the progressives war on coal and coal mining, that lump of coal will keep gaining significance and cult like status the longer it is there.

I say 25 years from now that will be a grand tradition.

Personally, since we are the Mountaineers I would have liked them to use a piece of Seneca Rock or some kind or bolder as a focal point as a symbol of climbing that mountain to stand on high! The National championship being the crest or the summit for which we strive to attain.
I knew a baseball "Annie" when I was working in Arizona. She would come down for spring training with her current flames. If you saw Steph in town, you knew it was spring. She was a hoot.

She was with a Cub years before I knew her, when she was moving away from chasing rock stars to dabbling in baseball players.There was an incident with a visiting player at Wrigley Field from the islands. One of the Cubs players from the same part of the world got into the visitors locker room just before batting practice with some chalk. He put a half circle on the floor in front of the guys locker and drew some sort of a pointed cross-shaped symbol in the middle. Apparently it had something to do with whatever type of Afro-Caribbean religion was widespread back home? The visiting player flipped out when he saw it. She said he got in a cab, went back to the hotel and refused to play in the series. As Wrigley is already cursed by a goat, who could blame him?

She had a ton of tales about the ways baseball players would get in each others heads by screwing with the rituals and beliefs of opposing players. It's widespread and common.

Do any of you other old guys remember that sash Roberto Duran wore around his waist for most of his early career? He wore the thing until it literally fell apart. He considered it lucky. Once it fell apart the Hands of Stone began dropping fights, starting with the second Ray Leonard fight. It's funny how superstition can affect a persons life.