The future of our great country


Gold Member
Jan 27, 2005
Is anyone else as worried about our future as I am? We are the most divided we have been since the Civil War. We don't even speak the same "political" language and see major events with very different eyes. This may be irreversible.

Look at the situation in Baltimore. Race baiter, Al Sharpton, is now calling for a march in June. Rev. Al has been to this White House over 80 times. Riots are destroying the city. I listened to a black civil rights leader on tv last evening. He made the point that this is not about the police, at least not the major issue. The police are a convenient whipping boy. The real point is the absolute chaos in the black community. He mentioned the Moynihan Report from 1965 (Patrick Moynihan was a liberal senator from NY). Moynihan correctly observed that the breakdown of the black family would destroy the black community.

Inner city blacks have a fatherless rate of approximately 80%. As a result, the drop out rate is extremely high. With no education, these kids often turn to crime. Inner city schools are very poor. With this level of hopelessness, police events like this set off the spark.

But the answers to this problem is not more welfare. It is not to increase payments for each additional child you have out of wedlock. It is not to pour more money into failing schools. The answer must begin at the root cause. Out of wedlock births. This requires a change in culture. But the cultural elites are doing just the opposite. Hollywood, the music and entertainment industry and the race baiters are all blaming whitey. Obama got electred in large part by dividing the voting public into groups and promising more government "action", meaning money. The Dem % of the white vote was very low and in 2014 even lower still.

I think liberal intentions were honorable. They hoped to wipe out poverty. But that playbook hasn't worked. In fact, it has done much more harm than good. And now race relations are at a low not seen since 1965. The fact remains, that the keys to battling poverty are simple. Stay in school, work hard and don't have a child until you are marrried and capable of supporting that child. Getting there is the hard part. It requires a change in culture and its going to take a long time.

But the bigger issue is that liberals and conservatives see the U.S. through two different lenses. And for the first time, I don't think a great leader can bridge that divide. The special interests are in control. Our politicians are corrupt. Chrony capitalism is how Washington operates. I see the battles over the size of government, immigration, taxes and the deficit, social policy and education growing not receding. I also see the battles over race and income inequality only getting worse. Liberals will want to attack these problems through more government and more government action. Conservatives will want the exact oppsite method of attacking the problem.

Each side has the full support of their constituencies. I just don't see how these two sides can reconcile.
Look at the situation in Baltimore. Race baiter, Al Sharpton, is now calling for a march in June. Rev. Al has been to this White House over 80 times. Riots are destroying the city. I listened to a black civil rights leader on tv last evening. He made the point that this is not about the police, at least not the major issue. The police are a convenient whipping boy. The real point is the absolute chaos in the black community. He mentioned the Moynihan Report from 1965 (Patrick Moynihan was a liberal senator from NY). Moynihan correctly observed that the breakdown of the black family would destroy the black community.

Ole Al actually didn't blame the police? That's commendable coming from him. I don't think declining family values is an issue of color...I see it with "white" kids/families as well.
Ole Al actually didn't blame the police? That's commendable coming from him. I don't think declining family values is an issue of color...I see it with "white" kids/families as well.

Out of wedlock births is absolutely a problem across all races. It is most acute within the black community, however. Addressing the root cause of this problem is the key and one that is not being addressed at all. There is too much money involved with the race baiters and politicians that need votes.
Is anyone else as worried about our future as I am? We are the most divided we have been since the Civil War. We don't even speak the same "political" language and see major events with very different eyes. This may be irreversible.
The solution cannot be that difficult. A very small change would place us on the path to recovery. The leadership of the country only needs to delete "entitlement and replace it with responsibility" in all our vernacular. The political leadership is absolute failures in attempting to buy more power with entitlement.

Our president encourages more immigration into the country with the entitlements of transportation to get here and then upkeep after they arrive. The mayor of Baltimore commands the police officers give more space to those who wish to destroy and cause anarchy.

Every individual must be assigned the responsibility to take care of themselves. Remember "idle hands..." phrase? People don't have time for this foolishness if they have the responsibility to provide food and shelter for themselves.
How much is race baiting paying these days? Been thinking about changing careers...

Gee, let's see. Sharpton has visited the White House over 80 times. Sharpton has a gig on MSNBC. Sharpton is a millionaire many times over. Pays pretty well indeed. And if you're claiming he is not a race baiter, you are very naive indeed.
Is anyone else as worried about our future as I am? We are the most divided we have been since the Civil War. We don't even speak the same "political" language and see major events with very different eyes. This may be irreversible.

Look at the situation in Baltimore. Race baiter, Al Sharpton, is now calling for a march in June. Rev. Al has been to this White House over 80 times. Riots are destroying the city. I listened to a black civil rights leader on tv last evening. He made the point that this is not about the police, at least not the major issue. The police are a convenient whipping boy. The real point is the absolute chaos in the black community. He mentioned the Moynihan Report from 1965 (Patrick Moynihan was a liberal senator from NY). Moynihan correctly observed that the breakdown of the black family would destroy the black community.

Inner city blacks have a fatherless rate of approximately 80%. As a result, the drop out rate is extremely high. With no education, these kids often turn to crime. Inner city schools are very poor. With this level of hopelessness, police events like this set off the spark.

But the answers to this problem is not more welfare. It is not to increase payments for each additional child you have out of wedlock. It is not to pour more money into failing schools. The answer must begin at the root cause. Out of wedlock births. This requires a change in culture. But the cultural elites are doing just the opposite. Hollywood, the music and entertainment industry and the race baiters are all blaming whitey. Obama got electred in large part by dividing the voting public into groups and promising more government "action", meaning money. The Dem % of the white vote was very low and in 2014 even lower still.

I think liberal intentions were honorable. They hoped to wipe out poverty. But that playbook hasn't worked. In fact, it has done much more harm than good. And now race relations are at a low not seen since 1965. The fact remains, that the keys to battling poverty are simple. Stay in school, work hard and don't have a child until you are marrried and capable of supporting that child. Getting there is the hard part. It requires a change in culture and its going to take a long time.

But the bigger issue is that liberals and conservatives see the U.S. through two different lenses. And for the first time, I don't think a great leader can bridge that divide. The special interests are in control. Our politicians are corrupt. Chrony capitalism is how Washington operates. I see the battles over the size of government, immigration, taxes and the deficit, social policy and education growing not receding. I also see the battles over race and income inequality only getting worse. Liberals will want to attack these problems through more government and more government action. Conservatives will want the exact oppsite method of attacking the problem.

Each side has the full support of their constituencies. I just don't see how these two sides can reconcile.
  • I have been worried about our country and where it is headed since the early 90s. Many of the boomers opted to NOT have kids or maybe one kid so it was pretty clear back at that time we were going to have a big demographic problem regarding the pyramid style social programs that were put in place in the 1930s and 1960s. Both sides of the isle knew what was coming and decided that opening the spigot from a lot of 3rd world countries would add a lot of younger working age people to our population. Unfortunately, most have not become part of the American Society but rather brought their own seperate cultures and 3rd world mentality with them. Sorry just telling it like I see it. Right now about as many people are getting a handout as there are people actually paying 10 years those that pay income taxes will be greatly outnumbered by those that don't. We will be Greece. I don't see us getting back on track either because demographically we are becoming more like Cuba than an England or Germany.
Gee, let's see. Sharpton has visited the White House over 80 times. Sharpton has a gig on MSNBC. Sharpton is a millionaire many times over. Pays pretty well indeed. And if you're claiming he is not a race baiter, you are very naive indeed.
It sounds like his bait has hooked you, he doesn't interest me. I never see, read, hear anything that he does. Enjoy.
It sounds like his bait has hooked you, he doesn't interest me. I never see, read, hear anything that he does. Enjoy.

His "bait" has interested the White House with over 80 visits. Sad commentary indeed.
  • I have been worried about our country and where it is headed since the early 90s. Many of the boomers opted to NOT have kids or maybe one kid so it was pretty clear back at that time we were going to have a big demographic problem regarding the pyramid style social programs that were put in place in the 1930s and 1960s. Both sides of the isle knew what was coming and decided that opening the spigot from a lot of 3rd world countries would add a lot of younger working age people to our population. Unfortunately, most have not become part of the American Society but rather brought their own seperate cultures and 3rd world mentality with them. Sorry just telling it like I see it. Right now about as many people are getting a handout as there are people actually paying 10 years those that pay income taxes will be greatly outnumbered by those that don't. We will be Greece. I don't see us getting back on track either because demographically we are becoming more like Cuba than an England or Germany.

We are absolutely balkanizing. The multi-curlturalists have destroyed Europe and are well on their way to destroying this country. Once we stop being Americans and identify more with our native country, the multi cultural transformation will be complete.
Is anyone else as worried about our future as I am? We are the most divided we have been since the Civil War. We don't even speak the same "political" language and see major events with very different eyes.

The answer must begin at the root cause.

Each side has the full support of their constituencies. I just don't see how these two sides can reconcile.

There is your answer. The root cause IS the full support of their constituencies. There is an inability or unwillingness of the general public to look at anything objectively. If somebody from their party does something stupid they don't chastise that person and they don't say that person is an idiot and isn't going to get my support anymore. No, the answer is always to point at the other side and say "well, that person did something just as bad or worse". And instead of weakening the support of the stupid actions it just strengthens the support for that "team" in general.

To be frank, you are among the worst I've ever seen at this. So, how much do you really want things to change? As you alluded to, change begins at home.
Because it gives stature to a race hustler. I am amazed you can't see this.
Are you afraid of black people in general or just Rev. Al? He could have a beer summit with the Prez every day and I would not care. Continue with your obsession with Rev. Al though. Just a guess but I doubt that he visits as often during the next administration though I read on this board that BO will serve a third term so I could be wrong...
I wish I was infinitely old and had the power to be in every place at the same time throughout history so that I could compile a big list of the times anyone anywhere said basically "Things re going to Hell." I'd have to be omniscient to make a list that long.

Things are going to be fine. 50 years ago the mayhem was much worse than now and guess what...things ended up getting a lot better. To the chagrin of many, things will continue to get better, despite the naysayers and the people that make hay on division (which are far more than just the race baiters).
There is your answer. The root cause IS the full support of their constituencies. There is an inability or unwillingness of the general public to look at anything objectively. If somebody from their party does something stupid they don't chastise that person and they don't say that person is an idiot and isn't going to get my support anymore. No, the answer is always to point at the other side and say "well, that person did something just as bad or worse". And instead of weakening the support of the stupid actions it just strengthens the support for that "team" in general.

To be frank, you are among the worst I've ever seen at this. So, how much do you really want things to change? As you alluded to, change begins at home.

LMAO. The perverbial pot calling the kettle black.
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I wish I was infinitely old and had the power to be in every place at the same time throughout history so that I could compile a big list of the times anyone anywhere said basically "Things re going to Hell." I'd have to be omniscient to make a list that long.

Things are going to be fine. 50 years ago the mayhem was much worse than now and guess what...things ended up getting a lot better. To the chagrin of many, things will continue to get better, despite the naysayers and the people that make hay on division (which are far more than just the race baiters).

I am not just talking about the racial divide but the ideological divide. And our political system benefits with this divide. Politicians enter office with virtually no money and leave very wealthy. Each side catering to their own base regardless of whats best for the country. We are balkanized. Great for elections bad for governance.
I am not just talking about the racial divide but the ideological divide. And our political system benefits with this divide. Politicians enter office with virtually no money and leave very wealthy. Each side catering to their own base regardless of whats best for the country. We are balkanized. Great for elections bad for governance.

We're only as balkanized as we want to be. People have always have differences of opinion in politics. The way around that, aside from getting such a large win that you can do whatever you want, is compromise. Granted it would be nice if compromise were looked at more as a good thing but note that the people that demonize compromise are those on the extreme and some in the media who make money by promoting division.
I wish I was infinitely old and had the power to be in every place at the same time throughout history so that I could compile a big list of the times anyone anywhere said basically "Things re going to Hell." I'd have to be omniscient to make a list that long.

Things are going to be fine. 50 years ago the mayhem was much worse than now and guess what...things ended up getting a lot better. To the chagrin of many, things will continue to get better, despite the naysayers and the people that make hay on division (which are far more than just the race baiters).
LMAO. The perverbial pot calling the kettle black.

I anticipated that response.
So, the answer is "no", you aren't really interested in change at all. At least not if it involves any effort at all on your part.

I've made it clear explicitly that I am bipartisan and if you look at the totality of my posts on this board it should be implicitly evident as well. It probably doesn't seem that way to you, because I counter your over-the-top ridiculous partisan posts. But if you examine posts by others that aren't over-the-top in which I've responded you'll see I'm very bipartisan.

However, you only see and hear what you want to see and hear, and reject anything that isn't in your preconceived narrative. And then you simultaneously wonder how and why the country got so divided. The irony.

If Obama drank a Pepsi, you'd rail on him for hating Coke and not supporting them.
If Bush drank a Pepsi, you'd praise him for showing his support for an American company.
I thought the 50s black leather jackets were better than the 60s free spirits. To say that today is better than the 60s would be very debatable. Our level of acceptance and tolerance may have gotten less demanding. Some things are better while other things are much worse. Two examples: We have got more "things" today. We have a diminished family unit. And this is just a start, it may not even be an important thing to some as others. But, to say our world today is better than prior generations, is inaccurate unless you specify the parts.
Gee, let's see. Sharpton has visited the White House over 80 times. Sharpton has a gig on MSNBC. Sharpton is a millionaire many times over. Pays pretty well indeed. And if you're claiming he is not a race baiter, you are very naive indeed.

Actually, according to celebrity net worth the Rev is only worth $500,000.
I anticipated that response.
So, the answer is "no", you aren't really interested in change at all. At least not if it involves any effort at all on your part.

I've made it clear explicitly that I am bipartisan and if you look at the totality of my posts on this board it should be implicitly evident as well. It probably doesn't seem that way to you, because I counter your over-the-top ridiculous partisan posts. But if you examine posts by others that aren't over-the-top in which I've responded you'll see I'm very bipartisan.

However, you only see and hear what you want to see and hear, and reject anything that isn't in your preconceived narrative. And then you simultaneously wonder how and why the country got so divided. The irony.

If Obama drank a Pepsi, you'd rail on him for hating Coke and not supporting them.
If Bush drank a Pepsi, you'd praise him for showing his support for an American company.

Wrong again. I thought Bush and still think that Bush is a big government Republican. He spent way too much and pushed programs that only increased the size and scope of government. Obama is much, much worse, perhaps the worst in over a century.
I thought the 50s black leather jackets were better than the 60s free spirits. To say that today is better than the 60s would be very debatable. Our level of acceptance and tolerance may have gotten less demanding. Some things are better while other things are much worse. Two examples: We have got more "things" today. We have a diminished family unit. And this is just a start, it may not even be an important thing to some as others. But, to say our world today is better than prior generations, is inaccurate unless you specify the parts.

Exactly. Poverty is not any better, even after spending trillions of dollars. Race relations have recently gotten worse. Income inequality has gotten worse as zero interest rates benefit the wealthy and low wage immigrants bring down working class wages. The family structure has broken down leading to poor education, crime and poverty. Our national debt has grown exponentially. The percentages of people working and paying taxes is the lowest in 30 years, while we are setting records for welfare, disability and food stamps. Internationally, the world is more dangerous. And we are decreasing the size of our military to dangerously low levels.