The dantoni doctrine

Snow Sled Baby

Gold Member
Jan 4, 2003
Staunton Va
plays West Virginia Wesleyan very soon, right before they play Cincinatti and pitt........poll...what are the chances of an 0-3 outcome for those three games......why don't they just play Appalachain Bible College in Beckley.....the hotbed of marshal fandom
Hopefully Wesleyan's head coach will deliver a "Nottingham Doctrine" to Marshall. Home and home or none, or at least one game in Charleston and one in Buckhannon next year, and one in Charleston and one in Huntington the next on a continuing basis. Reminding them that it's good for the state, and if they refuse to agree to those terms it means Marshall is afraid of WV Wesleyan..........I'd love to see D'Antoni's response.
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Hopefully Wesleyan's head coach will deliver a "Nottingham Doctrine" to Marshall. Home and home or none, or at least one game in Charleston and one in Buckhannon next year, and one in Charleston and one in Huntington the next on a continuing basis. Reminding them that it's good for the state, and if they refuse to agree to those terms it means Marshall is afraid of WV Wesleyan..........I'd love to see D'Antoni's response.
I just saw where the marshal cows beat bluefield....BLUEFIELD for God's sake...looks like the dantoni doctrine has filtered down....Title 9 in its full glory...the women MUST have cupcakes too[banana]
having problems talking trash on marshla or their schedule. WVU's schedule is horrific. what happened to huggs idea of scheduling better teams? was that a load of shit, or what?
I would say that things will even back out when conference games get rolling. Over the past 3 years SOS:

#24 WVU
#45 Michigan
#81 Marshall

# 8 Michigan
#39 WVU
#177 Marshall

# 9 Michigan
#53 WVU
#181 Marshall

Back in the summer with knowing that Devin Williams was leaving, Brandon Watkins not on campus, Macon a fouling machine and just Nathan Adrian as your only experienced front line players. Yeah, I would of scaled back the schedule in order to bring along Bender and Kanate too. Would I of liked it to have the team get more tested, yes, but winning at the end of the year is when it counts.
having problems talking trash on marshla or their schedule. WVU's schedule is horrific. what happened to huggs idea of scheduling better teams? was that a load of shit, or what?

Has Marshall played a top 25?

Have we?
Has Marshall played a top 25?

Have we?
You're missing the point. WVU has played one team worth a damn and then there was Temple. Other than those, a host of shit teams. Huggs, whom I love as a coach, bitched about Marshla's continuous horrid RPI ranking and used it for his main reason not to play them anymore. What a load of horseshit when considering he's scheduled a bunch of teams this year with RPI's worse than Marshla. On the flip side, I get it, for the most part: most of these teams are coming to Morgantown . . . then, there was W Carolina.

You're missing the point. WVU has played one team worth a damn and then there was Temple. Other than those, a host of shit teams. Huggs, whom I love as a coach, bitched about Marshla's continuous horrid RPI ranking and used it for his main reason not to play them anymore. What a load of horseshit when considering he's scheduled a bunch of teams this year with RPI's worse than Marshla. On the flip side, I get it, for the most part: most of these teams are coming to Morgantown . . . then, there was W Carolina.


One thing you've overlooked is that D'Antoni was more or less demanding a home and home series with WVU on a yearly basis, at the least in Charleston every year and in Morgantown and Huntington every other year. He topped it off by saying that if WVU didn't agree that it meant they were afraid of Marshall.
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