The Covid Lie... Fauci admits he “made up” six-foot social distancing and masking kids...


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

“We Incentivized MURDERING Patients in Hospitals”​

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Any normal person with a normal brain could tell nothing about COVID-19 was normal
And the more we hear after the fact, the more evidence we have proving it was nothing but a giant scam! So glad I never put that poison in my arm.
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So for Leftists who will refuse to watch the video posted in #7 since my man @WVU82 posted it ... here's the nub of what you're ignoring:

  • The so called "novel" Corona virus is NOT naturally was manufactured & isolated as a viral mutant as early as 1966!

  • The so called "vaccine" against it was also manufactured & known to be essentially ineffective back in 1990!

  • The latest iteration of that (SARS1 and later the SARS2 vaccines) were also manufactured as a spiked protein bio weapon resulting from gain of function research back in 2002 in North Carolina.

So the the entire Covid crisis was nothing "new" fact it was nothing more than a giant manufactured scam. They knew over 50 years ago it was a mutating virus to which there was no "vaccine" that could ever stop it, yet that so called "vaccine" developed over 20 years ago as a bio weapon was falsely sold by big Pharma companies like Pfizer as a prevention for Covid, when in fact they knew it was a deadly pathogen in its own right! :oops:

Why folks who perpetrated this giant scam aren't being prosecuted boggles the mind. Why so many of you lobotomized Leftists STILL refuse to even acknowledge any of these facts proves how utterly mind numbed and media brain-washed you all actually are!

Kudos to my man @WVU82 for posting that video's literally 7 1/2 minutes of life altering information if you are honest & brave enough to watch it.
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That 2nd guy in the video clip was smart...they knew they couldn't "scare him" so they moved onto the next Lemming! Thanks again 82 for posting this. @moe is going to get his 12th "booster" shot tomorrow! :rolleyes:
Can someone please explain to me why this guy isn't in jail, or at least under indictment for treason or murder?

"Hey I didn't "kill" anybody...all I did was make a lot of money for myself straight up lying about Covid, its origins, and who was actually behind it?"

Well you should be in jail for all the people who died because of all the lies YOU told 'ya little lying Leprechaun! :mad:
What's amazing to me after watching that clip is how Trump was vilified in the media for even suggesting Hydroxychloroquine was effective against the sham virus. Not only Trump, but doctors who were successfully treating patients with it were either "de-platformed" publishing their results, or worse even banned from prescribing it!

More evidence this whole thing was nothing but a giant scam the entire health care industry (including big Pharma, the CDC, FDA, NIH, and WHO) were running on Covid!


Thanks again @WVU82 for putting all of this out there. Only Leftist big Government lemmings are upset over what you've posted about this giant scam.
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You were a fool if you believed all the lies coming from Government officials and big Pharma about this "plandemic". Especially since they were censoring all the alternate evidence proving this was nothing but a giant scam.
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Simple common sense should have informed you social distancing protocols were a scam. Why would a virus that's travelled around the world suddenly "stop" infecting folks who just happened to be six feet apart from each other? :rolleyes:

How stupid were you to believe that nonsense?

Ans: very stupid