The Anti-America Party wants unlimited power and is mobilizing all possible means to get it...


Heisman Winner
May 29, 2001
Williamstown, WV
96 days into office and Pedo-Joe is about to spend more than Trump did in four years...Just the way you wanted, right @WVUCOOPER?

LINK: Pedo-Joe has been president for 96 days. It seems like a lifetime.

In just three months, under Pedo-Joe's presumed leadership, The Anti-America Party has threatened to pack the Supreme Court, eliminate the filibuster, abolish the Electoral College, grant statehood to Washington, D.C., federalize voting laws, and enact a labor bill that would overturn right-to-work statutes in 27 states.

The Anti-America Party wants unlimited power and is mobilizing all possible means to get it.

On the day he took office, Pedo-Joe set about dismantling every policy initiated by his predecessor. Most damaging, the president reversed President Trump’s immigration measures, setting up a humanitarian and security nightmare at our southern border. 

As president, Pedo-Joe has worsened race relations by frequently denouncing the United States as "systemically racist" and insulting the citizens of Georgia by foolishly declaring their legislators’ voting bill as "Jim Crow on steroids." He has also larded his Cabinet with people like U.N. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who claimed the "original sin of slavery weaved White supremacy into our founding documents and principles."

It almost seems as though Pedo-Joe and the people around him don’t like the United States very much.

Voters are not wowed by the pedophile's behavior. A recent Washington Post poll showed his approval rating at 52%, better than Trump but below most other presidents after their first 100 days in office. More telling perhaps is that the number of those who "strongly" disapproves of Pedo-Joe (35%) tops those who strongly approve (34%) even though the economy is improving and despite laughably positive coverage by the Anti-America media.

Those numbers will get worse as voters learn more about the pedophile’s proposals. For example, McLaughlin & Associates polling shows 67% of Arizona’s voters are unaware that H.R. 1, Anti-America Party's effort to federalize voting laws, would overturn their state’s popular voter ID and signature verification requirements.

Pedo-Joe’s furious legislating is remarkable considering that he took office just as the country was getting back on its feet. All he had to do was to sit back and take credit for the rollout of the vaccines and rapidly recovering economy. 

He couldn’t even manage that.  

Both Pedo-Joe and Vice President Commie La "Knee Pads" Harris foolishly sowed doubts about Trump’s vaccines early on; now their message is muddled. The White House urges people to take the shot, but also cautions that even fully vaccinated people should wear a mask and resist traveling or dining indoors. No wonder hesitancy is high.

When Pedo-Joe was inaugurated, COVID was in retreat and much of the country was returning to normal. Americans were sitting on an estimated $2 trillion of excess savings and consumer income surged at a stunning 10% pace in January, boosted by $600 checks from December’s stimulus plan.

Consequently, the economy took off like a shot; the Atlanta Fed’s latest estimate is that GDP grew by more than 8% in the first quarter.

Naturally, hiring began to pick up. 

Meanwhile, manufacturing was expanding at the fastest pace since 2018, inventories were low and a boom in housing added fuel to a red-hot economy. 

But it wasn’t red-hot enough for the pedophile. Instead of hitting the pause button after Congress had authorized more than $3 trillion in excess spending and the Federal Reserve had pumped unprecedented liquidity into the financial system, he powered ahead with the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, which mainly rewarded teachers’ unions and other groups that elected him. In addition, it contained hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out badly managed blue states ravaged not by COVID but by their Anti-America Party leadership.

Pedo-Joe and his team didn’t even try to argue the economic rationale for handing out another $100 billion for schools that remained closed or $1,400 checks to people who were still employed. Their excuse was: "free" money polled well. 

But the Rescue Plan wasn’t big enough for Pedo-Joe and power-hungry members of the Anti-America Party. They recently proposed a $2.25 trillion infrastructure plan, which is as much about our country’s infrastructure as Moby Dick is about fishing. This giant "American Jobs Plan" contains more goodies for Anti-America backers, with yet another $100 billion for schools, more money for minority communities, hundreds of billions for "green" projects like electric vehicle subsidies, $10 billion for a "Civilian Climate Corps," and $400 billion purportedly for elder home care but really meant to help the SEIU add to their union’s dues-paying membership.

To fund this outrageous bill, Pedo-Joe has proposed increasing the corporate tax rate to a level that would again put the United States at a disadvantage compared to our international rivals. 

But that’s not all. Despite our fiscal deficit topping levels not seen since World War II, Pedo-Joe is also pushing a second "social" infrastructure bill – another trillion-dollar handout to Anti-America supporters – and wants to raise taxes on successful Americans to pay for it. In particular, he proposes hiking the tax rate on capital gains to 43%.    

What has this mad-cap torrent of legislating and spending delivered? Increasing concern about rising deficits, higher taxes and inflation, none of which was necessary and all of which could sidetrack growth. The latest Producer Price Index showed prices for goods and services jumped 1% in March and was up 4.2% from the year before.

Worse for Pedo-Joe, it has also delivered an angry and determined opposition that is pouring record amounts of money into GOP coffers and is determined to retake control of Congress in 2022.

According to McLaughlin & Associates polling, the generic ballot today is tied.

As the Anti-America Party pushes issues that surveys show are not top of the list of most voters’ concerns, such as race and climate, and as Republicans address more pressing matters like restoring law and order and reopening the economy, that will shift, opening the door for the GOP to regain power and stop the Pedo-Joe blitz. 

It can’t happen soon enough.
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Joe is not really smart enough to do all of this. Follow the puppet strings to those in control.
It's not exactly as I wanted. Better than when Trump was in charge. Your whining is great. Politicians suck. Making one a deity was hilarious. Stop hating America and touching kids, Pedo Cat. Enjoy your rant filled week!
Better than when Trump was in charge.
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96 days into office and Pedo-Joe is about to spend more than Trump did in for years...Just the way you wanted, right @WVUCOOPER?

LINK: Pedo-Joe has been president for 96 days. It seems like a lifetime.

In just three months, under Pedo-Joe's presumed leadership, The Anti-America Party has threatened to pack the Supreme Court, eliminate the filibuster, abolish the Electoral College, grant statehood to Washington, D.C., federalize voting laws, and enact a labor bill that would overturn right-to-work statutes in 27 states.

The Anti-America Party wants unlimited power and is mobilizing all possible means to get it.

On the day he took office, Pedo-Joe set about dismantling every policy initiated by his predecessor. Most damaging, the president reversed President Trump’s immigration measures, setting up a humanitarian and security nightmare at our southern border. 

As president, Pedo-Joe has worsened race relations by frequently denouncing the United States as "systemically racist" and insulting the citizens of Georgia by foolishly declaring their legislators’ voting bill as "Jim Crow on steroids." He has also larded his Cabinet with people like U.N. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who claimed the "original sin of slavery weaved White supremacy into our founding documents and principles."

It almost seems as though Pedo-Joe and the people around him don’t like the United States very much.

Voters are not wowed by the pedophile's behavior. A recent Washington Post poll showed his approval rating at 52%, better than Trump but below most other presidents after their first 100 days in office. More telling perhaps is that the number of those who "strongly" disapproves of Pedo-Joe (35%) tops those who strongly approve (34%) even though the economy is improving and despite laughably positive coverage by the Anti-America media.

Those numbers will get worse as voters learn more about the pedophile’s proposals. For example, McLaughlin & Associates polling shows 67% of Arizona’s voters are unaware that H.R. 1, Anti-America Party's effort to federalize voting laws, would overturn their state’s popular voter ID and signature verification requirements.

Pedo-Joe’s furious legislating is remarkable considering that he took office just as the country was getting back on its feet. All he had to do was to sit back and take credit for the rollout of the vaccines and rapidly recovering economy. 

He couldn’t even manage that.  

Both Pedo-Joe and Vice President Commie La "Knee Pads" Harris foolishly sowed doubts about Trump’s vaccines early on; now their message is muddled. The White House urges people to take the shot, but also cautions that even fully vaccinated people should wear a mask and resist traveling or dining indoors. No wonder hesitancy is high.

When Pedo-Joe was inaugurated, COVID was in retreat and much of the country was returning to normal. Americans were sitting on an estimated $2 trillion of excess savings and consumer income surged at a stunning 10% pace in January, boosted by $600 checks from December’s stimulus plan.

Consequently, the economy took off like a shot; the Atlanta Fed’s latest estimate is that GDP grew by more than 8% in the first quarter.

Naturally, hiring began to pick up. 

Meanwhile, manufacturing was expanding at the fastest pace since 2018, inventories were low and a boom in housing added fuel to a red-hot economy. 

But it wasn’t red-hot enough for the pedophile. Instead of hitting the pause button after Congress had authorized more than $3 trillion in excess spending and the Federal Reserve had pumped unprecedented liquidity into the financial system, he powered ahead with the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, which mainly rewarded teachers’ unions and other groups that elected him. In addition, it contained hundreds of billions of dollars to bail out badly managed blue states ravaged not by COVID but by their Anti-America Party leadership.

Pedo-Joe and his team didn’t even try to argue the economic rationale for handing out another $100 billion for schools that remained closed or $1,400 checks to people who were still employed. Their excuse was: "free" money polled well. 

But the Rescue Plan wasn’t big enough for Pedo-Joe and power-hungry members of the Anti-America Party. They recently proposed a $2.25 trillion infrastructure plan, which is as much about our country’s infrastructure as Moby Dick is about fishing. This giant "American Jobs Plan" contains more goodies for Anti-America backers, with yet another $100 billion for schools, more money for minority communities, hundreds of billions for "green" projects like electric vehicle subsidies, $10 billion for a "Civilian Climate Corps," and $400 billion purportedly for elder home care but really meant to help the SEIU add to their union’s dues-paying membership.

To fund this outrageous bill, Pedo-Joe has proposed increasing the corporate tax rate to a level that would again put the United States at a disadvantage compared to our international rivals. 

But that’s not all. Despite our fiscal deficit topping levels not seen since World War II, Pedo-Joe is also pushing a second "social" infrastructure bill – another trillion-dollar handout to Anti-America supporters – and wants to raise taxes on successful Americans to pay for it. In particular, he proposes hiking the tax rate on capital gains to 43%.    

What has this mad-cap torrent of legislating and spending delivered? Increasing concern about rising deficits, higher taxes and inflation, none of which was necessary and all of which could sidetrack growth. The latest Producer Price Index showed prices for goods and services jumped 1% in March and was up 4.2% from the year before.

Worse for Pedo-Joe, it has also delivered an angry and determined opposition that is pouring record amounts of money into GOP coffers and is determined to retake control of Congress in 2022.

According to McLaughlin & Associates polling, the generic ballot today is tied.

As the Anti-America Party pushes issues that surveys show are not top of the list of most voters’ concerns, such as race and climate, and as Republicans address more pressing matters like restoring law and order and reopening the economy, that will shift, opening the door for the GOP to regain power and stop the Pedo-Joe blitz. 

It can’t happen soon enough.
I have seen a few Dems pandering to the unions lately and I wonder how the unions feel with New Green Democrats shutting down jobs around the country....I guess the union leaders are fine as long as they get their weekly paychecks and yearly bonuses...
I have seen a few Dems pandering to the unions lately and I wonder how the unions feel with New Green Democrats shutting down jobs around the country....I guess the union leaders are fine as long as they get their weekly paychecks and yearly bonuses...

Biden's sticking to both the unions and the business owners.

He's been an absolute train wreck, and to even suggest he's been better than Trump so far is about as laughable as it gets.
90% of private sector union members dont support drop out joe . My business manager is a big time Trump fan. Government sector unions well they work for the government & we all know they are sheeple