the “Trump Accountability Project”... they're already drawing up purge and 'enemies lists' and gulags... Are we at war ?


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
They’re so desperate to make this guy look bad but he keeps coming back stronger. 😂😂 keep it coming.

Hell we should launch a keep Democrats accountable.
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Totalitarian Government!! I said this multiple times over the week! This what they want! We will be New York and California before this is over!
Come on, you know that is not true. People need to calm down.
Come on, you know that is not true. People need to calm down.
Look at what Gavin Newsom is doing in California. He won’t even let people host family for Thanksgiving.

Biden even said he will pass a huge mask mandate and put you and me in jail for not wearing one in public. Fauci said the masks don’t work regardless.

This is what communist nations do. They want to implement Socialism and total Government reliance on the average person.
Liberals are thinking they can build a socialist government. They used Biden as the front man and puppet because he was so dumb to even see it. Dementia filled and out by March 2021.
How exactly did Trump and his supporters undermine the nation and the democrats not do EXACTLY that? This is just absolutely laughable. It's honestly time for a revolution. This country needs purged of the true enemy, which is the traitors on the left who see no problems with selling out the country and making MURDER legal in this country. They are truly part of Satan's army.

It can't continue like this...

prosecutions and jail time is the only that could slow it down...
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