That wasn't a debate, that was ABC actively campaigning for Harris.


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Aug 5, 2009

Kamala never denied being a Marxist.

That wasn't a debate, that was ABC actively campaigning for Harris.

ABC acted shamefully. I expect media bias but this was an entirely new low.

Tulsi Gabbard shut down that ABC reporter.
Again, not surprising. It’s gonna be up to the people. Do they put their phones down for a minute and attempt critical thinking on their own? That’s what it’s gonna come down to. Do the American people have the ability to turn off social media and msm to form a logical and responsible decision of their own well being. If not, we get whatever we deserve.
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Again, not surprising. It’s gonna be up to the people. Do they put their phones down for a minute and attempt critical thinking on their own? That’s what it’s gonna come down to. Do the American people have the ability to turn off social media and msm to form a logical and responsible decision of their own well being. If not, we get whatever we deserve.
I sure do hope so but I’m not very optimistic!
I sure do hope so but I’m not very optimistic!
Same here. I keep hearing about all this optimism for change with Kamala. Do these people really not know she’s currently the sitting VP? And these people are cheering her? What’s her policy? We already know, she’s in office now. Besides being 1.) Black 2.) Woman….what are the reasons to vote for her? Can anyone name them?
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Well she’s black for this week anyway but yeah I don’t understand how folks in this country could even consider another round of this administration???? People cannot be this dumb?
Again, not surprising. It’s gonna be up to the people. Do they put their phones down for a minute and attempt critical thinking on their own? That’s what it’s gonna come down to. Do the American people have the ability to turn off social media and msm to form a logical and responsible decision of their own well being. If not, we get whatever we deserve.

Deserves has got nothing to do with it. The world has always been full of injustices. People have become lazy waiting for someone else to fix it for them. Even when Trump wins and gets sworn in. The fight is just getting started. Again. It's also just getting started after Trump has finished his next term. You can't fix decades of decline in short order. Especially the decline since NAFTA and allowing China in the WTO.

But we can agree no Trump no chance. That's a fact. Like him or not.

Kamala never denied being a Marxist.

That wasn't a debate, that was ABC actively campaigning for Harris.

ABC acted shamefully. I expect media bias but this was an entirely new low.

Tulsi Gabbard shut down that ABC reporter.
Dumptrump is to to stupid to debate anyhow. The old rambling fool is such a tool!
Dumptrump is to to stupid to debate anyhow. The old rambling fool is such a tool!
You lack actual knowledge of what Is really happening. Please stay in school, get your free condoms and enjoy being whatever it is you he or she decide.
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Lots of Layoffs in California and Minnesota the last two years.


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