Texas and the targeting calls


Heisman Winner
Dec 15, 2002
In the last 2 minutes, the targeting calls were obnoxious. Neither was targeting. The first, he made contact with his back, and the second, the player had already committed by the time the QB started his slide, AND did not make contact head to head.

They really need to clean this rule up.
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They were both targeting and they both were tossed appropriately.

Those were two blemishes, and the unsportsmanlike conduct call on 33, on a well-played game.
Need to get kids to quit dropping their dang heads, if your chin goes down you don’t see what you hit and they need to get it out of game. I agreed with both calls
Launching with helmet down and hitting in the head or lower areas of the head and neck are considered targeting. Just because they don't call it against OU when we play them doesn't mean they won't call it in another game.
Even though they lowered their heads, neither made contact with their helmet. And yes, I agree, they need to stop launching heads down. We pull kids and coach them up even when they do it without launching.
The first one didn't matter as it was Davante Davis' last game.

The second one was questionable.
Thought it was just a late hit.
But Anthony Cook should be a starter at CB next year.
Lousiana Tech is a good G5 opponent so need Cook out their for the first half.

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