"Taking a knee" needs to take a knee


Sep 19, 2005
Jezz. We get it. Things aren't perfect for everyone. These goofs (yes I said GOOFS) are acting like they are changing the world, when in the end all they are doing is drawing attention to themselves.

Who are they helping? NO ONE

Do they really want to make a difference? Get a few Cardinal Players to go into Ferguson and attend a town hall type meeting with their PD and black leaders in the community.

Or pick a state that doesn't allow gay marriage. Devote a day to have a pro athlete show up while their state congress is in session and be there in person to help support an amendment to reverse that.

Or maybe a few LA Rams can go downtown and have a dialog with black leaders about the longstanding racism they have held against the Asian communities there and in San Francisco.

Will any of that happen? No. Why? That takes real effort and doesn't get the publicity that just doing a half-assed knell does.

That female soccer player? Never heard of her before tonight. Why in the hell is she on my TV? She kneeled. Whoopie Friggin' Doo. Either do something worth a damn or get of my f'n lawn.

<end rant>
Jezz. We get it. Things aren't perfect for everyone. These goofs (yes I said GOOFS) are acting like they are changing the world, when in the end all they are doing is drawing attention to themselves.

Who are they helping? NO ONE

Do they really want to make a difference? Get a few Cardinal Players to go into Ferguson and attend a town hall type meeting with their PD and black leaders in the community.

Or pick a state that doesn't allow gay marriage. Devote a day to have a pro athlete show up while their state congress is in session and be there in person to help support an amendment to reverse that.

Or maybe a few LA Rams can go downtown and have a dialog with black leaders about the longstanding racism they have held against the Asian communities there and in San Francisco.

Will any of that happen? No. Why? That takes real effort and doesn't get the publicity that just doing a half-assed knell does.

That female soccer player? Never heard of her before tonight. Why in the hell is she on my TV? She kneeled. Whoopie Friggin' Doo. Either do something worth a damn or get of my f'n lawn.

<end rant>

Good suggestions. I'm can only guess you wouldn't have expressed much thought on this matter if not for the simple actions of a few "kneelers" Maybe they really are "changing the world" one kneel at a time. They changed you.
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Good suggestions. I'm can only guess you wouldn't have expressed much thought on this matter if not for the simple actions of a few "kneelers" Maybe they really are "changing the world" one kneel at a time. They changed you.

If changed = annoyed....then yes. Those oppoortunities I mentioned were there for years.

I'm giving maybe too much credit to these folks by assuming they are aware of these opportunities.

Why not these examples or a 100 more just like them? Why???

This crap is all sizzle and frankly it's boring me to death.
If changed = annoyed....then yes. Those oppoortunities I mentioned were there for years.

I'm giving maybe too much credit to these folks by assuming they are aware of these opportunities.

Why not these examples or a 100 more just like them? Why???

This crap is all sizzle and frankly it's boring me to death.[/QUOTE

They do it to get the discussion going. It works, you didn't ignore it did you? No. You created a thread that illuminates even further the issues they are concerned about. This is repeated week by week in discussion thread after discussion thread. Creating a larger opportunity for someone to possibly combat ignorance.'s as American as anything. Although I do believe that change is needed with regards to the oppression of the gay community and racial profiling in law enforcement, I just simply enjoy watching protest in a nation that allows personal freedom and dissent.

BTW....there ARE fans of female soccer out there buddy. The women have serious skills, and are better athletes than you I imagine. I say, be an American.....kneel on!
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They do it to get the discussion going. It works, you didn't ignore it did you? No. You created a thread that illuminates even further the issues they are concerned about. This is repeated week by week in discussion thread after discussion thread. Creating a larger opportunity for someone to possibly combat ignorance.'s as American as anything. Although I do believe that change is needed with regards to the oppression of the gay community and racial profiling in law enforcement, I just simply enjoy watching protest in a nation that allows personal freedom and dissent.

BTW....there ARE fans of female soccer out there buddy. The women have serious skills, and are better athletes than you I imagine. I say, be an American.....kneel on!
If changed = annoyed....then yes. Those oppoortunities I mentioned were there for years.

I'm giving maybe too much credit to these folks by assuming they are aware of these opportunities.

Why not these examples or a 100 more just like them? Why???

This crap is all sizzle and frankly it's boring me to death.
They do it to get the discussion going. It works, you didn't ignore it did you? No. You created a thread that illuminates even further the issues they are concerned about. This is repeated week by week in discussion thread after discussion thread. Creating a larger opportunity for someone to possibly combat ignorance.'s as American as anything. Although I do believe that change is needed with regards to the oppression of the gay community and racial profiling in law enforcement, I just simply enjoy watching protest in a nation that allows personal freedom and dissent.

BTW....there ARE fans of female soccer out there buddy. The women have serious skills, and are better athletes than you I imagine. I say, be an American.....kneel on!
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Good suggestions. I'm can only guess you wouldn't have expressed much thought on this matter if not for the simple actions of a few "kneelers" Maybe they really are "changing the world" one kneel at a time. They changed you.

WVMade..................I see that you are posting on the wrong board. Freshmen will do that.
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I'm confused... is this the Mountaineer Message Board, or is this the Off-Topic Discussion Board? Seems to be a lot more Political and Social-Political discussion, so I am wondering if it's a issue and the URL's are switched, or I am looking at the wrong board.

It happened at a sporting event and it very easily could happen next week at our game in DC. I'll make the final call here and call it relevant.
White folk talking bout the black experience, never a good thing.

That soccer player was whiter than a sheet. She was discussing the "Black Experience" and I had to listen to her vague dribble for 2 minutes while waiting for a real sports story on ESPN.

I'm half Irish. Most likely brought over to be an "indentured servant" a few hundred years ago.

My other half is Italian. They were farmers that were as poor as dirt, but they were more fortunate than some....

You are going to look very hard to find some nationality that hasn't "been there" in their history. The difference is that my ancestors didn't allow that to define them as so many allow what happened to their great,great,great grandparents here in the US.

Are there uneven practices in the US? Yes. A whole bunch and it's not fair. Do 99% of those people (African-Americans, Asians, Jews, etc) have a better life and opportunity here than what they would otherwise have in their home country? You know that answer but no one in the media will ever acknowledge it.
They do it to get the discussion going. It works, you didn't ignore it did you? No. You created a thread that illuminates even further the issues they are concerned about. This is repeated week by week in discussion thread after discussion thread. Creating a larger opportunity for someone to possibly combat ignorance.'s as American as anything. Although I do believe that change is needed with regards to the oppression of the gay community and racial profiling in law enforcement, I just simply enjoy watching protest in a nation that allows personal freedom and dissent.

BTW....there ARE fans of female soccer out there buddy. The women have serious skills, and are better athletes than you I imagine. I say, be an American.....kneel on!

They do it to get the discussion going. It works, you didn't ignore it did you? No. You created a thread that illuminates even further the issues they are concerned about. This is repeated week by week in discussion thread after discussion thread. Creating a larger opportunity for someone to possibly combat ignorance.'s as American as anything. Although I do believe that change is needed with regards to the oppression of the gay community and racial profiling in law enforcement, I just simply enjoy watching protest in a nation that allows personal freedom and dissent.

BTW....there ARE fans of female soccer out there buddy. The women have serious skills, and are better athletes than you I imagine. I say, be an American.....kneel on!

How can I ignore it? It's everywhere, and it doesn't remotely change anything for those who are suffering from whatever they are kneeling for.

My point is that what you call "protesting" I call self promotion. Show me someone who gets off their ass and does anything remotely close to my examples then I'll be impressed. None of those are illegal or dangerous and could actually DO something.

I particularly love the answer all these folks give when asked the logical question..."So how long do you plan on doing this?"
I have yet to hear a credible, well thought out answer. The real answer really should be..." I guess until I decide to get off my butt and actually engage the issues I feel strongly about on a personal level instead of knelling for 2 minutes in disrespect to the entire USA and bitching on twitter for 10 seconds when I'm not on Snapchat."
It happened at a sporting event and it very easily could happen next week at our game in DC. I'll make the final call here and call it relevant.

Funny, I don't recall you being one of the admin's. This is more a socio-political issue and belongs on the OT board. If I wanted to read these types of topics, I would have gone to the OT board.
How can I ignore it? It's everywhere, and it doesn't remotely change anything for those who are suffering from whatever they are kneeling for.

My point is that what you call "protesting" I call self promotion. Show me someone who gets off their ass and does anything remotely close to my examples then I'll be impressed. None of those are illegal or dangerous and could actually DO something.

I particularly love the answer all these folks give when asked the logical question..."So how long do you plan on doing this?"
I have yet to hear a credible, well thought out answer. The real answer really should be..." I guess until I decide to get off my butt and actually engage the issues I feel strongly about on a personal level instead of knelling for 2 minutes in disrespect to the entire USA and bitching on twitter for 10 seconds when I'm not on Snapchat."
Self promotion? I know Rapinoe lost an endorsement because of it, and Kap is taking all kinds of negativity from this protest. I think they just want to do something small to help big issues.
Funny, I don't recall you being one of the admin's. This is more a socio-political issue and belongs in the OT board. If I wanted to read these types of topics, I would have gone to the OT board.
I thought the thread subject title was pretty obvious. I'm not sure why you are reading the thread, if you don't want to read the thread. Or do you just want to complain about having to read the thread, although you didn't have to read the thread?
I'm confused... is this the Mountaineer Message Board, or is this the Off-Topic Discussion Board? Seems to be a lot more Political and Social-Political discussion, so I am wondering if it's a issue and the URL's are switched, or I am looking at the wrong board.
Take it to the OT board
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I thought the thread subject title was pretty obvious. I'm not sure why you are reading the thread, if you don't want to read the thread. Or do you just want to complain about having to read the thread, although you didn't have to read the thread?

The intent of the title is to mislead and the OP wanted to post it in order to turn it into a socio-political topic. I am well aware what this is about and my intent was to point the discussion where it should go. The OT board.
That soccer player was whiter than a sheet. She was discussing the "Black Experience" and I had to listen to her vague dribble for 2 minutes while waiting for a real sports story on ESPN.

I'm half Irish. Most likely brought over to be an "indentured servant" a few hundred years ago.

My other half is Italian. They were farmers that were as poor as dirt, but they were more fortunate than some....

You are going to look very hard to find some nationality that hasn't "been there" in their history. The difference is that my ancestors didn't allow that to define them as so many allow what happened to their great,great,great grandparents here in the US.

Are there uneven practices in the US? Yes. A whole bunch and it's not fair. Do 99% of those people (African-Americans, Asians, Jews, etc) have a better life and opportunity here than what they would otherwise have in their home country? You know that answer but no one in the media will ever acknowledge it.
The difference is that being American means being American. Being an Italian-American, Irish-American, or African-American is different than being just American. It's where we all need to get to, but people feel they need to continue to identify with ethnic / cultural groups to protect themselves against the majority. It's what defines race actually. Some people are justified in their fear, some just want a smaller pond in which to compete. Be American!
Self promotion? I know Rapinoe lost an endorsement because of it, and Kap is taking all kinds of negativity from this protest. I think they just want to do something small to help big issues.

She'll gain 3 and sell some shirts over this. No one will lose their livelihood over this. Trust me.
Taking a knee? Well lets hope over the remaining 10 games 11 including the bowl that with roughly 30 seconds to go that Howard will be taking a knee in the standard victory formation.
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The difference is that being American means being American. Being an Italian-American, Irish-American, or African-American is different than being just American. It's where we all need to get to, but people feel they need to continue to identify with ethnic / cultural groups to protect themselves against the majority. It's what defines race actually. Some people are justified in their fear, some just want a smaller pond in which to compete. Be American!

Thanks for reinforcing my point. If people want to choose to be perpetual victims, then that is what they will be.
The intent of the title is to mislead and the OP wanted to post it in order to turn it into a socio-political topic. I am well aware what this is about and my intent was to point the discussion where it should go. The OT board.

Thank goodness a mod showed up to direct us on how to post. I was starting to get a little confused.
The intent of the title is to mislead and the OP wanted to post it in order to turn it into a socio-political topic. I am well aware what this is about and my intent was to point the discussion where it should go. The OT board.
Ok. I stand corrected. If it is misleading than OT it should go. I'm curious about people's thoughts on these subjects within the WVU sports community, but obviously not too familiar with the procedures of posting etiquette.
CE4, do you realize how ridiculous you sound pretending to be tricked into reading and posting in this thread? C'mon buddy. Hey TexasforevEER. I've been on this board for a looooong time. I know how it operates. I even kinda know you. Don't you just love anonymity? [WVU]
CE4, do you realize how ridiculous you sound pretending to be tricked into reading and posting in this thread? C'mon buddy. Hey TexasforevEER. I've been on this board for a looooong time. I know how it operates. I even kinda know you. Don't you just love anonymity? [WVU]

As compared to people making ridiculous small talk over a ridiculous topic on a board dealing with WVU athletics versus the OT board?

Gee, consider me unmoved...
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As compared to people making ridiculous small talk over a ridiculous topic on a board dealing with WVU athletics versus the OT board?

Gee, consider me unmoved...
here... for your trouble:cookie: [thumbsup]
CE4, do you realize how ridiculous you sound pretending to be tricked into reading and posting in this thread? C'mon buddy. Hey TexasforevEER. I've been on this board for a looooong time. I know how it operates. I even kinda know you. Don't you just love anonymity? [WVU]

Warez...............the name is Warez. you claim to know ole Warez? You been reading my mail?
If changed = annoyed....then yes.
Still got you thinking about it. That's the whole reason it's being done. The fact that it's pissing off the old blindly-flag-waving crowd makes me like it even more. Given this Fox News echo chamber Vernon's assembled here, it's no surprise you all have to be pissed about something trivial.
Still got you thinking about it. That's the whole reason it's being done. The fact that it's pissing off the old blindly-flag-waving crowd makes me like it even more. Given this Fox News echo chamber Vernon's assembled here, it's no surprise you all have to be pissed about something trivial.

I like to think that I'm pretty dialed in on the issues here. Thanks for assuming I don't.
The stuff that makes me mad isn't the issues's the way it's being done. They want to pull out the big paint brush and diss the FOP as well as our military as well as all socially tolerant people in this country.

Now I would understand if these were high school kids with little influence. They aren't. They all have the power and money to command an audience anywhere they wanted....heaven forbid where the actual problems are. Instead they do this weak crap. It's a cowards way out.

I assume you were a fan of the pig socks?