Although it may be slightly more than 30 minutes away, I'd seriously reccomend a trip to Muriale's in Fairmont. SW Resort is just off exit 91, Muriale's is maybe a mile away from exit 132, so you're looking at 41 miles at interstate speed, but there will undoubtedly be some traffic involved. Muriale's specializes in Italian food, and I've never had anything from there that I regretted ordering. Phillips Restaurant on Bridgeport Hill has some amazingly good Italian food, but their new location is somewhat cramped. Then there's the Wonder Bar, (they specialize in steaks) on top of OLD Bridgeport Hill, all within 30 minutes or so to the north of Stonewall Resort. If it's homestyle food you're wanting, try the I-79er at exit 79 just minutes south of Stonewall Resort, their parking lot is aways full of hungry visitors, sometimes by the bus load..
This post was edited on 7/15 6:28 PM by old buzzard