Stock market up 500 points so far


Oct 26, 2001
boom. If it were donny he would claim he was the best ever and when he farts the stock market gets better. So thanks Joe awesome job. So is my portfolio better than 4 years ago. Yep 100%%. Donny is done. Get your tickets to Russia MAGA idiots
boom. If it were donny he would claim he was the best ever and when he farts the stock market gets better. So thanks Joe awesome job. So is my portfolio better than 4 years ago. Yep 100%%. Donny is done. Get your tickets to Russia MAGA idiots
Have you been screened for intellectual disability? Serious question?
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boom. If it were donny he would claim he was the best ever and when he farts the stock market gets better. So thanks Joe awesome job. So is my portfolio better than 4 years ago. Yep 100%%. Donny is done. Get your tickets to Russia MAGA idiots

What do you have in your portfolio that's doing so well? If it's companies stock that supports WW3 then you might make some money. Because that's where Harris is taking us.
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boom. If it were donny he would claim he was the best ever and when he farts the stock market gets better. So thanks Joe awesome job. So is my portfolio better than 4 years ago. Yep 100%%. Donny is done. Get your tickets to Russia MAGA idiots


Getting paid by Iran.

Looks like Snuffy likes looking at feeds from naked dudes.

We are all old enough to remember everyone on the MSM telling us to "trust the science" while having the below Dr on.

Idiots like him were shutting down people's buisnesses, affecting the economy, and forcing mandatory vaccination to be allowed to participate in society.

We are all old enough to remember everyone on the MSM telling us to "trust the science" while having the below Dr on.

Idiots like him were shutting down people's buisnesses, affecting the economy, and forcing mandatory vaccination to be allowed to participate in society.

Snuffy still follows naked dudes on Twitter. What's so scientific about that?
We are all old enough to remember everyone on the MSM telling us to "trust the science" while having the below Dr on.

Idiots like him were shutting down people's buisnesses, affecting the economy, and forcing mandatory vaccination to be allowed to participate in society.

Snuffy still follows naked dudes on Twitter. What's so scientific about that?

Dr Varma? 5 million have watched already. Just hit the blue button then explain why so many in the MSM said he was a SME we should obey?
boom. If it were donny he would claim he was the best ever and when he farts the stock market gets better. So thanks Joe awesome job. So is my portfolio better than 4 years ago. Yep 100%%. Donny is done. Get your tickets to Russia MAGA idiots
Keep dreaming Samantha.

Two-thirds of Americans (65%) say in an open-ended question that expenses and the cost of living are the biggest economic problem facing their family today.

High inflation made finances worse for Americans.

Seems the Biden plan to remove the hard working middle class from life is about to payoff and turn this country into a shit hole communist regime.
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boom. If it were donny he would claim he was the best ever and when he farts the stock market gets better. So thanks Joe awesome job. So is my portfolio better than 4 years ago. Yep 100%%. Donny is done. Get your tickets to Russia MAGA idiots
It’s interesting considering almost every article at the WSJ has been stating the rate cut is a byproduct of panic by the Fed and the Administration due to the massive slowdown in the economy. Jamie Dimon is betting on and actively stating Stagflation is likely which is worse than a depression. Mark Cuban stated Kamala’s policies would lead to disaster in the market. Multiple Hedge Funds have said they’ll pull their money out of the market if she’s elected due to the volatility her policies would bring.

But yea, missing jobs numbers for multiple months is greaaaaaat news. Eyeroll.

We have a major problem brewing that will happen conveniently when Congress will be out of Session on another extended vacation.

5 of 11 Ports will be shut down by a Strike and the cost of goods will skyrocket even higher than they are now.

The workers are asking for a 77% raise over the next 6 years which will also raise the cost of goods.

Our already low Supplies will reach a catastrophic level and our Congress MUST cancel their October through the first half of November vacation and see the Port negotiations through to a successful, quick conclusion.

Bad things happen to our country when Congress isn't in Session and this time in 10 days, our Country is going to face a Supply Chain Crisis at a time where Americans already can't pay their rent or feed their families.

It's all inflationary.

Too much money will be chasing hardly any goods.
It’s interesting considering almost every article at the WSJ has been stating the rate cut is a byproduct of panic by the Fed and the Administration due to the massive slowdown in the economy. Jamie Dimon is betting on and actively stating Stagflation is likely which is worse than a depression. Mark Cuban stated Kamala’s policies would lead to disaster in the market. Multiple Hedge Funds have said they’ll pull their money out of the market if she’s elected due to the volatility her policies would bring.

But yea, missing jobs numbers for multiple months is greaaaaaat news. Eyeroll.
You are wasting your time trying to have a dialogue with this idiot. Sammy is nothing but hate filled Trump hater.
All sammy has to do is check out the price for a lb. of butter.
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You are wasting your time trying to have a dialogue with this idiot. Sammy is nothing but hate filled Trump hater.
All sammy has to do is check out the price for a lb. of butter.
Speaking of. I am out of butter and I am setting up a GoFundMe so I can go to Aldi later.