Springfield, Ohio... Mayor Rob Rue and his 25 single family residential properties...

It's being done on purpose. It's not by accident.

Wait 'till you see what I have planned for New York City!

We can already see some of it Kamala!

See? Told 'ya!

Yeah thanks Commrade watch big Apple voters turn out en masse against your subversive ass! 😏
Debate moderators claim Trump lied when he referenced this subject during the debate. Strange that they claimed he lied while remaining silent on Kammi's mentions of past lies told about Trump references... One would thing they were openly biased against Trump....... Has to be Trump bias cause everyone knows Kommi Kammi isn't smart enough to run this country..... mind you, I said run sause I am quite sure she can ruin any country..

Springfield, Ohio: Multiple homeless locals speak on how the Haitian influx is negatively affecting them: “They taking the jobs, they taking the houses, and they get money.”“We’re American citizens we was born here and we can’t get half the benefits they get.” “They getting everything over here man, and then they look at us like we ain’t shit.”“We’ve got to fight for it but they get to come here and just get it handed to them? That’s not fair to my daughter.”