Too bad she didn't run over him.
Amazing, this "non-racist" poster puts only the black on white crimes.......but, he's not "racist" by any means........
Just another shit hole African country.White South Africans are being slaughter daily. The government has decided that it's legal to take their land without compensation. It really is a human rights travesty, but by all means post your little drive by BS and run away like a little bitch.
Feel free to post videos of all the south african white on white crimes.Amazing, this "non-racist" poster puts only the black on white crimes.......but, he's not "racist" by any means........
Feel free to post videos of all the south african white on white crimes.
Amazing how the worlds media is ignoring the horror that is going on in South Africa.
It is murderous racism and being largely ignored.
According to the Tide pod eaters on here black people can't be racist.
Well, I don't believe that but people sure don't like talking about racism against white people...........funny that.....
And for the love of god, don't mention the fact that Europe is being colonized by Middle Eastern Muslims and African refugees. They'll lose their shit over that revelation.
If you strong enough, you enforce your borders. If not, you get run over.
Only people who are both white and black are racist.According to the Tide pod eaters on here black people can't be racist.
According to the Tide pod eaters on here black people can't be racist.
Amazing how the worlds media is ignoring the horror that is going on in South Africa.
It is murderous racism and being largely ignored.
Amazing, this "non-racist" poster puts only the black on white crimes.......but, he's not "racist" by any means........
White South Africans are being slaughter daily. The government has decided that it's legal to take their land without compensation. It really is a human rights travesty, but by all means post your little drive by BS and run away like a little bitch.
Just another normal day in Africa.
With today's high cost of electricity, I would prefer to use a small lead pellet to the forehead...but not too small...Someone on the Left asked me the other day since I'm Pro Life, do I favor the Death penalty? I wonder how many of them (assuming they don't favor it) would be OK with these thugs living after committing the heinous crimes they are charged with if what they did was done to one of their own Family?
I'd bet every damn one of those phony Leftists would want to see these bastards fried with as much electricity as could be generated.