Per sources, Russian hacking played a pivotal role in Ronda Rousey getting destroyed tonight.
Per sources, Russian hacking played a pivotal role in Ronda Rousey getting destroyed tonight.
Russia is taking over this country and simple folks are rooting them on. Times are a changing
Not that it matters here but during the Sochi Olympics, the average time for Russian hackers breaking into your personal laptop or cell phone upon your plane landing at the airport was roughly 12 minutes......
Just a fun fact from someone who works in the field......
But I'm sure that was just propaganda.......
Not that it matters here but during the Sochi Olympics, the average time for Russian hackers breaking into your personal laptop or cell phone upon your plane landing at the airport was roughly 12 minutes......
Just a fun fact from someone who works in the field......
But I'm sure that was just propaganda.......
I assume the US was stop-watched at 11 minutes.
If we did that to random civilians it would be reported....
We don't.
Meanwhile, I have a piece of electrical tap over my webcam.
Why? We already know what you look like
Russia isn't taking over anything, all propaganda by the media. Hell, the title of many of their articles made it sound that Russia hacked the actual ballot machines lol. Russia wasn't even involved in any hacking, just sour grapes and poor sportsmanship by those who cannot accept defeat. Acting like teenage girls, blaming everyone and everything besides themselves. By those who lashed out at Trump before the election and said he should accept the results. Oh, how the tune changes when you are defeated.
Be interested in your opinions on the finding of Russian malware found on US electrical infrastructure systems in VT today.....
More propaganda?
They have. We don't unless you're trying to build a nuke
Meanwhile Trump is thanking Putin for being so nice on Twitter and calling him great and "so, so smart"
They have. We don't unless you're trying to build a nuke
Meanwhile Trump is thanking Putin for being so nice on Twitter and calling him great and "so, so smart"
It's embarrassing. He looks like the beaten housewife who tells the cops she deserves it
Russia wasn't even involved in any hacking.
I've read some about the Stuxnet hack, interesting stuff.
Can someone do something useful, like spiking Trump's Twitter account? Going to be a long four years.Now remind yourself that was 7 years ago.....
One USB drive took down an entire nuclear program
Imagine what we can do now
You don't seriously believe this?
Didn't Snowden have to run to Russia because he exposed the government hacking
I know you're a left winger but take the loss like a man. You got beat. Russia didn't make Hillary unlikable, she did that all herself. Let's not pretend she didn't have the media campaigning for about a "rigged election"......when media is suppose to be unbiased yet they are literally campaigning for her. Then a group of "hackers" exposed her and the DNC corruption, then it's everyone else's fault..............let's just ignore what was exposed. Reminds me of Snowden. He exposes illegal activity. Should be a hero. But nope, he's labeled as a villain. He was blamed for shining a light on blatant violation of the United States Constitution.
When you have a 2 Party Dictatorship, you get stuck with losers like Hillary and Trump. They are only monsters of the system. The system needs to be done away with, so much $$$ spend on both sides of the election in "campaign money", it's nauseating. Do away with political parties. Then you'll have far more legit and genuine candidates.
Until the 2 Party Dictatorship is removed, freedoms will continue to be restricted, more worthless and unjustified wars will be waged, healthcare system will continue to suck, infrastructure will continue to crumble, and economy will continue to sputter. Nothing ever gets done. Republicans block the Democrats, Democrats block the Republicans. Both parties only care about political party agendas, not the well-being of this country. They put party before country. It's nauseating as hell. It's treated as a sporting event. American people loses because of it.
The actual fact is that Putin laughs his ass off at Trump....well that and also that KC has proved a valid point....I don't even need to be Merican to know this...
Oh I definitely agree the conspiracy theory is laughable...and yes Obama is too bad there wasn't a legit viable third option on the ballot for you at the time....if there were, that guy/gal would actually be for the people I would assume...or perhaps hope.He laughs his ass off at Obama too, punks him on a daily basis lol
Wikileaks have said numerous times that their source is not Russian. To me, they are more credible than anyone else out there including our own government. Democrats hate Wikileaks now but I remember only few years ago, they loved them when they were exposing the Bush Administration.
The Russian conspiracy theory is laughable
What's even more laughable is that the Cold War hysteria still exists and is quite strong.
Oh I definitely agree the conspiracy theory is laughable...and yes Obama is too bad there wasn't a legit viable third option on the ballot for you at the time....if there were, that guy/gal would actually be for the people I would assume...or perhaps hope.
Not that I give a rats backside, but if you google Wasington Post / Vermont, you will see that the Wash Post retracted that story yesterday and stated that there is no evidence that Russia was in anyway related.Be interested in your opinions on the finding of Russian malware found on US electrical infrastructure systems in VT today.....
More propaganda?
Not that I give a rats backside, but if you google Wasington Post / Vermont, you will see that the Wash Post retracted that story yesterday and stated that there is no evidence that Russia was in anyway related.
Ok Keaton, I would listen to the security advisors and run with it. Happy New Year.That's neat. I know for a fact that it has been reported by valid security investigators, and there are a host of other sources online, that show it happened
The story was retracted because they stated the infiltration was nationwide. The attackers used a particular set of malware during the attack that ties back solely to Russian-made code. They went in and earmarked the way into the electrical grid, saving it for later.
It's an act of aggression and ego..... "look what we can do"..... no damage done yet, but it is no different than North Korea testing missiles off their coast
Who do you consider real Americans? Obama's crew? what a jokeI don't expect all republicans to lay down as Russia takes over. Some of them actually support democracy. There may be a revolution