Soon bi-otches...very soon...Trumps is going to bring the wiretapping evidence

and it's going to be bigly.
lol. Maybe he can bring Bret Bair in to testify. I mean it's not like he has any intelligence agencies at his disposal.

I also like his Clintonian like defense of changing the meaning of words.
lol. Maybe he can bring Bret Bair in to testify. I mean it's not like he has any intelligence agencies at his disposal.

I also like his Clintonian like defense of changing the meaning of words.
Somebody was listening, don't know who, because what has been leaked could only have been known by clandestine eaves dropping.
lol. Maybe he can bring Bret Bair in to testify. I mean it's not like he has any intelligence agencies at his disposal.

I also like his Clintonian like defense of changing the meaning of words.
Oh it happened and he's got the evidence...people are going to take a fall...bigly
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Somebody was listening, don't know who, because what has been leaked could only have been known by clandestine eaves dropping.
But who were they tapping? So far the Senate and house committees are saying it wasn't Trump Tower; hence, the admin trying to change the meaning of words instead of admitting POTUS was stupid and wrong for his twitter fit.
But who were they tapping? So far the Senate and house committees are saying it wasn't Trump Tower; hence, the admin trying to change the meaning of words instead of admitting POTUS was stupid and wrong for his twitter fit.
Pretty explicit.
But who were they tapping? So far the Senate and house committees are saying it wasn't Trump Tower; hence, the admin trying to change the meaning of words instead of admitting POTUS was stupid and wrong for his twitter fit.
OK, lets get this straight, Trumps communications were given out, his conversations to Canadian and Mexico's PM in direct violation of the law, so it doesn't matter. Somebody violated the law. This undermines any president. It was by our intelligence service and communicated by law breaking americans. I hope they are apprehended and jailed. Do I think Obama was stupid enough to ask himself? No. he isn't above having somebody else ask it though.
OK, lets get this straight, Trumps communications were given out, his conversations to Canadian and Mexico's PM in direct violation of the law, so it doesn't matter. Somebody violated the law. This undermines any president. It was by our intelligence service and communicated by law breaking americans. I hope they are apprehended and jailed. Do I think Obama was stupid enough to ask himself? No. he isn't above having somebody else ask it though.
His conversations with Canada and Mexico happened as President at the White House. Absolutely nothing to do with what he twatted about. Not only that, but you think ex-POTUS has enough power to control the intel community? Doesn't sound too good for old Little Hands.
His conversations with Canada and Mexico happened as President at the White House. Absolutely nothing to do with what he twatted about. Not only that, but you think ex-POTUS has enough power to control the intel community? Doesn't sound too good for old Little Hands.

Doesn't bode well for the next president if a conservative in the intel community decides to undermine a liberal commie like Obama was.,
Doesn't bode well for the next president if a conservative in the intel community decides to undermine a liberal commie like Obama was.,
Glad we are changing the subject. Maybe Fox & Friends can testify to the Senate Intel Committee about Obama tapping wires at Trump Tower? They could televise it. Yuge ratings.
Saw parts of Donald's interview on Fox last night. Sounds like what I suspect is true. He read some older articles about "wiretaps" and ran with it in a tweet.
Oh it happened and he's got the evidence...people are going to take a fall...bigly

Word is it will be "Tuesday or Wednesday", right after the investigation results of 5 million people illegally voting are released and right after he releases his tax returns.
Word is it will be "Tuesday or Wednesday", right after the investigation results of 5 million people illegally voting are released and right after he releases his tax returns.
I thought Madcow already released his tax returns. [roll]