So your 5th highest rated recruit


Jan 15, 2007
in the 2014 class was kicked off the team before the bowl for fondling the maid in the hotel and flashing her his junk? Sad state of affairs.
in the 2014 class was kicked off the team before the bowl for fondling the maid in the hotel and flashing her his junk? Sad state of affairs.
Doc has been trying to offer him $25/hour and advance copies of tests, since he heard the news...
Doc has been trying to offer him $25/hour and advance copies of tests, since he heard the news...

Maybe if Holgs had extra practice time like DickRod did this may not have happened. Kid may have been too busy to try and assult someone
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in the 2014 class was kicked off the team before the bowl for fondling the maid in the hotel and flashing her his junk? Sad state of affairs.

Just another perfect example of why I don't put much stock in recruiting rankings. I don't care how many stars they came in with, I won't rate them a good or bad player until I see them perform on the field.

If he had just bashed her in the face with a beer bottle he could continue starting at Marshall
Just another perfect example of why I don't put much stock in recruiting rankings. I don't care how many stars they came in with, I won't rate them a good or bad player until I see them perform on the field.

If he had just bashed her in the face with a beer bottle he could continue starting at Marshall
" Stars" mean nothing to me as well. Some recruits will turn out to be good players, some will turn out to be good players and good people, some will be good players and lousy people...some will be bad players and bad people!
That's right, Doc is a strict disciplinarian with standards ... she's gotta be pregnant too

That was under Pruett not Doc you dolts. Her brother-in-law was a good friend of mine and called me the night that happened and begged me to go to the bar it took place in with him. His intentions were not good to say the least. He was Jeff Edwards, the former Marshall center. Her dad was a prominent booster who cut his ties with Marshall after he told Pruett personally to cut Bernie or he'd cut his ties with the University, you see what happened next. We should've cut him that night. Fever, on the other hand said she had it coming, which is why I do not like his punk ass. Sometimes I do wish we would've went down there, fortunately his wife and my wife had the cooler heads.
That was under Pruett not Doc you dolts

I'm aware of that. But that's not as fun on a smack board. :)

Pruett is/was a classless POS, and the largest factor IMO in the animosity that has developed between the 2 schools.
Maybe if Holgs had extra practice time like DickRod did this may not have happened. Kid may have been too busy to try and assult someone
Maybe if he was being paid $25/hour and given advance copies of tests, like Pruett did, he wouldn't be on his way to a shit school like Marshall...
Her dad was a prominent booster who cut his ties with Marshall after he told Pruett personally to cut Bernie or he'd cut his ties with the University, you see what happened next.

Sad, indeed. It's good that no one had to threaten Holgorsen to cut Funderburk.
Her brother-in-law was a good friend of mine and called me the night that happened and begged me to go to the bar it took place in with him. His intentions were not good to say the least.

Funny story, completely unrelated except for the "bar in Huntington" part:

My buddies and I were in Huntington visiting friends that went to Marshall. We were out at a bar (no way I could tell you which one or even what street it was on at this point, I believe that was the last time I was in Huntington and this would have been around '89) and there was a long ramp from the front door of the bar up into where the bar actually was. We were sitting at a table more or less at the end of the ramp.

A fight breaks out someplace and people get pushed into our table and onto us. We start grabbing people and pushing them out of the bar (including the bouncer as it turns out, LOL). So anyway, one of the guys, may have been part of the original fight starts getting hostile with my friend and my friend takes him and has him pinned up against the wall/glass outside, the guy's feet are barely touching.

Some girl is screaming about her purse being missing ... I see a purse a few feet away on the ground so I pick it up and ask her if it was hers. She said yes and takes it from me.

Then immediately uses the purse to start beating my friend who apparently has her boyfriend pinned against wall. LOL. I take the purse back away from her, and some guy grabs me, I take him to the ground and am holding him down, only to find out that he was the bouncer. LOL

Fun night when you're 21.[/QUOTE]
You're referring to the woman that was attacked in Morgantown, who said her attacker wasn't a WVU fan and was not football related? Yeah...I believe she was pregnant.

Yes I am talking about the woman and her husband that were beaten with an LSU fan in the backseat while leaving a WVU game
Funny story, completely unrelated except for the "bar in Huntington" part:

My buddies and I were in Huntington visiting friends that went to Marshall. We were out at a bar (no way I could tell you which one or even what street it was on at this point, I believe that was the last time I was in Huntington and this would have been around '89) and there was a long ramp from the front door of the bar up into where the bar actually was. We were sitting at a table more or less at the end of the ramp.

A fight breaks out someplace and people get pushed into our table and onto us. We start grabbing people and pushing them out of the bar (including the bouncer as it turns out, LOL). So anyway, one of the guys, may have been part of the original fight starts getting hostile with my friend and my friend takes him and has him pinned up against the wall/glass outside, the guy's feet are barely touching.

Some girl is screaming about her purse being missing ... I see a purse a few feet away on the ground so I pick it up and ask her if it was hers. She said yes and takes it from me.

Then immediately uses the purse to start beating my friend who apparently has her boyfriend pinned against wall. LOL. I take the purse back away from her, and some guy grabs me, I take him to the ground and am holding him down, only to find out that he was the bouncer. LOL

Fun night when you're 21.

I got bounced from Gatsbys the night before it shut down completely back in 02. Mike Slay (Tamar's Brother) and I grew up together and knew each other quite well. We were having a conversation, which we were almost face to face because it was so fvcking loud. The bouncers who I assume thought we were about to throw hands attacked me from behind and threw me outside. In the mayhem my Nike Sandal fell off, I asked for it back and the prick threw it on top of the building. I bought those in Korea a few years prior while deployed so I lost my shit. I took the other one off and ran barefoot back in the bar and slapped him right across the damn mouth with it. I started fighting with pretty much all of them and got roughed up pretty good. The cops came so I gave them my military ID and luckily I did not go to jail. The officer did make them get my sandal back however off the top of the building. So it was a win for me, at least I think so.
Literally laughed out loud at that. [cheers] OMG that's funny.:boxing:

Lol, yeah that really pissed me off. Probably should've just let that go but who throws someone's shoe away? Wtf!
I can go on for days with these type stories about my time in the military. I drank and I fought way more than I ever should have.
Way to represent. That's why you don't start stupid ass threads about something dumb some kid did. I would be more embarrassed if our entire team got into a fight in a bowl game on national (sort of) television.

I got bounced from Gatsbys the night before it shut down completely back in 02. Mike Slay (Tamar's Brother) and I grew up together and knew each other quite well. We were having a conversation, which we were almost face to face because it was so fvcking loud. The bouncers who I assume thought we were about to throw hands attacked me from behind and threw me outside. In the mayhem my Nike Sandal fell off, I asked for it back and the prick threw it on top of the building. I bought those in Korea a few years prior while deployed so I lost my shit. I took the other one off and ran barefoot back in the bar and slapped him right across the damn mouth with it. I started fighting with pretty much all of them and got roughed up pretty good. The cops came so I gave them my military ID and luckily I did not go to jail. The officer did make them get my sandal back however off the top of the building. So it was a win for me, at least I think so.[/QUOTE]

Lol. 'Murica, baby!
I was stationed on kings bay ga for a bit and while at the beach in Fernandina me and a few other marines befriended some guys who played soccer for UNF. They were having a party that night and invited us to attend. Basically, we show up and keep the peace and we drink for free, sounded great at the time.
So we are there about an hour and everything's cool, until one guy shows up and they give us the nod like "no he can't come in." So we denied him, he comes back with about 8-10 of his boys. We step aside (three of us) and let them roll in. About a minute later the house turns into a battle royal. We were like fvck it, we are out. We never made it to the door, it seemed as if the entire party turned on us. We got our asses beat. One chick came at me with a liquor bottle, she did that twice actually. The second time was the last time. I watched my buddy Kevin Cole get hit with a floor lamp that was like 5 feet tall, and Chuck Floyd was getting destroyed by some cat and two hands full of ash trays. We finally made it out, Jumped a fence and escaped to a gas station. We called the base, we had the designated driver come and pick us up. That asshole got pulled over for speeding on the way out and he blew a .18 (the damn DD) blew a .18. The Florida trooper looked at us and asked if we were part of the huge brawl on San Pedro. "Yes sir" we replied, he said I'll get you to the state line then you're on your own. Luckily we were coherent enough to explain to him what happened and he let us go. Buelt, the DD went to jail. We walked three miles back to base. I had no ID on me so the navy mp would not let me on. After I became very belligerent the asshole pepper sprayed me, then I was hog tied and bound at the ankles and wrists both behind my back . They made the calls to verify who I was. They dropped me in his cruiser and escorted to the officer of the day's feet, which was the Command Sergeant Major. They literally dropped me at his feet. Cole and Floyd were taken to the hospital, I was taken to my room and we spent the next 30 days on restriction. I had to go through career alcohol counseling and was stripped of my secret clearance and back to the fleet marine force I went.
So after a WVU game in which fans not of WVU were beaten up by people after a WVU game and it has nothing to do with WVU. You're right, it has nothing to do with WVU. Except for the fact that every article on it mentions WVU
So after a WVU game in which fans not of WVU were beaten up by people after a WVU game and it has nothing to do with WVU. You're right, it has nothing to do with WVU. Except for the fact that every article on it mentions WVU

The particular instance you were talking about had nothing to do with WVU, the players or the fans....According to the victim(s).

You weren't there or involved, sooooooo.....
Beating of LSU fans at WVU game called unusual
By Margaret Harding
Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011

His nose broken, his forehead cracked and his crushed eye socket healing, Marcus Mason dozed in a back room as his mother-in-law talked about the mob assault on him, her pregnant daughter and two others after a football game in Morgantown.

"I think they'll both recover," said Helen Smith of Natchez, Miss., who came to care for the Cecil couple's 2-year-old son when she heard that a group of men attacked Mason, 30, and his wife, Hannah, 32, on Saturday night following the game between West Virginia and Louisiana State University.

Hannah Mason was driving her husband and two other men from a parking lot access road toward Route 705 when someone threw a rock into the open driver's-side window, Morgantown police said. When she asked why someone threw a rock, three men approached and began assaulting Marcus Mason, who was in a seatbelt.

The men pulled him from the vehicle and attacked backseat passengers Nathan Ray, 21, of Houston and Douglas Lewis, 34, of Canonsburg, police said. Hannah Mason, who is 21 weeks pregnant, was hurt when she was thrown down as she tried to pull a man off her husband, Smith said.

Smith said that when her daughter started screaming, other people approached and the assailants fled.

"She is very shaken," Smith, 59, said of her daughter. "Of course, she's sore and bruised, too." Ray and Lewis had minor injuries.

Medics took Marcus Mason to Mon General Hospital for treatment. He was transferred to UPMC Presbyterian in Oakland and discharged on Tuesday. Hannah Mason wasn't available to comment.

Smith said friends and neighbors have agreed to bring food for the family over the next couple of weeks. "The community has really come together in such a beautiful way." She added that WVU and the Morgantown police have shown "extreme support."

Smith said Morgantown detectives were at the couple's home yesterday and took boots, pants and a jacket as evidence, and examined the car.

Police said the incident was unusual. "We have some fights, sometimes there are arguments with pushing," Morgantown police Lt. Harold Sperringer said. "This was out of the ordinary."

Sperringer said police don't doubt the Masons' account of the events.

Police said it's unclear what prompted the incident. The car didn't have any LSU stickers or signs, although one victim wore an LSU hat and another had an LSU sweatshirt, police said.

Sperringer said police were searching social media sites for documentation of the assault and that they hope witnesses will step forward.

The suspects fled in a light-colored sport utility vehicle, police said. Morgantown police ask that anyone with information call 304-284-7454.

So WVU has shown extreme support even though it didn't involve WVU? Hmm, who knew WVU police and officials were such good Samaritans regarding issues unrelated to WVU.
And you weren't there and weren't involved, sooooo.
That was under Pruett not Doc you dolts. Her brother-in-law was a good friend of mine and called me the night that happened and begged me to go to the bar it took place in with him. His intentions were not good to say the least. He was Jeff Edwards, the former Marshall center. Her dad was a prominent booster who cut his ties with Marshall after he told Pruett personally to cut Bernie or he'd cut his ties with the University, you see what happened next. We should've cut him that night. Fever, on the other hand said she had it coming, which is why I do not like his punk ass. Sometimes I do wish we would've went down there, fortunately his wife and my wife had the cooler heads.

She was a slut who tried to pin her pregnancy on any black guy in Huntington she could find