So where is this a-hole?

Hi GUYS. The Mask has been gone. I think he had a sick family member or something. He was one and done, but apparently has left an impact on you. I had no idea anyone took him seriously. It was fun while it lasted. GL this weekend dudes. Should be a dandy. Go Cats!

Hi GUYS. The Mask has been gone. I think he had a sick family member or something. He was one and done, but apparently has left an impact on you. I had no idea anyone took him seriously. It was fun while it lasted. GL this weekend dudes. Should be a dandy. Go Cats!

Screw with WVU......someone you love dies. Let this be a lesson to all.
Best thing to do with someone like the Mask is ignore them. They hate that. Hope his family is OK, though. I don't wish anyone ill, even Pitt and Marshall fans. Pity, yes, but not wishing them ill.

M anhandled Missouri, 26-11

O rdinary against Youngstown, 38-21

U nnerving miracle goalline tip/interception escapes BYU, 35-32

N euter Kansas State

T rample Texas Tech

A nnihilate TCU

I mpale Oklahoma State

N ail Kansas

E radicate Texas

E rectile dysfunction Oklahoma

R oll over Iowa State

S uffocate Baylor
I opened this thread thinking I was walking into a showdown.

Refreshing.....even though I've never lost.
First game of the season. I am sure the old grey fox prepared all year for that one.
Stanford lost to North-f'ing-western in the Cardinal's opener last year and didn't even score a touchdown.

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